Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2450: Danfang

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"Hey, old man, old man, the fairy in your family is beautiful and heavenly, and she has excellent talents. On Dan Dao, he is almost catching up with you. If he can unite with Master Xiao, is it not a strong union, you know Master Xiao Xiao ’s ability on the battlefield is definitely not worse than mine. "

Anyway, in order to learn Xiao Naihe's Dan Dan tactics, Qiye Patriarch is now bragging on the cowhide and flattering Xiao Naihe.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with Qiye Patriarch.

Although Qiye Patriarch also valued Xiao Naihe very much before, he did not think that Xiao Nai's ability on the front was stronger than himself.

But at this time, after contacting Xiao Naihe, he found that Xiao Nai not only had the "Vajra is not bad fairy array", but also had a long-lost pill protection method.

Qiye Patriarch suspected that Xiao Naihe might still have some terrible lost formations on her body, which made Qiye Patriarch feel uncomfortable and madly beat Xiao Naihe's ass, just to make a good impression on Xiao Naihe.

As for what Qiye Patriarch was thinking, in fact, Xiao Naihe has also guessed. He has gone through his tenth life, and has experienced more things than Qiye Patriarch, and few people can compare his skills.

Just a little glance at Qiye Laozu, he naturally knew what idea the old man was playing.

"Hey, Master Xiao Xiao, do n’t you think I ’m lying, this apprentice Xian'er, the old apprentice of Akihito, but in our college, the first beauty of Dan Dao Academy, known as one of the ten great Dans in the Dan Dao Realm In the future, it is certain that the God of Pills will be achieved. And she looks beautiful and beautiful, and if the two of you can come together, it will definitely be a pair of people, a strong combination. "

When talking about here, Qiye Pazu's face could not help but squeeze out an ambiguous smile, a kind of ‘you know’.

The black line on Xiao Naihe's head is about to fall.

This seven-night ancestor is really respectful of the elders. In order to learn his Dan Dao tactics, everything is done, it is simply shameless.

The ancestor of Mingren looked at Qiye ancestor coldly: "I said the old man of Qiye, if I heard this from Xian'er, it is estimated that he must be with you by then."

"This ... this ... haha, am I not bringing her a red thread? Master Xiao Xiao and your apprentice are absolutely a match made in heaven. It would be a pity if they don't form a buddy."

The old man of Qiye laughed awkwardly.

Xiao Naihe shook his head and interrupted Qiye Patriarch ’s words: “Forget it, I said old man, do n’t let me take the red thread anymore. I can give you a pill protection method. As for what conditions I have in the future, I will naturally follow you Say."

Then the essence of Xiao Nai's "Nine-fold Yin-Yang Rune Array" was directly injected into his own spiritual thought, and a spiritual thought was introduced into the eyebrows of Qiye Patriarch.

Qiye Patriarch also carefully inserted this divine thought into his own eyebrows, just like a pervert looked at a girl with white flowers, how much more cumbersome and how cumbersome.

"However, old man Qiye, you haven't even completely learned the previous" Vajra is not bad fairy array ", be careful and chew!

"This ... hey, I'm a good learner, I can learn slowly, take my time. And there is a master, I can also ask you, master."

Qiye Pao laughed.

Now Xiao Naihe's image in Qiye Patriarch's eyes has completely changed. Living is a living fairy.

"After all, since Xiao Xiaoyou knows how to protect the pill in this box, is there any way to extend the effect of" Tianbao Divine Pill ", such as increasing the time limit of this pill.

Qiye Pao asked again.

at this time. The ancestor of Mingren also came to interest. Since Xiao Nai could recognize the origin of this technique, maybe there is really a way.

"The time of this technique is approaching. It is impossible to extend it. You are a god, don't you know this reason?"

Xiao Nai He glanced at Qiye Patriarch.

Even the most powerful formation must be supported by the formation. Once the formation is consumed, the more powerful formation will gradually disappear.

And this set of Pill Guarding Array has long been unable to produce much force, and Xiao Nai can never derive a new force to it.

"So, I have less than three months left to study this immortality?"

The ancestor of Akihito said with a bitter face.

Although this elixirs will be given to their apprentice Xian'er when they are hit, the danfang is the most important. If you want the danfang, you will have as much as you want to refine.

"However, it is not a problem to find out the magic method of Tianbao Shendan."

Xiao Nai said slowly.

But when he said that he came here, the ancestor of Akihito suddenly shook all over him, and a powerful qi and blood exploded directly in the ancestor of Akihito.

The entire yard suddenly wrapped a fierce gust of wind, as if it were the purest power in Taiyu, the kind of breath that could sweep thousands of troops and destroy the world.

At this time, the ancestor of Mingren directly showed his strong power in the late period. His every move, like a **** at this time, is simply difficult to shock.

"I said old man, what are you excited about? Don't scare people."

Qiye Patriarch waved his hand, and he also swelled with a violent blood, wrapped Xiao Naihe's whole person, and then isolated the power of Mingren Patriarch's blood.

He was worried about Xiao Nai's losses under the outbreak of Qiren's blood.

Now Xiao Naihe is in the eyes of Qiye Patriarch, it is simply a cash cow. He believes that Xiao Naihe must still have many formations that he does not know.

Although he did not know why Xiao Naihe knew so many lost formations, but he wanted to learn these methods with Xiao Naihe, but he could not let Xiao Nai get hurt in the slightest.

"Sorry, I was too excited."

The ancestor of Akihito quickly took back his breath.

But? You can't blame him for being too excited. He heard Xiao Naihe's words, and he can find out the secret of this treasure of God of Heaven.

This is one of the most difficult things in the Dan Dao world among their human races. How many human race Dan Dao strong people want to research this kind of Dan formula, even Dan Sheng has gone to study it, but it is not completely Give it research.

If Xiao Nai could point out this kind of Danfang, it would have a great impact on them.

Thinking of coming here, the ancestor of Mingren suddenly understood why the ancestor of Qiye paid so much attention to Xiao Nai.

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