Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2375: Pride of heaven?

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"Haha, Brother Tongtian, it seems that your boxing skills have improved a lot."

"No, Brother Tongtian was the eighteenth on our college list. His strength is far from being as simple as we thought."

"It seems that this thief must be taken by Brother Tongtian today."

At this time, several voices were heard from far away.

The vocals that were originally ten miles away turned into a ray of light directly at the next moment and came to the crowd.

"This is a master of Kendo Academy."

"Oh my god, today I saw so many mentors gather together."

"Not to mention that these predecessors were in the Suzaku College, even if it was placed in our human race, stepping on it can make the practitioners earthquake."

Many college students have recognized the identity of these people.

Xiao Naihe's expression flickered slightly, he felt that these people had a strong breath, and the strength should be at the level of Wutongtian. Except that one of the teachers of Dan Daoyuan was a passive early stage, the remaining two were no. The mid-source existence.

"Do you guys have to go together too? Then hurry up, if Uncle Ben yells badly, then Uncle Ben is here for you to slaughter."

At this time, the mysterious man in the void showed a cold smile, with a murderous and chill in his voice.

The other students below, as soon as they heard this sound, seemed to have fallen into the ice cave and were cold.

"To deal with you, I don't need so many people, I will be enough."

Wu Tongtian snorted coldly, only to see that he took a step forward, full of energy like Tianlong, punched with a punch, and instantly entrained the power of infinite origin.

Whirring whirring.

The boxing wind is like a sky and a crack, and it actually produces a collapse.

At that moment, everyone felt that under this punch, there was no escape, no escape.

"It's worthy of Tong Tianxiong. He has cultivated the existence of the passive mid-term for three hundred years. He is afraid that he will not give up more than the super-top arrogants of the human race. This punch is enough for Tongtian Brother to practice in the same way After being friends, you are in the rank of a leader. "

The white-haired man in Dan Daoyuan sighed softly, his eyes flashing in his eyes.

"You little guys step back quickly, don't get too close."

A young woman in the Kendo Academy waved her hand and read a string of spells on her seductive lips.

Suddenly, a golden border formed in the void. .

After the formation of this enchantment, all people were directly pulled into a small space.

"This is the source world?"

Xiao Nai was so moved.

He once existed as a passive state and naturally knew what this means was.

The biggest feature of the passive strong is to transform the power of divine thought into a cost source, and the source power is the purest source of power under the divine personality.

The space formed by the original world can almost be comparable to some space Taoqi, blocking the ordinary passive strong, and forming a world.

"Look, what is above the man's head."

At this moment, I don't know which one suddenly screamed, and everyone's eyes suddenly turned to the mysterious man.

A closer look reveals a layer of white halo above the man's head, as if it were the aperture behind the head of the **** Buddha, spreading out constantly.


The voice of the man came coldly, and suddenly a fine mane burst out from between the men, as if a sword gas came in general, and instantly penetrated into Wutongtian's fist.


The two forces collided in the void, and suddenly produced an inexplicably powerful void air flow.

The virtual air flow reversed and turned into a huge vortex.

"Actually catching Wu Tongtian's punch, this alien master is not easy."

The young woman was surprised, staring at the two protagonists of this war.

"Awesome, it is worthy of being the arrogant of the year Wu Tongtian, but the times are changing. Although you have been a candidate for the longevity list a hundred years ago, it is still not comparable to the real arrogance of the longevity list. If a punch is put a hundred years ago, it will definitely be selected for the longevity list. "

After breaking Wu Tongtian's boxing intent, the mysterious man talked openly.

And Xiao Nai stood in the original world and heard the conversation between the two people, but could not help but be a little curious: What is this longevity list?

But at this time, someone started talking next to him: "He said that the longevity list, can't even a master like Wu Tongtian's predecessor enter the list of the longevity list?"

"What is the Longevity List, and how do you know it?"

"You don't know that the list of longevity is normal, because this list only has those old monsters or the arrogance of the supernatural power."


"The longevity list is the most important list in our longevity world. It records the arrogance of all kinds of heavens. They are selected according to their strength, cultivation, age, and potential. Who can be on the longevity list? Among the people of all ethnic groups, the top 100 people in the longevity list are the most dangerous people in the longevity world. "

"It's true and false, it can actually be selected as the master of the longevity world. What kind of person has the courage to dare to make such a list."

"I don't know, but I heard that it is ranked among the top-level strongmen in the longevity world, and every master of the longevity list is indeed very dangerous and terrifying. Over time, the longevity list has become a lot of people in the longevity world A list that everyone knows, many people are proud of entering the longevity list. Just now that senior Wu Tongtian became a candidate for the longevity list, it is not seen. "

A student from a martial arts academy talked.

The students around were even stunned.

Xiao Nai nodded. He remembers Xingzu's memory, and it seems that there is a record of many masters in the longevity world, which is very good for the list.

It seems to be the longevity list.

However, Xiao Naihe is not familiar with the concept of this list, just listen.

At this moment, the mysterious man's face suddenly moved slightly, as if he felt something, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Wu Tongtian, you are really disappointing me, but you haven't been able to defeat me. You can't help me twice in a row, you really can't. Uncle Ben doesn't want to play with you anymore, so he says goodbye.

The mysterious man said he was leaving, and suddenly a dark whirlwind was blowing in all directions.

Suddenly, I saw the man's eyebrows flashing a layer of fine awns. In the distance, a **** shadow had flown to the man's side.

The next moment, this light and shadow disappeared directly behind the man.

But all of this was seen by Xiao Naihe.

If it weren't for Tianjixingtu's insight, it would be very powerful, otherwise Xiao Naihe couldn't really find this figure that emerged in an instant.

"Do you want to go?"

Wu Tongtian smiled coldly: "Suzaku College is so easy for you, come whenever you want, just leave if you want?"

Between the speeches, Wu Tongtian was another punch. This punch instantly burst all the airflow in the void and made a series of loud noises.

As if it were a huge elephant, it was suddenly emptied into nothingness.

"Space weapon, shuttle magic weapon."

Wu Tongtian's heart suddenly showed a bit of ominous premonition.

Sure enough, I saw the mysterious man's figure move, and a strange mark appeared in his hand, which was instantly introduced into the other person's mind.

In the void, a huge mana shield was spawned.

After this shield was formed, it directly wrapped the mysterious man himself.

"Really want to go?"

When Wu Tongtian saw here, the other party who didn't know where he really wanted to go.

Seeing Wu Tongtian scream, the whole college seemed to be shaking.


The mysterious man smiled, it was already completely tearing the void crack.

And the other teachers below saw that the mysterious man actually tore a crack in the void, and apparently knew how to escape.

"Now, get me up."

Suddenly seeing the crack mask in the void, it became extremely thick in an instant.

Then the man raised his head and smiled: "Wu Tongtian, leave."

The mysterious man walked away.

After seeing the opposite figure, Xiao Naihe suddenly had a feeling in his heart.

"The man named Alinka must be inside this mysterious master."

Xiao Naiho's expression moved, because he felt something, the sky and star chart kept beating.

"Alinka and this man are actually together."

Xiao Naihe breathed out a deep look in his eyes.

The reason why Arlinka escaped before, it is estimated that this mysterious man should have sent a signal between invisible.

In order for Alinka to escape smoothly, this mysterious man actually attracted the attention of so many people in the academy.

"Aren't these people all trying to make the battle?"

Xiao Nai frowned, and he heard it before. It seems that this mysterious man had also sneaked into Suzaku Academy before, and had also fought against Wu Tongtian.

Speaking of which, these two men are also considered old rivals.

"Aren't the map pages actually stolen from Suzaku College?"

Xiao Naihe's face changed quickly.

If this is really the case, if the college people follow various clues, it is really easy to find themselves.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nai could not help but immediately unravel the secrets of the three pillars in that space, and then look for the inheritance of the ancient clan.

"Don't let him go, let's shoot together."

At this time, other teachers who are watching the bustle also know that it is not good.

If this mysterious man is really allowed to go back and forth twice, especially this time, several of them can't stop a passive mid-cultivator.

So at this time, the masters in the college united and shot together, and the instantaneous power was like a mountain and river burst, and they bombarded toward each other.

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