Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2343: You are too cunning

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Everyone was stunned.

Even Lin Feng above frowned, but he didn't expect this to happen.

His first-generation class actually caused such a thing, which is not a good thing.

Originally Lin Feng also felt that this substitute was very easy, but the accident happened.

"My heart was attacked by cold, and the acupuncture point was closed. It seems that it takes a long time to cultivate, and the power of the spear array is too great."

Lin Feng touched Tie Niu's hand and seemed to feel something.

At this time, a white frost had condensed on Tie Niu's body.

This layer of frost brush fell like ice chips.

And his body exuded a cold air, even if it was tens of feet away from him, he could feel the cold air diffuse in the air.

"How did you use the spear array just now? Which link was wrong?"

Lin Feng didn't know what he had taken in his arms, and after taking it to Tie Niu, the chill gradually disappeared.

However, this time all the power of the anti-bite of the spear array was concentrated on the body of the iron bull, so the injury of the iron bull was the heaviest.

"I did it according to Tie Niu's steps, and I felt that there was not enough spare power behind it, but Tie Niu said it was okay, and I didn't pay attention. But I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen."

Xiao Nai He said quietly that there was no expression on his face.

"You repeat the steps he said."

"He said that there are six eyes in the spear array. I want to control the two eyes, the stem and the ground, to run the mind, absorb the coldness of the void, and transform the spear through the two eyes."

"Huh? Dry branch and dry ground? Did he really say that?"


Xiao Nai explained all the steps that Tie Niu said, as long as Lin Feng was smart enough, he would definitely find out.

Sure enough, Xiao Nai noticed that Lin Feng's brow was slightly wrinkled, and took a deep look at the iron bull on the ground. It seemed that Lin Feng did find something.

All these words Xiao Nai told Lin Feng, according to Lin Feng's strength, only a little inference, absolutely can guess some ideas of Tie Niu.

It was just that Xiao Nai was supposed to be repulsed by the array of eyes, but later it was repulsed on Tie Niu, which Lin Feng couldn't understand.

But he didn't want to pursue it either. He knew that this iron bull must be trying to calculate Xiao Naihe, but he was unsuccessful. Instead, he suffered himself and was swallowed by the cold in the formation.

At this time Lin Feng suddenly complained about Tie Niu. This seemingly honest and honest man did not expect such a cunning and vicious.

But he did not like Xiao Naihe, just because these two people made him tainted this time.

Originally Lin Feng was not very interested in substituting, but once he decided to do something, he must do it well.

It was because of the emergence of two mouse shit, Xiao Naihe and Tie Niu, that broke his perfect performance.

"Something happened today, you can only leave the class ahead of time. You go back and find some information about the spear array. But you should also take it as a warning. The destructive power of the main array is great, but once you do not grasp it well, very It ’s easy to fight back. Now, let ’s finish! ”

Lin Feng waved his hand, and then a force of nothingness wrapped the iron bull on the ground. The next two people directly disappeared in the wind.

After Lin Feng left, a large group of people began to talk about it, but basically it was for Xiao Naihe's troubles with Tie Niu this time.

He didn't even treat Xiao Naihe as a broom star.

Many people actually wanted to follow Lin Feng's class for a longer period of time, but did not expect Xiao Naihe and Tie Niu to mix up and terminate the class directly in advance.

Some people also hate Tie Niu and Xiao Nai.

It's just that Xiao Naihe didn't know these people's thoughts at all. He had just left the Taoist Academy teaching field.

Gong Gongling followed him, waiting for them to return to their residence and turned their heads into a quiet grove. Gong Yueling asked, "Did you really have insufficient energy just now, did you cause the formation to go back?"

"Insufficient energy? Not yet, just to teach the iron cow a lesson!"


Gong Yueling was slightly surprised.

"You are from the Jiugong family, don't you know the spear array?"

"Of course I know Lance Array, but I haven't learned the tactics of Lance Array. I just know some of the key points. The lance array's killing formation based on cold gathering is very popular in the battlefield.

"It's true that after the Sheng Sheng, it seems that you still know a lot. Yes, this spear formation is a very popular kind of killing formation. But generally speaking, as long as you reach the sixth level, you can barely exhibit it. .Tie Niu's cultivation practice is already the sixth level of supremacy, but why should he order me and let me help him? "

"What do you want to say?"

"I do n’t know how this iron bull knows about the spear array. But the two words he gave me, there is a mistake. Once I cast it, it will be repulsed by the cold. It will not die at that time. I'm afraid I can't eat it. "

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

"How to say?"

"There are indeed two mantras in the spear formation. The dry and dry ground is the formation of the eyes, which gathers the cold, but it does not penetrate the formation, but cuts the formation of the formation to achieve a divided and gathered effect. But Tie Niu deliberately reversed this mantra, and the end is the cold bite, which will explode the person who applied the array. "

Gong Yueling is also not a stupid person. Hearing Xiao Naihe's explanation, he immediately knew the key.

"You mean ... this iron bull wants to harm you? But why does he hurt you, what good is it for him?"

Soon after these two people seemed to know each other, how could Tie Niu harm Xiao Nai for no reason?

"In this Taoist Academy, or Suzaku College, there is only one person who has grievances with me."

"Would it be Wu Yang?"

"It should be him. If I didn't guess wrong, Tie Niu should be the person of Wu Yang. He has contacted me three or four times. It must be Wu Yang's meaning. Maybe he doesn't really want to deal with me, but looks at him Put it on you. "

When Xiao Naiho talked about this, he stopped talking.

Because of Gong Yueling, he was involved in this kind of storm and was helpless.

At this time, Xiao Nai could not help but sigh in his heart, and he was considered to be bullied by the dog.

Today's self is simply not as good as it used to be in this kind of thing.

If he regained his strength at the peak, he would have no choice but to jump on the front of himself like a leapfrog clown, and one finger could completely kill Wu Yang.

However, he became more and more intensive in resuming cultivation. Only by resuming cultivation and gaining strength would he be eligible to live longer in this world.

"In this way, you knew the formula of the spear formation from the beginning. The reason why the iron bull was repulsed by the formation is also because of you?"

"Hmm! Spear array is not difficult. The two formulas he said, I modified the casting route in it, and it will directly bite back to Tie Niu. But what I told Lin Feng was not a lie, all are Tie Niu. I said it myself. With Lin Feng's masters, I will naturally find out what I will not do to me. "

Gong Yueling breathed a sigh of relief and gave Xiao Naihe a deep look, and suddenly sighed: "Xiao Nai, Xiao Naihe, now I am more certain that you are simply the most cunning of the people I have ever seen."

"If I'm not smart, I'm just afraid that it's me who loses. There are more cruel people in this world than me, and I'm not cruel."

Xiao Nai waved his hand, unwilling to entangle on this topic for too long.

At this time Gong Yueling had already believed Xiao Naihe's words.

She is not stupid. As long as you carefully speculate on some things, you can naturally see clues from it. Xiao Naihe will not deceive her.


Chen Wuji did not know about Xiao Naihe and Tie Niu.

This time the original course was under the responsibility of Chen Wuji, but because of Xiao Nai's affairs, Chen Wuji also asked Lin Feng to take the class.

And he went to the library in the Taoist Temple to find information.

"Chen Wuji, you will actually come to the Book Store. This is very rare. What are you looking for?"

Chen Wuji had just stepped into the library, and suddenly an old man appeared in front of him.

This old man walks without shadow, with no trace of breath, and is obviously a master of the passive realm.

"I'm working on a formation recently, but this formation is a bit flawed. I want to find some information. It doesn't matter. You don't have to worry about it."

Chen Wuji said quickly.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but he can't say it now.

For the time being, Xiao Naihe didn't want others to know.

Because the six colors that appeared on the battle rock at the same time never appeared in themselves, Chen Wuji was worried that Xiao Na might be in trouble after being known, and he might also be in trouble.

For the time being, he is still not sure how Xiao Naihe's talents are in the lineup. If he really fights for the 10,000th chance, Xiao Naohe is really a lineup wizard, which is definitely huge for Chen Wuji the benefits of.

This is also the reason why he does not want to tell the old man, it matters a lot.

"Well, you can find it yourself, I will sit here first."

This old man was the caretaker of the Book Shelter, and some of the Daoyuan knew about the old man's existence.

It has been many years since the old man achieved the passive state, but because he has not broken through a higher step, he came directly to the library, and wanted to use the knowledge in the library to find opportunities.

"This Chen Wuji, there must be something hiding from me. His talent is better than me, what formation will he encounter. What kind of books he is looking for in the Book Collection Pavilion?"

The old man deeply looked at Chen Wuji's disappearing back and said to himself.

This old man is not a stupid person. He also knows Chen Wuji very much. He speculates a little, and also directly speculates something. He is more certain that Chen Wuji must have other purposes.

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