Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2467: The Seventh Realm (Part One)

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This middle-aged man just stood there, as if it were a fusion of heaven and earth aura, and he took all the aura as his strength.

In every move, there is a huge coercion in the formation, even if it is a look, it gives people a sense of oppression.

"Late Passion? Immortal level?"

Xiao Naihe saw through the depth of the middle-aged man opposite.

This middle-aged man is the master of Shangguan Jiajia, and also Lin Feng ’s father, Lin Guifan of Jianzhen Shuangxiu.

Xiao Naihe finally understood why the ancestor of Akihito had a common-sounding tone when he talked about Lin Guifan.

A former sword sword double-cultivator, in the late passive period, the status will never be worse than that of the ancestor of Akihito.

In the practice world, it has always been graded by cultivation, the strong respect, and the weak.

Even if you have lived tens of thousands of years, it is not as good as your cultivation of high strength.

However, although Lin Guifan was a strong late passive, Xiao Nai was not afraid.

Since taking Tianbao Divine Pill, he has already had a part of the confidence to fight with the passive post.

Even if it is really not an opponent in the late passive period, if Xiao Nai wants to go, no one can retain him unless there is a passive peak level.

This is why Xiao Nai dare to talk to the ancestors of Mingren and Qiye ancestors.

"When did such a genius array teacher appear in the array school, not to mention the entire longevity world, among the five colleges, I have heard of each array talent, but I have never heard the name of the little friend."

Lin Guifan put away his strength. If an uninformed person saw Lin Guifan, he would only think that Lin Guifan was just an ordinary middle-aged man.

"There are so many geniuses in the world, how much do you know?"

"That's true."

Lin Guifan waved his hand and said slowly: "My son has been so smooth all the way, and he has developed such an illusory temperament. Today, the little friend defeated my son who was not able to do things.

Lin Guifan didn't mind anything about Lin Feng's defeat. People in his realm had a Tao heart like a rock. If anything could cause his Dao heart to shake, then his practice was too much. used.

"Xiao Xiaoyou came today because of the introduction of Mingren Patriarch?"

Lin Guifan's eyes flashed, turned to Xian'er, and looked at Xiao Naihe again.

"How did Senior Lin know?"

Xian'er was stunned for a moment. It was impossible for anyone to know this matter. Besides, she came with Xiao Nai, the average person would only think that she acted in private.

But Lin Guifan actually broke it in one bit, which is the meaning of his master, which made Xian'er feel very incredible.

"Xian'er girl usually seldom comes out, but today, because of an outsider, he did not hesitate to offend me, but also to protect someone. Unless the ancestor of Akihito came out, there is no possibility."

Lin Guifan laughed.

He knew that Xian'er was invincible, and it was generally impossible to bring someone to find himself.

But now she brought Xiao Nai over, unless her master personally ordered it, only this is possible.

At the same time, the first time Xiao Naihe came in, he already knew.

So when Lin Feng and Xiao Nai were fighting, he also knew.

Even when Lin Feng was defeated by Xiao Naihe, Lin Guifan knew that if he did not save Lin Feng in time, he would not know what would happen next.

"This time, Senior Akihito actually let Xian'er girl bring someone over, and I was also very surprised. If it's not an important thing, it's impossible to let Xian'er girl go by herself."

"No, I don't know anything, because this time it is Xiao Gongzi's own meaning."

Xian'er smiled slightly and then backed away.

Although Shangguan Jiajia is usually very cunning, but when it comes to the critical time, it still looks very savvy.

I saw Shangguan Jiajia quietly retreated.

After seeing several people retreat, Lin Guifan couldn't help but turn his head and smiled: "Jiandaoyuan is really a genius, but I haven't heard of your name before."

"You can call me Xiao Naihe. Naturally there is something to ask Lin Daoyou about this matter."

Xiao Naihe now calls Lin Guifan Lin Daoyou, placing him and Lin Guifan in the same position.

However, he does have this strength, and can be on an equal footing with Lin Guifan.

Now Xiao Naihe, the strength is definitely not worse than the ordinary passive late.

Therefore, it is not excessive to call Lin Guifan a Taoist friend.

Lin Guifan just frowned slightly and said slowly, "Is there something?"

"I don't know if Lin Daoyou has seen such a thing."

Between the words, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows suddenly flashed a burst of green light. This green light spread out in the void, forming an ancient painting.

In the end, the endless strength of the painting is even more concentrated, showing a formation.

This formation form is precisely the "Samsung Void Lock Formation" in Xiao Nai's knowledge of the sea.

However, when Lin Guifan saw this pattern, he just froze for a moment, his brow furrowed, and he seemed to be thinking.

After waiting for a while, Lin Guifan clapped his hands and suddenly said, "I have indeed seen this array, but I have no impression. But the array I have seen must be remembered, but I do not know if it is See you somewhere. "

"In this series of pictures, I heard that it was the same page that Lin Daoyou brought back. It was engraved with this mysterious formation form. Did Lin Daoyou remember it?"

"I brought it back?"

Lin Guifan froze for a moment, and seemed to be thinking about something. Then he said: ‘So this thing, I did bring back such a strange array. It was just that the mystery in this array could not be studied at the time, and even Qiye Patriarch could do nothing. At that time, I contributed it directly. ’

"The Void Samsung Lock Array was originally a very ancient method. You don't know that the Void Samsung Lock Array is normal."

"Void Samsung lock array? It turned out to be called this name."

Lin Guifan murmured, he kept receiving news about the array in his mind.

But no matter how you look for it, you haven't found any news about the "Void Samsung Lockup".

"Lin Daoyou, I don't know where this picture was obtained."

"It was also a coincidence that I got this array. When I was in a certain place, when I was hunting for Warcraft and taking out the magic pill, I took such a thing from the body of Warcraft."

"Warcraft? Inside the body?"

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, he thought about many possibilities, and even thought that Lin Guifan might have found the location of him and the mad ancestor, and even appeared in the ruins.

But Xiao Naihe knew that this Lin Guifan must not have been deceiving.

"Something like this will appear in Warcraft?"

"I do n’t know, but I found this array from the body of that World of Warcraft. At that time, I knew what mysterious place was in this array. That ’s the case. I studied it for a long time. For a while. I really did n’t know what was strange about this pattern. Then I gave the picture to Qiye Patriarch, but Qiye Patriarch did not study it. "

Xiao Nai said lightly: "Void Samsung Lock Array is a high-level seal technique, a seal formation method handed down from the ancient Ming tribe in the Taikoo period."

"Actually the seal formation?"

Lin Guifan was stunned again, "There is nothing in this array that is sealed, or who is it, otherwise Xiao Xiaozi would come to ask me about this matter."

"To be honest, I am indeed studying the" Void Samsung Lock Array. "I also have my own means. When I heard about Lin Daoyou's things, I asked the ancestors of Akihito to refer me.

"Really? Xiao Xiaoyou has studied this Void Samsung lock formation, and you must know what is inside, otherwise the ancient Ming tribe's formation, why are Taoists so clear?"

Lin Guifan now treats Xiao Naihe on the basis of his equal status. Although he sees that Xiao Naihe should not be a passive state, he does not know why, Lin Guifan has a feeling, Xiao Naihe is absolutely No weaker than yourself.

Lin Guifan's feelings have never missed. This time, although he feels very strange, he still follows his own thoughts.

"If I knew what was in it, I wouldn't come to ask your Excellency. The Great Formation of the Ancient Ming Tribe, the seal is definitely not simple. That's why I came to Lin Daoyou."

"Is that true? But I left this thing to the college treasure trove. If Daoyou felt confident in unlocking this thing, I could go inside and get this array back."

"If you want to get rid of it, you still have to understand other situations. I want to know where Lin Daoyou got such a thing from."


Lin Guifan raised his head and seemed to be thinking about something. At this moment his thoughts flickered and suddenly said: "If it is to say where the place is, it should be said to be the Seventh Realm."

"The Seventh World?"

Xiao Naihe's expression moved. With his own memory, he kept searching for news about the Seventh Realm in his mind.

Finally, Xiao Naihe really found out clues about the Seventh Realm.

"You mean, the Seventh Realm, one of the seven forbidden places in the human world?"

"Yes, there are seven forbidden areas in the human world, and the seventh world is one of the forbidden areas. According to legend, the seventh world has never existed, and almost no one has been to the seventh world, but I know that the seventh world is a real existence. of."

When Lin Guifan said here, his expression moved, a trace of fear appeared, and his tone became dignified.

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