Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2435: Ancient ruins (Part 1)

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Xiao Naihe had a weird face, especially when Gu Shengzi said this, Xiao Naihe could even imagine the ambiguous expression on the other person's face.

What old virgin, Yuan Yin, and Xiao Naihe had not yet clarified, but Gu Shengzi said it first.

"Well ... Although I don't know if that little girl has anything to do with the longevity goddess, but her father must have something to do with the longevity heavenly lady."

"In the beginning, the longevity goddess once saved Gongyue Ling's ancestral ancestors, but why did the longevity heavenly lady maintain relations with his descendants after so many years? What purpose did the longevity heavenly lady hide for so long?"

Even if Xiao Nai is not familiar with the longevity goddess, at this moment it seems faintly that the longevity heavenly lady deliberately hides, what seems to have a purpose.

"It's hard to say this. The longevity goddess flattered the consciousness of the longevity world and controlled the purest longevity spirit of the longevity world. Whoever can get it can truly live forever and control the longevity world."

Gu Shengzi paused slightly, his tone changed, "The longevity goddess chooses the other half of her, and it ’s not just a random choice. You must also have the attitude to control the nine days and ten earths. It is impossible to get her. Although the realm king found the longevity goddess, he never received the recognition of the longevity goddess and could not even touch it. "

"Is it necessary to get the recognition of the longevity goddess? The longevity heavenly lady inherits the purest qi of the longevity world and inherits the consciousness of the longevity world. It is difficult to get her recognition."

Although Xiao Naihe had never seen a long-lived goddess, he could imagine such a woman, only afraid of the boundless eyes, how hard it was to find the other half.

Even masters like Lianjie Wang have not yet been recognized by the longevity goddess, which shows how high the woman's vision is.

"So, I'm surprised that even the Jiongong family's formation can be blessed by the longevity goddess. I feel strange. Although I haven't seen the Jiugong family's formation, it is no better than the realm king."

"If the mind of the longevity goddess is so easy to guess, then she is not a longevity heavenly lady."

"That's it? The sacred priest? Although the sacred prince is powerful, it is the existence of the war master, but the only thing that can make me look at is the one sacred."


"Speaking of this, this person has something to do with you. Your" Vajra is not bad fairy array "was created by him."

Speaking of which, Xiao Naihe understood at once that a person appeared in his mind.

"Ji Sheng Wang Yi?"

"Even him, Yi Sheng. This person was worthy of his destiny at that time, and even the longevity world could hardly afford him. The sword walked the slant and created the realm of Yi. It is a rare wizard in the realm of the world." Gu Sheng Sighed a little, "It is said that he carries the most wonderful force in the world, Taiyu-chaos. Chaos and origin are the two most mysterious forces in Taiyu, which is even better than the eternal life. Chaos is now better. , Tai Yusheng. It is a pity that the real energy of chaos is almost extinct, and even finding the original energy is much easier than the real energy of chaos. "

Xiao Naihe just quietly listened to Gu Shengzi talking in his own knowledge of the sea. If anyone wants to know Wang Yi, it is estimated that no one knows Wang Yi better than Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai, in the world of Tiangong, once walked through Wang Yi's life.

Wang Yi is indeed a genius among geniuses. Even if Xiao Nai has seen many amazing talents, Wang Yi can definitely be ranked in the top five or even the top three.

"Most admired me, Wang Yi actually turned the guy over and directly sealed the other party."

Speaking of which, Gu Shengzi sighed in the sea.

"You mean the master of the Gu Ming tribe."

"You also know?" Gu Shengzi froze a little, there may be many people who knew Wang Yi, but those who knew this secret, I'm afraid there were not many people.

Xiao Nai actually knew that this made Gu Shengzi feel a trace of surprise.

"The original details of the ancient Ming tribe are not under our ancient saints. Although the people of the Ming tribe are as smelly as that of Mao Keng, I have to admit that the people of the ancient tribe are really powerful. , In the longevity world at the time, at least ranked in the top three. "

"Top three!"

When Xiao Nai heard it, his expression suddenly moved. Although he knew these things about Wang Yi, he did not anticipate that the master of the Gu Ming clan actually ranked among the top three in the longevity world.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nai thought of other things and couldn't help but say: "Speaking of which, I have heard of the longevity list in the longevity world, is it the third on the longevity list?"

"The longevity list, the longevity list is an old list, but as far as I know, the era when Yi Sheng existed, there should be no such thing as a longevity list."

"What is that longevity list?"

"Longevity list!"

Gu Shengzi sighed softly, and his tone became somewhat rancid: "The longevity list, only those who can be ranked in the longevity list."

"Which people?"

"Of course it is standing at the top of the longevity world, they are no less than me at the peak. If the longevity heavenly daughter represents the consciousness of the longevity world, then these people can represent all the cultivators in the entire longevity world Including all races. "

Afterwards, Gu Shengzi continued to say: "What are you going to do next? You now have a way to re-enter the passive state, but it has been suppressed, do you really want to step directly into the passive peak at one stroke? ? "

"I have already felt it, and I now have an opportunity. I also feel that if I am directly promoted to the robbery now, there should be a great chance that I can directly achieve the passive peak."

"You are also a wonderful thing. Although I have seen a lot of geniuses, but none of them are slowly promoted on a down-to-earth basis. Unlike you, they want to be promoted directly to the peak of the passive.

Gu Shengzi said angrily.

In ancient times, Gu Shengzi was definitely a genius level, even if he was not in the top ten of the longevity world, but there was no problem in the top 20.

But he is a master like this, he dare not directly promote to the passive peak in one breath.

And Xiao Nai actually wanted to accomplish this. Once Xiao Nai did, it was estimated that he was the person with the longest promotion span in the history of longevity.

"I've thought about it. Next, go to the ancient ruins. If you can get a chance there, you can go directly to the passive peak. It should not be a problem."

Xiao Naihe heard the ancient Shengzi long ago, saying that the ancient saints have left relics. In general, such super powerful clan, even if they are extinct, may have a very good chance even if they remain.

Although Xiao Naihe is not short of magic weapons, after all, there are many magic weapons left by Xiao Wang to Xiao Naihe, but there are more benefits. And through the remains of the ancient saints, there may be a chance to get promoted to the passive peak.

"Are you going to the ruins of the ancient saints?"

Gu Shengzi said something weird.

"Why? Did you say that you lied to me?" Xiao Nai said indifferently, but Gu Shengzi heard a bit of coldness in Xiao Nai's words.

If it had been before, Gu Shengzi had made alarmist talks, saying that as long as Xiao Naihe forcibly broke away from the "Void Samsung Lock" in his knowledge of the sea, it would surely cause the knowledge sea to smash and explode.

The only solution is to use the source to unite and promote to the passive state, then use the power of the source to forcibly dissolve the 'Void Samsung Lock'.

There is no benefit in leaving this array in Xiao Nai's knowledge of the sea, because the array exists in the knowledge of the sea, and at any time will affect some things in Xiao Nai's knowledge of the sea.

This is very uncomfortable for Xiao Naihe.

But now it is different. Xiao Naihe is already a passive ability.

Gu Shengzi knows that if Xiao Nai is willing, he can always call this as an opportunity to directly promote the passive state. At that time, he can crack the "Void Samsung Lock" by himself.

In the past, Gu Shengzi didn't know Xiao Naihe's original position attainment was so good, but since the realization of Xiao Naihe even Wang Yi's formation will be.

Gu Shengzi even doubted that Xiao Nai might have been inherited by Wang Yi.

At that time, Xiao Naihe was fully capable of removing himself from his sea of ​​knowledge, and Gu Shengzi would be wiped out at any time without Xiao Naihe's help in carrying the flesh.

That is why Gu Shengzi became anxious when he heard Xiao Naiho's tone of dissatisfaction.

"Of course not. There must still be ancient ruins. But although I know that place, but after so many years, I don't know if the place is still there. Maybe the things are wrong, and they have changed their appearance long ago."

Xiao Nai nodded. The ancient saints have been extinct for so long. Maybe the ruins of their ancient saints may have changed.

"Then you point me to that place, I will check the information."

Xiao Nai doesn't worry about it either. Among them, the Suzaku Academy lacks this kind of information.

As long as the ancient ruins remain, Xiao Naihe can find this position at any time.

The two people communicated with each other through the knowledge of the sea, and Gong Yueling in front of them did not know at all.

After a day of work, Xiao Naihe and Gong Yueling have returned to Suzaku College.

But what made Gong Yueling a little unexpected was that the people of the Jiugong family didn't seem to come to find themselves anymore, not even a bit of wind.

"Gong Zhantian, they can't do it now. Although they really want to do it, they are not so stupid as to start in the Suzaku Academy. Even if the Jiugong family is one of the family of human races, once they dare to do it in the Suzaku Academy, it is basically not Maybe survive safely. "

Xiao Nai He knew Gong Yueling's doubts and said lightly.

He is now very familiar with the situation in the longevity world, and he knows some forces in the longevity world even deeper than Gong Yueling.

Xiao Naihe has gone through two lifetimes and experienced the life of the ninth heavenly palace. He is far above Gongyue Ling for human relations, conspiracy and conspiracy.

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