Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2378: Longevity list

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What is the concept of the longevity list, only the middle and high-level figures in the longevity world know.

In particular, the characters on the longevity list, all of them are amazing, super powerful characters, extremely dangerous.

Alinka is very clear that the strong man who can be on the longevity list is definitely the most dangerous role in the longevity world.

"But you are also on the longevity list, aren't you opponents?"

"It's completely different. I'm on the longevity list alternate list, not the real list of the longevity list. Not to mention that person, who is a hundred people in front of the longevity list, is not at a level."

There was a bit of fierce flash in the black man's face, and a look of resentment flashed in his eyes.

"It turns out that I think the characters on the longevity list are all at the same level."

"Different, the longevity list also has different levels. The most important thing is that the candidate list of the longevity list and the orthodox list are completely different concepts. There is another one, the top one hundred characters in the longevity list. Is the most important part of this list. "

Speaking of which, the black man's fingers suddenly made a clicking sound, like thunder and lightning burst.

"The one hundred people in front of the longevity list are the highest potential and most powerful part of the longevity world, but there are also three watersheds in the top one hundred. One is from the top one hundred to the top fifty, which is considered inferior Level. Then the top 50 to the top ten, this is the middle level. The last one, the top ten on the longevity list, is the most terrifying and powerful presence in the real longevity world. Anyone who encounters this longevity list There is no other way than the escape of the top ten. "

The man in black shook his head and sighed gently.

Alinka nodded. Although he knew the existence of the longevity list long ago, after all, if he cultivated to a character of his level, if he did not know the longevity list, it would really make people laugh.

Thinking of something like this, Alinka suddenly asked: "Adult, I knew the longevity list a long time ago, and I know that the characters on the longevity list are the top existence in the longevity world, the pride of heaven. But in the end this longevity list is Who ranks? Who among the tribes can have such patience? "

The list of longevity is sure to be sorted, no doubt about this, Alinka is not naive enough to think that the list of longevity is naturally formed.

But no one can think of Alinka who can rank the list of longevity.

Although there are some top experts in the clan, but let them rank the list of longevity list, it seems that the gold content is a little insufficient.

"Manipulate the people behind the longevity list? Their existence is not something you can understand, nor is it something I can touch now."

When he thought of something, a flash of fear flashed in the eyes of the man in black, and even his already pale face was getting paler.

Seeing this adult's face, Alinka was even puzzled.

"Who the **** is that? Do you know that?" Alinka asked cautiously.

The man in black breathed out, lowering his voice, and suddenly placed a space boundary in the void, isolating the space inside and outside.

Seeing that the man in black was so cautious, even Alinka was nervous all at once!

"I do n’t know very well. In fact, I only knew it by accident. The people who ranked the longevity list do n’t seem to be one or two problems, but some people. And these people are in our longevity world The most top, the most powerful and the most terrifying existence. It is also the core strongman in the longevity world. "

"Huh? Which race among the tribes, is there such a strong race in the longevity world?"

Alinka said suspiciously.

"Not the people of the tribes, but the above ... the core existence."

The man in black raised his head and looked at the ceiling.

And Arlinka thought for a moment, and suddenly his face changed greatly, and the whole person trembled.

He now finally knows why this man in black wanted to arrange this space as the next enclave to isolate the inner and outer spaces.

Originally, Alinka thought that people in black were too cautious, but now that he thought of those people, he knew that people in black were the most correct to do so.

The induction of these people is extremely powerful, if he talks about them behind his back, maybe the other party can feel it in the dark.

"In the longevity world, a group of people have been handed down since the birth of the longevity world, as the top-level existence in the longevity world. The characters like the guardians of the longevity world are all passive The existence of the pinnacle is the pinnacle among the clans. Only those people have the power to rank the list of longevity. "

The man in black said slowly!

After Alinka knew the secret, she was almost shocked and could hardly tell.

While looking at Alinka's expression, the man in black sighed softly. In fact, when he first heard the news, his expression was no different from Alinka, even worse than Alinka. .

After all, those people are already beyond the level of ordinary cultivators, but belong to the intangible existence of these cultivators!


On the other side, after Xiao Naiho went back, the battle last night did indeed bring him a big impact.

He once again felt that only the restoration of strength is the safest.

"Although that Alinka is only the initial stage of passiveness, but now I am not the opponent of the other party. The other party is just a thought. I may even be killed. If I can return to the passive state, no, even It is back to the peak of the Ninth Layer, even if it is against that Alinka, there is also a power to fight. "

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief.

After Xiao Naihe created Wu Dao Dao, his strength skyrocketed.

He knows that if he can return to the peak of the Nineth Layer, or if he is half-step passive, even if he is confronted with the ordinary passive early stage, he definitely has the capital to fight.

But now he does not have this capital at all, because he is just the existence of the sevenfold realm.

And Arlinka came to find him last night, not only found out that he might have taken the array page, but also started to fight against himself.

This made Xiao Naihe feel the danger all at once, which is why Xiao Naihe also felt that he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

"However, I don't have much resources around me now. Only a few resources that I won back from Dan Daoyuan are not enough."

Xiao Naihe was immediately distressed.

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