Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2372: Barbarian

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"Since you know that I am a barbarian, you must never be kept."

The gray man's intention to kill Xiao Naihe seemed like anger in the heavens. If the killing intention could kill someone, Xiao Nai didn't know how many times he was killed.

Locked by the killing intention of a passive strong man, not to mention the seven-level creator level character, even if there is a nine-level realm, I am afraid that I will lose my heart in a moment and do not attack myself.

But Xiao Naihe's Dao heart has long been tempered like a rock, so even if he feels the killing intent on the man in gray, there will not be any fluctuations.

"Amanka Shala Mud, Bang Lijiwa ..."

Xiao Naihe listened to the other party reading a series of barbaric spells, and suddenly the bottle released a dazzling light.

This ray of light is like a blazing sun in the sky, and at this moment, it shines at once.

The moment when the underworld industry fire was irradiated, it even made a tearing sound.

Soon, you can see that the fire of the underworld industry is slowly being received into the bottle.

"This is a magic weapon of space!"

Xiao Naihe's face changed slightly.

Underworld industry fire is Xiao Naihe's biggest virtue now. With underworld industry fire, Xiao Naihe has the capital to fight the passive strong.

Moreover, the number of underworld karma is limited, and Xiao Nai can urge underworld karma a limited number of times, and he has to control the number of times carefully.

But now part of the past is absorbed by this strange space magic weapon, and people can immediately feel the crisis.

For every loss of the underworld industry fire, it is difficult to describe Xiao Naihe's loss in words.


Xiao Naihe, without any hesitation, moved his thoughts and directly recovered the underworld karma in the void.

At the moment of recovery, this black industry fire directly fell into Xiao Naihe's eyebrows.

Underworld industry fire is stored in Yuan Dan in Xiao Naihe's body, but now Xiao Naihe looks at the power of industry fire in Yuan Dan, which is already 20% less, and suddenly appears very painful.

Don't look at it, it's just 20% less. The underworld karma can't make up for it. If it's less than 20%, the impact on Xiao Nai now is as much as a step backward.

"Hey, your black flame is powerful, but my dragon bottle can hold everything in the world, even if it is the flesh of the passive strongman, once it is taken in, it can be completely melted."

The gray-faced man's face looked very cruel, and the bottle in his hand floated in the void, spinning continuously.

Xiao Nai could feel that the black gas around the bottle seemed to be the spirit.

Any Taoist instrument can be produced at the very high stage of refining.

For example, after Xiao Nai He refined the Moonlight Warship, he directly used the celestial treasures to help the Moonlight Warship create the spirit.

It is like Xuelu in the past. If Xiao Nai is willing, Xuelu can also become an instrument of anything around him.

Therefore, Xiao Naihe was not surprised that this ‘Dragon Bottle’ had a spirit.

"Alinka, what do you devour me, there is actually a mysterious power, this uncle needs more, need to devour more to transform."

At this time, Qi Ling suddenly heard a voice.

"Is this still the weapon of automatic promotion?"

Xiao Nai suddenly thought of something.

Humans can practice, other types can also practice, everything can be practiced.

Only spiritual existence can be practiced.

This instrumental spirit is itself a spiritual life and can be cultivated already.

Xiao Naihe knew that there was a Taoism that could continuously improve his grade through certain means.

This bottle should be one of them.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this Taoist vessel called" Dragon Bottle "should be able to devour energy for promotion. Is it possible that it can also be promoted after devouring karma?"

Xiao Nai is somewhat unbelievable. The strength of the underworld industry fire can be burned even by ordinary passive Taoqi. How can this ‘Dragon Bottle’ be so powerful?

"Swallow, Uncle Ben will also devour, Uncle Ben feels that there is that strange flame on this kid, as long as Uncle Ben gets this flame and devours more black fire, maybe he can be promoted to a higher stage . "

Qi Ling has a greedy tone.

The grizzled man grinned: "So it turns out, I can not only get my things back today, but also upgrade the level of the Tianlong bottle, and it is really a good luck. The Tianlong bottle extracts his soul and his memory Thought, find the black flames and talk about it. "

"it is good!"

Qi Ling laughed gigglingly, as if the laughter came from hell. Even when the ordinary passive strongman heard it, he felt a strong discomfort in his heart.

Between speeches, Qiling took his ethereal body directly to Xiao Naihe.

"Swallow, swallow!"

Tianlong bottle opened its mouth suddenly, as if it were an ancient beast, opened its mouth to pour blood, and absorbed continuously.

Xiao Nai suddenly felt that his body and soul seemed to be separated by this powerful gravitational force.

"Don't I want to explode my personality and escape from here?"

Xiao Naihe's face was ugly.

Self-explosive personality, this is not willing to do any strong.

Because they do not reach the desperate situation of death, they generally do not burn their own personality, or even explode their personality.

If the personality is damaged, it is very difficult to make up for it.

Just like the current Xiao Naihe, it was because the last time he encountered the small energy source of the "Taiyu Great Tear". Xiao Naihe forcibly tore the starry sky barrier, causing Xiao Naihe's personality to be damaged as never before.

In the end, the starry sky in the body automatically seals, and Xiao Naihe's cultivation behavior is degraded to a double state.

It has been a long time since he entered the world of longevity now, and Xiao Nai was able to return to the Seventh Creator.

If there is no better chance, Xiao Nai wants to return to the peak period, I do not know whether to wait for thousands of years or ten thousand years, or even longer.

Once Xiao Naihe desperately burned his own personality, he might lose all his cultivation, and even his own life would be in danger.

This is what Xiao Naihe least likes to see.

"Burning the divine personality is not like other means. If my body or soul is damaged, there are many ways to recover it, but if the divine personality is damaged, I will lose more and I want to make up for it. It ’s very difficult, but now if I do n’t burn my godhead, how do I deal with the spirit of this bottle? ”

The power of engulfing i in the void is even more powerful, and Xiao Naihe has fallen into a dilemma.

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