Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2349: Mysterious array

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That's right, this array did move.

Xiao Naihe's eyes suddenly flashed a glimmer of glory.

Because the moment the array moves, it seems to project a feeling that can affect people's hearts.

"This array is a little weird. It must not be simple. How could this historical book record such a perfect array? It was like sealing the array out of thin air."

Xiao Naihe knew that the picture in this book was unlikely to be drawn by ordinary means.

He looked at the traces around the history book and moved a little.

At this time, he finally found a strange place in this book.

In the middle of the book gap, there seemed to be a weird bump, Xiao Naihe gently tossed.

Suddenly, the pages originally engraved with this image were actually dropped directly, and at the moment of the fall, the pages burned instantly, and they burned out instantly.

However, although the pages of the book are burning, it seems that the array has not been completely burned out, but instead shows a three-dimensional form.

I saw that the array floated in the void, without any load, but it seemed like a means of drawing the array in the void.

"Sure enough, this array is not portrayed by ordinary people. This history book and this page of arrays are simply two different things. I just don't know who combined these two things."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, this historical book was originally in a very secret corner.

If Xiao Nai did not pay careful attention, he would not even notice it.

It is very likely that this page of the map was closed only recently.

"What exactly is this page array? And who intentionally closed this page array. Forget it, it's useless to think about it, even I haven't seen a pattern from Wang Yi's memory It ’s obviously very unusual. Take it back and study it first. "

After talking, Xiao Nai held out his hand, and a purple light flashed slightly.

Subsequently, the ball of fire swallowed the array.

Soon, the light and fire were directly integrated into Xiao Naihe's eyebrows. At this time, this image appeared directly in Xiao Naihe's mind.

At the moment of fusion into the array, Xiao Nai suddenly felt a lightning sting.

It seems that there are millions of long needles directly piercing his head, and his knowledge of the sea seems to be directly exploded at this moment.

"No, there is something hidden in this picture."

Xiao Nai and He Meng were shocked. He never thought that there was anything else in this mysterious array.

This time Xiao Nai He Lima condensed his mind, and wanted to exclude this image from his mind.

His current strength is not as good as before, but it is only fourfold.

It is true that something bad happened in his knowledge of the sea. Xiao Nai was only afraid of weakness.

Xiao Naihe secretly scolded himself. He naturally placed himself in the position of the passive late stage, but instead forgot his present situation.

"Why can't I push it out?"

Xiao Naihe continued to gather his mind and use his mind to push the array in the sea of ​​knowledge, but it was useless to push.

Is it necessary to use supernatural powers to seal this image?

I just don't know if he can succeed now.

"No matter, try it anyway."

When his thoughts moved, he did not care that he was still in the library, which might attract the attention of others.

In Xiao Naihe's eyes, the celestial star map kept flashing, and he directly extracted all his strength and forcibly woven a seal.

"Boy, you ’d better not move. Do n’t think that your current strength has a way to seal me. I ’m afraid that if you have n’t done it, you will be swept back by the power of the array. You wo n’t know how to die What's going on! "

At this time, a cold voice came from the depths of Xiao Nai and Shi Hai.

As soon as this voice came through his knowledge, Xiao Naihe's face suddenly changed.

He couldn't hear it anymore. The position of this voice actually came from the array of Jean.

"This picture is really weird? Is there another picture in the picture?"

"Yes, this is a double array. I was sealed in the second array. As long as you don't move some strange ideas, I guarantee you will be fine."

"Who are you? How could it be sealed in this image?"

"Who am I? Hey, I am a descendant of the Ancient Protoss, but not people like you."

"Ancient Protoss?"

Suddenly, some memory fragments emerged in Xiao Naihe's mind, from the memories of Xingzu and Wang Yi.

The ancient gods long ago in the longevity world was originally a powerful race, similar to the status of the human race on the long **** realm in the peak period.

It can be said that the ancient **** clan controlled the most powerful force in the long **** realm at its peak.

In that ancient era, the ancient Protoss, Hades, and Terrans were the most powerful races in the contemporary era, dividing the entire eternal life.

But later, the melee between the tribes, the ancient **** clan and the Ming clan war against each other, their respective vitality was badly hurt.

In the end, it was an opportunity for other races to take advantage, which led to the break of the two races and became history.

These things are recorded in the memories of Xingzu and Wang Yi.

But the thing about the ancient protoss is that very long ago, before Wang Yi had left the eternal realm, the ancient protoss still existed.

As for the memory of the ancient **** clan's breach, Xiao Naihe saw it from the memory fragments of the star ancestor. When the star ancestor traveled to Taiyu, he also came to the eternal life world.

"Why? Don't believe it? Then you are optimistic."

This mysterious voice came again, and a picture suddenly appeared in Xiao Naihe's mind.

There are several people in the picture, three of whom attacked a man in a Jinyi.

In the face of the siege of the three powerful men, the Jinyi man still fought head-to-head and showed a powerful magical power.

The whole world, heaven and earth seem to be spinning upside down, and mountains and rivers are cracking.

These people's powerful magical powers are even more powerful than Xiao Naihe's peak period.

"Passive peak?"

Xiao Naihe's expression moved suddenly.

Several people in this picture are absolutely the existence of passive peaks.


Suddenly, Xiao Naihe heard a strange sound and looked up.

In that picture, three different colors of light suddenly condensed above the sky palace.

The moment these three rays of light were released, they immediately turned into big locks.

The three big locks flew up, and in three different directions directly turned out a pattern.

"This picture ... the one just now!"

The array rotates, and the three big locks engrave a pattern in the void, trapping the Jinyi man.

The Jinyi man seemed to perceive something and wanted to escape, trying his best to almost burn the source.

The three opponents were also seriously hurt by the Jin Yi men's counterattack.

Unfortunately, the Jinyi man was finally suppressed in the array. The three big locks spun up and disappeared at a very fast speed, flying away from the sky in three different directions.

"You want to say that the man in Jinyi is you? Are you sealed in the array?"

Seeing here, Xiao Nai did not yet know what the master of the voice wanted to express.

"Yes, you are very smart. When I was fighting with the three of them, I didn't expect that they actually practiced a weird and evil gate array to seal me. I don't know how many years have passed. I have n’t dismantled it until now, but I have devoured the power of my soul. If it ’s not for you today to integrate this page of the map into the sea of ​​knowledge, I will not wake up by borrowing your mind. "

Hearing this, Xiao Naihe's face became ugly.

All this was caused by himself.

"You do n’t have to worry, you can see my current state. I ca n’t do anything to you. Even if I have the heart to take away your body, but also the powerless. Of course, you also want to give the array to Exclude it. Because this image is integrated into your sea of ​​knowledge, you need to carry something. Unless you step into the passive realm, use the power of the source to grab it forcibly. "

"What the **** do you want to do?"

"Boy, I can only say that. I have been studying this pattern for many years and I know all the mysteries in it. As long as you want to force the pattern apart, the pattern will automatically release the force and your knowledge. The sea is ruined, even if you are a strong man in a passive state, you will definitely die! "

Xiao Nai sighed slightly. No wonder he was condensing his mind just now and wanted to forcibly separate this image. His sea of ​​knowledge seemed to be bombarded by countless thunders, which was extremely painful.

"Old guy, since you have studied this pattern for so long, there should be a way to separate it."

"Of course, I didn't tell you? As long as you become a passive state, there is a power but a separation map."

Hearing this, Xiao Nai couldn't help but sneered: "After becoming a passive state, you still need some methods."

"Hey, this is natural. But what is the solution, I won't tell you now."

"Old guy, what the **** are you doing? Can you do anything because of your current state?"

"Boy, although I ca n’t take away your body, but I ’ve been a passive peak for some reason. Even after being sealed for a long time, the power of the gods and spirits is still very strong. Your four-fold cultivation of supremacy, I want to influence Your thinking allows you to do some weird things, but you can still do it. "

Xiao Naihe's face changed again, and he was blinded by geese all day long. He actually had a successful day.

However, this is not counted as deliberately calculated by others, but Xiao Naihe's luck is indeed too bad.

"Relax, I also want to borrow your hand and let you unblock me."

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