Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2398: Celestial clue

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"The secret of the longevity goddess, do not know if this condition can save my life?"

The three-eyed man carefully observed Xiao Naihe's complexion, but saw that Xiao Naihe didn't have a look on his face, as if it were a piece of ice.

Suddenly, the three-eyed man was worried.

What he is most afraid of now is why Xiao Nai did n’t know that she would live forever, and when the other party did n’t eat her own set, she insisted on killing herself.

The three-eyed man could only explode his personality and escaped the space desperately.

"Do you know the longevity goddess? The longevity heavenly lady disappeared as early as in ancient times, after the demise of the ancient world clan. There has been no news of the longevity heavenly lady for many years, can you believe it?"

Xiao Naihe finally spoke.

It was just his speech that immediately made the three-eyed man nervous and quickly said: "No, the eternal life is really still there. I can swear with Dao heart that everything that is said is not a lie, as long as you are willing to let me go, I I can tell you this secret. "

"Huh, do you think you are qualified to talk to me about the conditions now?"

Xiao Naihe's momentum was like a divine possession, and a huge aura swept through it, suppressing this three-eyed man.

The three-eyed man only felt that every inch of flesh in his body seemed to be trembling constantly under the envelope of this aura.

Although Xiao Naihe has not yet recovered to the passive state, he has been inherited by the ancient world clan, and during this time he has penetrated into the new infinite Dao Dao, and developed a Dao rhyme. Bearable.

"Say, if you don't say it, you have to die now."

Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, the aura in the void was even thicker, as if the heavens and the earth were cracking, the mountains exploded, and the sea-like prison was crushed on the three-eyed man.

"I said, I said!"

This momentum made the three-eyed man instantly feel a taste of death. At this moment, the three-eyed man seemed to feel that his own personality was to be blown away.

"I heard that the longevity goddess finally appeared in the realm of the human world, and had some connection with a family in the human race."


Xiao Naihe's expression slightly moved, subconsciously asked: "A certain family among the human race? Which one?"

"It's the Jiugong family."

Suddenly, Shangguan Jiajia next to him took a breath.

Jiugong family? What kind of family is that, Shangguan Jiajia is very clear.

And she also knows that the relationship between Xiao Naihe and Gong Yueling of the Jiugong family seems to be very good.

Doesn't Xiao Nai know this secret? Shangguan Jiajia thought of coming here, could not help but looked at Xiao Naihe, wanting to see what looks on Xiao Naihe's face.

But she was disappointed to find that Xiao Naihe's face did not have any change in expression, and was immobile, it seemed that nothing could produce any emotional fluctuations for the man in front of her.

"Is there a connection between the Jiugong family and the longevity goddess? Ha ha, although the Jiugong family is a big family in the human family, but after so many years, the Jiugong family is not as good as before. There is such an awkward position among them. "

Xiao Nai said with a blank expression.

Shangguan Jiajia nodded secretly. In fact, the current situation of the Jiugong family can be seen by people with clear eyes.

Although the Jiugong family is known as the big family among the human races.

But compared with the Jiugong family in its peak period, it is far worse than it was at the beginning.

Recently, some small frictions between the Jiugong family and the clans have lost several cities under control.

Although the Jiugong family still bears the name of the big family of human races, some people have long known that the Jiugong family is no longer the former Jiugong family.

Even when talking about the Jiugong family, Liangong Yueling had an expression of hating iron and not making steel.

Not to mention Xiao Nai.

"The Jiugong family does have a relationship with the longevity goddess, I didn't lie to you."

"Xiao Naihe, I guess this three-eyed guy should be lying. If the Jiugong family is related to the long-lived Tiannv, they will redevelop their Jiugong family through the Tiannv."

Shangguan Jiajia shook his head and secretly heard Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly, "That may not be necessary."

At this time, Xiao Naihe thought that when he first entered the world of longevity, the first person he met was Gong Yueling.

At that time, Gong Yueling was ordered by the family to go to the Red Moon City.

Midway was also ambushed by the three-eyed demons. Although this thing happened for a long time, Xiao Naihe did not forget.

At that time, Xiao Naihe realized that there were some unspeakable secrets before the Jiugong Family and Gongyue Ling, and why the Three-Eyed Demon Clan ambushed Gongyue Ling, but he also couldn't figure out.

It's just that Xiao Naihe had nothing to do with the Jiugong family, so Xiao Naihe didn't think too much at that time.

Hearing the three-eyed man talking again, Xiao Naihe suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Although the longevity goddess has disappeared for a long time, I was informed by the three-eye demon clan that the longevity goddess and the ancestors of the Jiugong family are said to have a very close relationship. It seems that the ancestors of the Jiugong family were saved by the longevity goddess.

"The longevity goddess saved the ancestor of the Jiugong Family? Does that mean that the Jiugong Family is the Holy Father?"

"Yes, it's the palace array."

"The Shengong of the Jiugong Family didn't know how many years it had disappeared. Even if it had something to do with the longevity, it would have been unclear. What value is this news? It seems that it is not worth buying your life."

After talking, Xiao Naihe shook his head, and a ‘卍’ appeared in the middle of his eyebrows, the light bloomed, and the three-eyed man was instantly suppressed.

"not good."

As soon as the three-eyed man felt bad, the thoughts moved, and he suddenly burned his own personality, and he would break free and rush out of this space.

"The power of the world, town!"

Xiao Naihe suddenly released a golden light inside, and the whole sky seemed to form a golden ocean.


A long chirping sound, like the twilight morning bell, came from the depths of the void.

Suddenly, a huge palace appeared in the void.

This palace is the ancient realm palace, the real life magic weapon of the realm king.

"What is this magic weapon? Oops, here it is."

The three-eyed man felt that the huge palace was suppressed from the sky, and a powerful breath of death came instantly.

The divine personality is constantly burning, and the three-eyed man directly struggles frantically.

Only under the suppression of top-level Taoism like the Ancient Palace, even if it is an ordinary passive middle period, I am afraid that there will be no back and forth.

Not to mention a passive early period that has not yet passed the fatigue period.


Under the repression of the ancient world palace, the three-eyed man finally uttered a scream, and the real repression was turned into a powder, which was no longer possible.

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