Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2351: projection

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"It turns out that there is still such a thing. There is still a friendship between Jisheng Gong's Zhen Sheng and Wang Yi? This has never been heard of."

Xiao Naihe shook his head. He recalled Wang Yi's memory, but he had no impression of it.

But when Xiao Nai was walking Wang Yi's life experience, he didn't know how many years he had left. Some things in the long river of memory might not be remembered.

"Not only the human race, in fact, among the other races, there are also strong lineups. It is said that among the demon races, there is a strong lineup that has lived for tens of millions of years. Existence. Although no one has seen them, these secrets are recorded in our Jiugong family. "

Xiao Nai nodded.

Although the Jiugong family is not as good as it used to be, it still has a lot of information, and it certainly has huge intelligence capabilities.

It is not strange that Xiao Nai could know some secrets that others did not know.

"By the way, we have fallen into a misunderstanding, no wonder we have never found a clue."

At this time, Gong Yueling suddenly patted his head and seemed to think of something.

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it. Here, the basic record is what belongs to the history of our human race. We have focused our attention on the human race from the beginning. But other races have not investigated, and no one knows whether there are also You also have the phenomenon of six colors of the frontal rock. "

Because Xiao Naihe belonged to their human race, from the beginning, Gong Yueling did not consider the other races. Now when the spiritual machine moves, he notices the loophole.

Xiao Nai couldn't help but smile bitterly, Gong Yueling was even harder than himself. Xiao Nai He didn't think about the past investigation, but Gong Yueling did his best.

Now even Xiao Nai felt a little embarrassed.

"It seems that I have to go to the main library of Suzaku College, because the number of books in this library is still inferior to that of the main library.

"Then you go, I won't go. I suddenly felt a little sentimental and wanted to retreat."

"Well, I'll go first."

Xiao Naihe and Gong Yueling walked out of the library, but the two walked in two different directions.

Gong Yueling was moving towards the east, and Xiao Naihe did return along the road.


These two days, Wu Yang's temper was not very good. He heard that Tie Niu was seriously injured because of Xiao Naihe.

It's not that Wu Yang cares about Tie Niu, but Tie Niu didn't calculate Xiao Nai's success, but instead got injured.

Now Wu Yang doesn't look at Tie Niu's injury at all. A servant is basically useless for him.

"Xiao Naihe, I really don't know if you are a coincidence or a **** luck. I can't even count the iron bull. You're fine. I'll solve you personally in less than two months. There will be The reason is to deal with Gong Yueling. "

A trace of fine mans flashed in Wu Yang's eyes, and a sneer appeared on his face.



At this time, Xiao Naiho had just returned to his room and felt a sudden throb of his soul.

This feeling is very familiar to Xiao Naihe. Whenever someone talks about him behind him and thinks of some means to deal with himself, Xiao Naihe's heart will more or less feel something.

This ability is mainly due to Xiao Naihe's fusion of the celestial and astrological charts, which has become more sensitive.

This is what the Buddha said to avoid danger and predict danger in advance.

"Someone seems to be thinking about me behind my back."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

The enemies he has encountered in this longevity world are just one or two.

At this time, Xiao Nai also speculated vaguely who the person behind wanted to deal with himself.

Xiao Naihe shook his head, but closed his eyes. At this moment, from the middle of his eyebrows, a flash of fire suddenly appeared.

This light and fire floated in the void, showing a strange state.

While Xiao Nai grasped this blaze, he pulled out a small array in the middle.

Subsequently, Xiao Naiho put his spirit into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Soon, he saw the light and shadow of the array.

In the array, a figure emerged.

After the figure faded away from the body, it showed itself.

It was the man in Jinyi who was seen in the illusion.

However, this Jinyi man did not have the kind of unprecedented strength, but a strong deepness.

"We finally met, let's face to face for the first time. I am called Pan! But I am also called God Pan among the ancient **** clan!"


Xiao Nai suddenly thought of some of the legendary strongmen in Taiyu, which is a single name.

For example, So Yuan, and for example Yi!

Of course, this Yi is not an array of Saint King Yi.

Because Xiao Nai had experienced Wang Yi's life experience, he naturally knew that Wang Yi and the ancient strongman who claimed to be 'Yi' should not be the same person,

"Although I have promised to cooperate with you, do you have to show any sincerity?"

"Hahaha, this is of course. But if you project the array, I can project my soul outside."

Xiao Nai nodded.

His eyebrows flew out of a group of fine awns, and among the fine awns was the mysterious pattern.

The projection of this pattern into the void is displayed in the air, and this pattern is the one that sealed the mysterious ancient god.

Xiao Naihe's expression slightly moved. At the moment when the array appeared, it was printed directly into the void, and a figure flew out.

It should be said that there is a shadow of nothingness.

"The soul body is figurative. I have been unable to unlock it since I was sealed into this image, but now I can use your power to show it in a short time."

"You still have to be careful. Although I have made the array in the sea visible, but my ability is not perfect, it is easy to attract the attention of others."

"Then rest assured, I'm just in a state of soul. As long as I don't go out, no one will notice my existence."

Between the words, the looming state of the disk is like a flame in the wind and rain, which must be extinguished at any time.

"It still doesn't work. Your strength is not enough. Although I can project to the outside in a short time, I can't support it for long."

It seemed a pity in the tone of the plate.

I saw that Pan's body turned, as if a mist of mist shrouded it, and slowly disappeared.

"I have been able to do these things in one superlative fourfold, and I have tried my best. You have not told me why the seal of your array appears in a history book."

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