Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2457: Genius Genius (Part 1)

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"It's Miss Xian'er."

"Actually Miss Xian'er, how did she come to our array?"

"Hey, did she come to me?"

"Come on, did not hear people say that they came to Xiao Naihe."

"But why did Miss Xian'er come to Xiao Nai?"

The students of these monasteries started to discuss.

Now Xiao Naihe is also a little famous in the array school. Gong Yueling's assistant once defeated Wu Yang on the Wudou platform.

These two things alone are enough for Xiao Naihe to lay the foundation for the younger generation in the Academy.

As a child of Wu Jiabao, Wu Yang's status is not inferior to Gong Yueling, and Wu Yang is also a senior array strategist and has nine levels.

They knew that they could defeat Wu Yang, and it was obvious that Xiao Nai was really powerful.

The Ninth Realm falls within the younger generation of the Academy, and it is definitely at the upper middle level.

But they have not heard of Xiao Naihe and Dan Daoyuan's involvement, even Miss Xian'er came to Xiao Naihe.

Few people knew what was happening outside of Dongtianfu in Dandaoyuan.

At that time, the ancestors of Mingren ancestors crushed down, and no student dared to get close within a hundred miles.

When I went back, I asked the elders, but the elders of Dandaoyuan kept their mouths shut, not mentioning the matter at all.

That's why no one knows what happened to Xiao Naihe and Mingren's ancestors outside Dongtianfudi.

"Brother Xiao Dao, can you?"

Xian'er's voice is like a young warbler, very sweet, falling in his ears, only to feel happy.

The students of Jingdao Academy heard Xian'er's voice as if they were listening to the voice of the heavenly avenue.

Xian'er is not only famous in Dandao College, but also has a certain influence in the entire Suzaku College.

Even the older generation would not dare to mess with the sight of Xian'er.

Xian'er had stepped into the realm of the passive middle ages long ago, and I heard that she still thought that there was a level of danxian.

A Danxian not to mention in the Suzaku College, even if it is placed in several colleges, it is the level of the upper circle.

The students of these monasteries did not dare to be negligent, nor did they dare to think of anything casually.

Even if Xian'er looks beautiful, many people will feel ashamed after seeing Xian'er.

Xian'er was standing outside. She passed her voice into the residence of Jin Dao Yuan, but received no echo.

But those fans of Xian'er are very dissatisfied, and some people have even begun to say Xiao Naihe.

"This Xiao Naihe's shelf is too big, isn't she dare to let Miss Xian'er wait so long outside?"

"After all, people feel that they have defeated Wu Yang, and they are already the top-level existence of the younger generation. You know, Miss Xian'er does not know how many times more powerful than Wu Yang."

"Do you think Miss Xian'er is already angry?"

"Even if Miss Xian'er is so angry, I want to open Xiao Naihe's door and pull him out."

There is no shortage of masters in the Confucius Institute, even if there are many students in the Jiuzhong Realm. Although they usually act in a low-key manner, they are angry at once when they involve things about Xian'er.

Although Xiao Naihe defeated Wu Yang, among some talented students, it really was nothing.

Just as there was a lot of discussion, at this time, only a lightly written voice was heard: "Is it Miss Xian'er? Is there something?"

This voice is obviously Xiao Naihe, many people have heard it, seeing Xiao Naihe actually just vanity transmission without seeing people, all of a sudden many people feel dissatisfied with Xiao Naihe.

Some people even want to find fault in Xiao Naihe's residence.

If there are rules in the college, you should not do it privately, otherwise Xiao Naihe's room will have been smashed.

Xian'er didn't mind, just smiled slightly: "Brother Xiao Dao, can you take a step to speak?"

Xiao Nai thought for a while, "Well, come in."

Xian'er smiled, and suddenly it was like a spring blossom, and everyone just felt that his heart was cool, and a very comfortable feeling came into being.

At this moment, many people only feel that the previous trace of tension disappeared instantly.

"it is good."

Xian'er was also not hypocritical, only to see that she lightly walked into the yard, walked into the courtyard, and soon disappeared.

"It's worthy of Miss Xian'er, and his temper is so good. If you change to me, she will definitely beat this Xiao Nai, and she will really put on a shelf."

"Miss Xian'er is not as general as others."

"But why did Miss Xian'er come to Xiao Nai? Is there any resentment between the two of them?"

At this time, some people with rich imagination are already thinking about the contradiction between Xiao Naihe and Xian'er.

But these things Xiao Naihe and Xian'er didn't know, because Xiao Naihe opened the boundary of the room and let Xian'er come in.

Xiao Naihe also saw Xian'er for the first time, and for the first time saw this beauty like a fairy.

He had heard of the name of Xian'er of Dandaoyuan before.

The apprentices of Mingren's ancestors have entered the passive middle age at an early age, and have become an immortal.

Putting it in Suzaku College is definitely the leader of the younger generation.

Especially the Tianbao Divine Pill I took before, if there is no accident, it should belong to Xian'er.

"Miss Xian'er came to settle the account with me? Was the account of Tianbao Divine Pill not long ago?"

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, slowly pours tea.

Even in the face of characters like Xian'er, Xiao Naihe still maintained a detached attitude, which made Xian'er also curious.

Xian'er smiled slightly: "Brother Xiao Dao's Dao Dao's attainments are unparalleled, and Dan Zhen's double cultivation made Xian'er very admired. Where dare to come to Dao Dao to settle the bill."

Xian'er already knew what Xiao Nai was in the mission hall.

What happened in the mission hall has not been fully circulated. When everyone in the Daoyuan Academy knows that Xiao Nai got 30 million points, it will be two days later.

Yes, Xian'er now knows why Xiao Nai not only has a very good attainment, but also seems to have a very high level in the field above Dandao.

"Tianbao Divine Pill, since the discovery of the mythological era, how many people could not be refined, the unparalleled existence, the Dan God, and even the Dan Sheng, are studying the Tianfang Divine Pill. But on this road, there is no People can succeed. "

Xian'er sighed lightly. She had seen her master. For the prescription of Tianbao Divine Pill, she didn't know how much sweat she paid. If she could, she would rather not have this Tianbao Divine Pill, and hope that her master could study it. come out.

But what surprised Xian'er the most was that the person who researched Danfang was not his own master, but a Xiao Naihe who had never heard of it and seemed to rise within a day.

Especially when I heard some news from Xiao Naiho at Qiye Patriarch, Xian'er was very curious.

She wanted to know how shocking this man with high attainments on the battlefield and Dandao was.

But when she saw Xiao Naihe, she was at a loss for the first time.

Because Xiao Naihe looks ordinary.

In addition to his handsome appearance, both temperament, aura, and coercion are very common, just like an ordinary person.

If she knew something, Xian'er thought Xiao Nai in front of her was just an ordinary mortal who came out of the world.

"Brother Dao was able to study the formula of Tianbao Divine Pill, and Xian'er admired it."

"But I still took the Tianbao Divine Pill that should belong to you, otherwise I might not be able to get that piece of pill."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

"Compared with the celestial formula of Tianbao Divine Pill, this is nothing?"

"You still feel a bit ashamed to say that. Although it is just a transaction between me and Ancestral Akihito, but I feel like I took your things and I feel a little bit disappointed."

Xiao Nai did not deceive Xian'er. Although they said that the two of them were meeting for the first time, Tianbao Shendan was supposed to be Xian'er. Xiao Naihe took Tianbao Shendan in order to accumulate enough promotion background.

Xiao Naihe also had a trace of disappointment.

"Brother Dao does not have to blame himself. Compared with its formula, Tianbao Shendan is more valuable than Xian'er, Xian'er still knows."

"Really? The Danfang I gave to Master Ling, don't know how well Master Ling is studying now?"

Since Xian'er said so, Xiao Nai is not good to continue on this topic.

"To be honest, Xian'er came to Dao Brother today for this matter. Master Zun has forgotten to sleep and forget to study the Dan formula since he received the Dao Brother's formula, and finally came to the conclusion that this formula can't be wrong. After Master received enough materials a few days ago, it was already the alchemy furnace to start alchemy, but ... the process was not so smooth. "

Xiao Naiho just smiled and did not speak.

He certainly knows that it is impossible to succeed.

This is not to say that the Danfang is fake, and the Danfang is naturally true, but even if the Danfang is true, it is not something that the ancestor of Akihito can refine.

Because the refining method of Tianbao Divine Pill is very special, it needs to use the power of chaos.

The power of chaos is rare in the first place, even in the world of eternal life.

Even if the ancestors of Akihito got enough materials, it was almost impossible to successfully refine them.

It's not that Xiao Nai is too stingy to refuse to teach the alchemy technique of Mingren Patriarch.

It is because his method cannot be leaked at will. The power of chaos stems from the Chao Tianshi within Xiao Naihe. Xiao Nahe is not sure if anyone in this longevity world knows the existence of Chao Tianshi.

Xiao Nai did not want to cause unnecessary trouble because of Chaos Heavenly Stone.

‘“ Master no matter how you practice it, but there are always fewer steps. If you do n’t find this step, you wo n’t be able to practice successfully. That ’s why, under the helplessness of the Master, you will order Xian'er to find your brother.

Xian'er put out the purpose tray for this trip.

Hearing a little smile, Xiao Nai could not help but said slowly: "Then I don't know, does Master Ling want me to help him find this kind of trick?"

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