Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2358: Ancient world

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Not knowing how long it took, Shangguan Jiajia opened her eyes and suddenly found that there was darkness in front of her, and she could not even feel the existence of her body.

It seems that the power in the body has been pumped clean.

That kind of feeling made Shangguan Jiajia feel panic at once.

If a cultivator has no power, what is the difference from ordinary mortals?

But after discovering this phenomenon, Shangguan Jiajia gave birth to fear for no reason.

That was the first time she had a fear in her heart for many years, and a fear of the unknown.

"Xiao Naihe, you ... where are you?"

At this time, the Shangguan Jiajia God sent a ghost to think of Xiao Naihe, and quickly shouted around.

It's all dark in all directions. Shangguan Jiajia can't see it at all. Her five senses and consciousness seem to be sealed by an unknown force, and they are of no use at all.

"I am here!"

Fortunately, at this time, Xiao Naihe's voice came over. Unlike Shangguan Jiajia, his voice seemed very calm.

Xiao Naihe has gone through too many things and encountered many dangers, not to mention the integration of the life experience of the owner of the Nine Heavens Palace. Under the circumstances of dealing with dangers and unknowns, there is naturally his own way.

It is useless to worry and fear at this time.

"You are there."

For some reason, after hearing Xiao Naihe's voice, Shangguan Jiajia suddenly covered up the fear in his heart with a surprise. No matter what, he caught the source of Xiao Naihe's voice and grabbed it.

When she was about to catch Xiao Naihe, she suddenly bumped into something, and a wave of heat passed over.

Then Shangguan Jiajia fell down directly. She just felt like she was falling on something soft, and a warm heat came from below.


At this time, there was darkness all around, and all of them were dispelled in an instant. The strong light shone directly in all directions.

When Shangguan Jiajia saw the light, the trace of fear in her heart disappeared.

But at this time, she found that there was a person lying under her body. Looking closely, this person was none other than Xiao Naihe.

The two of them now fell on the ground in a very ambiguous posture, and the softness of Shangguan Jiajia's chest rested on Xiao Naihe's body, which made Xiao Naihe feel embarrassed.

After all, he was not the kind of man who first opened his mind, and how would he react to such a thing.

It was Shangguan Jiajia who found that he actually fell on Xiao Naihe in an ambiguous posture and felt the heat from Xiao Naihe.

Suddenly his face was red, and it burned to the ear.


Shangguan Jiajia quickly sat up from the ground, don't go overboard.

If Xiao Naihe sees it now, he will surely find that Shangguan Jiajia's face is like a red apple, so red that he wants people to take a bite.

It's just that Xiao Naihe didn't pay attention to what Shangguan Jiajia looked like, but looked up and looked around.

They seem to have entered a barren space, surrounded by strange statues.

Each statue is a person, but Xiao Naihe simply does not know who is on the statue.

"Xiao Naihe, what happened just now is just an accident. You must not take it to heart or speak out, otherwise I will not let you go."

Shangguan Jiajia forcibly calmed down the mood. Although she had calmed down, she saw Xiao Naihe still had a strange thought.


Xiao Naihe was distracted by Shangguan Jiajia, but did not hear what she said.


Shangguan Jiajia was about to say something. At this time, she also found the statues in front of her, and could not help being attracted to it.

"Statues of so many people, can't this place be a small world?"

"And who are these people?"

Xiao Naihe shook his head, his eyes suddenly flashed a light, and suddenly said: "These statues are not made of any strange materials. They are made of blood and flesh, and they are made of real people."

Shangguan Jiajia's face suddenly changed when he heard it.

She has not seen the dead, but she is now in an unknown space, and looking at the past, I do n’t know how many statues of the dead in this small world.

Plus she couldn't feel the power in her body for no reason, the kind of panic came out spontaneously.

"Is it really all statues made out of living people?"

"It's not wrong. Although they covered up the flesh and blood by some means, I will not be wrong."

Xiao Naihe gave a slight pause, and he suddenly found four pillars behind the statue.

These four pillars are as high as a hundred feet, placed in four different positions.

A strange character was also engraved on the pillar.

"Huh? Are these characters on the disc before?" Shangguan Jiajia suddenly moved.

"Yes, it is the same as the text on the CD."

"By the way, you shouted before and said you know what kind of text it is? Did you find out what kind of text it is?"

Xiao Nai nodded, saying one by one: "If I didn't think wrong, this should be the script of the ancient world."

"Ancient people?"

Shangguan Jiajia looked misty, she had never heard of any ancient people.

Instead, he looked at Xiao Naihe and wanted to hear what Xiao Nai said.

Xiao Naihe knew that these words were from the ancient world, or they were found in Wang Yi's memory.

"This ancient clan is a race from the ancient times of the longevity world, a very long time. It is older than any demon, demon, and elf."


Shangguan Jiajia was a little bit doubtful, and she didn't even know this ancient clan, how could Xiao Nai know?

"You haven't heard that the ancient clan is nothing? But you should have heard of the ancient **** clan!"

"Of course I know that the ancient **** clan is not a big secret in the longevity world. It is a huge race in ancient times. It is also called the three ancient ancient clan with the human race and the Ming clan.

"Yes, this ancient clan and ancient **** clan are actually big clan living in the same era."


This time, Shangguan Jiajia seemed to believe Xiao Naihe's words. Even Xiao Naihe said so, it must have been recognized.

It is just that Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed with a fine mans. He knew that these words were from the ancient world, but the specific meaning was not clear.

Suddenly, Xiao Nai and He Lingji moved.

He doesn't understand, it doesn't mean that other people don't move. In his knowledge of the sea, there is an undead of ancient gods.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nai and He Lima urged the consciousness in the sea to wake up the disk.

"Boy, why are you waking me up?"

There was a trace of dissatisfaction in the tone of the plate.

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