Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2389: World King Shocked

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"My avenue, in fact, the Tao of the ancient world can be compared?"

Xiao Naihe's eyes shone with fine awns, and the strength of his body had reached a very high level.

He knew that this huge palace must be some great Taoism, and he was afraid that it would be one of the best in the longevity world.

The Realm King forcibly added his ideas to Xiao Naihe, making Xiao Naihe's whole person seem to be subjected to a mysterious power, blessings constantly, impacting the road in his body.

Since Xiao Nai He's divine personality was damaged, Xiu Wei's rapid decline has now been restored, but it has only recovered to the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm, and Xiao Nai He feels the road in his body seems to be being erased.

The thought of coming here, Xiao Nai **** shocked, looked at Jie Wang, "You are eliminating my road?"

"When I eliminate your path, you will get the heritage of my ancient clan, and you will know that you are wrong by then. You will thank me, and even if you don't want to admit it, you will be branded. I'm thinking of the ancient world. "

Jie Wang's expression is indifferent, his eyes are full of calculations.

He had already calculated it, as long as Xiao Naihe got his own inheritance, even if Xiao Nai was not willing to admit it, he could not otherwise have inherited his own heritage from the king of his world.

As for the other point of thought of Jie Wang, Xiao Naihe inherited the heritage of the Ancient Realm, regardless of whether Xiao Nai would like to admit it, after all, he inherited the heritage of the Ancient Realm.

It just exists in another way.

"It's weird. Is it true that Xiao Nai is not accepting the inheritance? How do I think he looked like he refused?"

The next Shangguan Jiajia was confused, she just saw that Xiao Naihe seemed to reject Jie Wang.

Pan's face is also a little weird, and he slowly said: "If it is changed to other people, the Realm King is not willing to pass on his heritage to others, do you think anyone can get the heritage of the Ancient Realm? People with great potential and great wisdom have no destiny to be inherited by the ancients. "

Speaking of this, Pan looked at Xiao Naihe deeply again and exhaled: "But Xiao Naihe does have these three advantages. What really makes me feel sad is that this kid is unwilling to accept The inheritance of the ancients is really brain-dead. "

However, the disk had to admire Xiao Naihe, who actually had this idea.

He did not believe that Xiao Nai did not know what the concept of the inheritance of the ancient world.

If you get the inheritance of Realm King, as long as you follow the inheritance of Realm King, you will definitely be able to cultivate to the peak of Passivity in the future.

This kid is actually reluctant to give up his own avenue, even if this kid's avenue is a superior avenue from outside the heavens, but can it be compared with the boundary road of the ancient world clan?

"Yeah, if it is for me, I will definitely not refuse, even if I abandon my cultivation as the most important cultivation, I will not hesitate."

Shangguan Jiajia also sighed softly. Although she got the opportunity given to her by King Wang this time, she has successfully stepped into the early stage of passiveness.

After going back, and then passing through the road thunder disaster, then it can be truly stabilized and become a true passive powerhouse.

And if the Realm King is willing to leave the inheritance to himself, Shangguan Jiajia is absolutely willing to abandon the current cultivation as a new cultivation.

She knows that the avenue of the ancient world is the top inheritance in the longevity world, and it is far higher than the magical powers she is practicing now.

But Shangguan Jiajia also knew that he could not get the inheritance of Jie Wang.

Pan said that if you want to get the inheritance of the Realm King, it must be a person with great perseverance, great wisdom, and great potential.

Before the Realm King did not put the goal on herself, it means that she is indeed inferior to Xiao Nai in these three aspects.

"Why did Xiao Nai have such good luck? I was so mad, I was mad. But now I know his secrets, maybe I can get rid of him in the future, and I might benefit from him."

There was a smile on the face of Shangguan Jiajia quietly.

At this time, Xiao Nai He Hun was covered with layers of fine light, a total of ninety-nine apertures, each of which contained a powerful boundary force.

"The power of the realm, open for heaven and earth, plant for all things, and live for the avenue. Today, inherit the ancestral avenue of our people and brand the realm seal!" , Instantly wrapped up Xiao Naihe whole person.

Outside, there are three thousand storms sweeping into the air, making the space of hundreds of thousands of miles in this large world become chaotic, and the light and darkness are mixed together.

"Your avenue can be erased! Then, accept the avenue of my ancient clan."

Jie Wang's voice rang again, and if the voice of Dao Dao hit the words of Xiao Naihe's heart fiercely.

Rao is Xiao Nai. The Tao heart is like a rock, and it was shaken by the voice of the king of the world.

Although his divine qualities are passive late.

But the residual spirit of the Realm King has reached the peak of passiveness, and the gap between the two is very large.

Xiao Naihe was hammered by the sound of the avenue, and immediately felt a huge boundary force deep inside his body.

This force of the world has continuously penetrated into Xiao Naihe's body, looking for the seeds of the road in Xiao Naihe's body.

"found it!"

As soon as Jie Wang's eyes lit up, he had already seen a golden seed deep inside Xiao Naihe's body.

Every cultivator's avenue is hidden in the divine form in the form of seeds, and this golden seed should be Xiao Naihe's avenue.

"How does your Tao compare to my Tao? Get the Tao of my ancient clan, and you will know the mystery of the truth of Dadao."

Every word of Jie Wang carries a powerful shaking power, which constantly affects Xiao Naihe's spirit.

And the golden road seed has been wrapped in a layer of purple light, and besides the purple light, there is still a purple road seed.

"This is the seed of the ancient Taoism?"

Xiao Naihe has seen that the King of the World has planted his Dadao seeds to replace his Infinite Dao seeds.

However, although Xiao Naihe wanted to resist at this time, he found that he could not move.

The gap between cultivation base and strength is too big!

Seeing that the two Dadao seeds have collided with each other, and the purple Dadao seeds, namely the Dao Dao seeds, have engulfed the Dao Dao seeds.


At this moment, the seeds of Wu Dao Dao released a burst of screams, which seemed to be a sound deep in the courtyard of the soul of the yard, which could shatter the soul of man.

"this is……"

The king of the world suddenly changed his appearance. He found that Xiao Naihe's Dadao seeds actually started to fight back, and even released a huge golden light. Instead, he would devour the seeds of the Dao road.

"What kind of seed is this?"

It was just that the King of the World did not respond, and the other five different rays of light were released from the seeds of the Infinite Dao, each of which continuously converged and intersected.

Among these five different lights, there are seeds one by one.

"Five avenue seeds? Is that golden avenue seed merged from five different avenues? Is this the avenue?"

Thinking of this, even the Realm King felt incredible.

The creation of the avenue is a different concept.

Among Taiyu, there are three thousand avenues, but almost every avenue has been handed down since ancient times.

The people who can create the avenue, without exception, belong to those top-notch existences in Taiyu.

Now there is a new road in Xiao Naihe's body, which obviously does not belong to one of the three thousand roads in Taiyu.

In other words, this kind of avenue may be created by Xiao Naiho himself.

That avenue and the inheritance he wants to inherit are not a concept.

"However, although the breaths in these five avenues are top ranks, what are the avenues created by them?"

Jie Wang carefully analyzed the five Dadao seeds.

"Demon Dao Seed, Humane Seed, Wu Dao Seed, Buddhism Dao Seed!"

After all, Jade King is Jade King. He just looked at it a little and analyzed the origin of four of them.

The avenues of the clan of the longevity world, in fact, the same as the first plane, are all derived from the three thousand avenues in Taiyu.

The Taiyu Avenues are all connected.

The Realm King is a character standing at the top of the Longevity Realm.

It's just that when the king of the world saw the last white seed, his face changed abruptly: "Star Avenue? You actually inherited the Star Avenue. And also merged the Star Avenue as a carrier into other roads?"

At this moment, Realm King couldn't help but took a breath.

He is too familiar with the Avenue of Stars. The Avenue of Stars is placed in the Three Thousand Avenues, which is definitely among the top ten or even the top five. The quality is definitely not worse than his boundary, even higher.

Now that Xiao Naihe has acted as a carrier and created a new avenue, how high is the quality of this avenue?

Jie Wang suddenly dare not imagine.

But thinking of this, Jie Wang couldn't help but show a trace of ecstasy, "You are the person who created the Dao, why didn't you say it earlier? Otherwise, I don't have to directly use your Dao cultivation practice to force you to inherit my ancient world. The inheritance of the clan. "

"Huh? What do you say?"

Xiao Naihe, who was thinking hard about how to resist at this time, couldn't help but ask when he heard the words of Jie Wang.

"The Daoist, without exception, blends all kinds of avenues and has both avenues and self-cultivation. Although I don't know what kind of avenue you are practicing, but your Tao can be practiced with the Boundary Dao, or even merge into you Among the avenues. Hey, I already knew that you actually opened the new avenue, and this king does n’t need to be so tough. "

This kid has even merged into the Avenue of Stars, are they afraid that he can't practice the realm of Dao?

"Boy, you can accept my inheritance now, and you don't need to erase your own path. You just have to re-cultivate. If you want, the king will pass on directly to you. Finally, I will ask you again!"

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