Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2480: Field control (below)

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"Girl Wu, I suspect that this person doesn't have so many points at all."

"Yes, Miss Wu, if it is confirmed that Xiao Naihe did not have so many points and false quotes, do not know how to deal with it?"

Wu Kongshan and Gong Baozhu are rare battles.

If Xiao Naihe could not be eliminated, none of them could grab this void door.

20 million points, it is almost impossible to accumulate so many points.

Unless it is a task that is taboo and difficult to overcome, it is possible to accumulate 20 million points.

You know, when the two people in the mission hall were arguing about how many points to allocate to Xiao Naihe, they also disputed.

After all, Xiao Naihe at that time presented a huge array of ancient lost legends such as "Vajra is not bad," which was not even before the gods.

Such contributions are placed in their Suzaku Academy, definitely in the top ten.

Thirty million points, this is already the points that Tatian and Heilong assigned to Xiao Naihe after all comments.

"If it is a false quote, I have every right to represent the five colleges and send people out."

Wu Bingning glanced at Wu Kongshan and said slowly.

"It should be more than that. At this kind of auction, if you just go out, then this price is too light." Gong Baozhu said again.

"According to the rules of the five colleges, if it is confirmed that it is a false bid, the situation is true. The expulsion of the five colleges will never be entered."

Wu Bingning pondered for a while, then said slowly.

Wu Bingning was not interested in the grievances between these people, and she was unwilling to get involved.

At that time, as the host of this auction, she had to answer again.

"Well, Xiao Naihe, did you hear me? Do you want you to get out, or do you want me to push you out?"

Gong Baozhu sneered.

"Gong Baozhu, don't be too bully. Why do you think Brother Xiao doesn't have so many points? Why do you think he is a fake bid? You can't afford to pay the price, don't be disgraced."

Now, Shangguan Jiajia couldn't help but yell out, her face was full of anger.

"Hey, who knows, 20 million points, that's not a small sum. If it's the Chutian or Miss Xian'er in your Suzaku College, maybe it's possible. But he, it's impossible. of."

"Also, Shangguan girl, it's not that I look down on you, even if you help him, it's impossible to collect so many points."

At this time, Merlin was suddenly smiling coldly.

Many people know the grievances between him and Shangguan Jiajia. Now that there is a chance to attack Shangguan Jiajia, how could Merlinn not grasp the opportunity?

"Yinyang people, don't ask if you don't ask you, don't speak."

"Yeah, what's wrong, does our majestic Miss Shangguan still want to move? You think I will be afraid of you?"

Merlin stood up and suddenly exuded a huge aura.

"Whoever is afraid, who is yin and yang, if there is a species, go out and single out."

For a while, several people seemed to be on the verge.

Shangguan Jiajia and Xiao Nai are a camp, while Merlin Block has inserted Wu Kongshan and Gong Baozhu on the way.

These people are among the leaders of the younger generation in the five colleges.

Even the older generation is willing to offend these young ancestors.

The whole meeting suddenly seemed dignified, and the air seemed to be filled with a warlike smell of smoke.


At this moment, Wu Bingning's eyes glared, and her body suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and a white lotus bloomed in the middle of her eyebrows, just like the prosperous lotus.

A blocked Dao Yun instantly locked the entire lobby, and everyone felt that their soul seemed to be locked in by a mysterious force and could not earn it.

Shangguan Jiajia's face changed slightly, even now that she is already a passive state, at this time, she felt that her soul seemed to be blocked by this mysterious force and could not move.

"This is Feng Tianming? Is this the true strength of the Valkyrie?"

"It is said that Wu Wu is already near the end of the passive period, and has the potential to be promoted to the longevity list. Like Chu Tian, ​​it belongs to the existence of the level of genius."

"Too strong. In front of the Valkyrie, I couldn't even struggle with one of her thoughts."

Everyone was shocked.

The pressure that Wu Bingning released from his body directly blocked the entire assembly.

In the auction, other masters must be protecting.

But Wu Bingning at this time was alone, suppressing the entire conference, which made the students of the five colleges feel the powerful aura of Wu Bingning.


When Wu Bingning showed his strong aura, even Wu Kongshan, Gong Baozhu and others were slightly avoiding the edge.

Wu Bingning belongs to the level of Chu Tian. The two of them have never fought, but no one dare say that Chu Tian's strength must be above Wu Bingning.

Wu Bingning is called a female warrior, precisely because her own force is so strong that she can be called a fairy. Even the elder masters dare not underestimate her.

For his strength, Wu Bingning is still very confident.

But at this time, Wu Bingning discovered a very strange phenomenon, this phenomenon is only afraid that she alone discovered it.

The man named Xiao Naihe just sat quietly, and there seemed to be an invisible boundary around him, bouncing his aura.

They can't even do Wu Kongshan and Gong Baozhu. How did this man who clearly didn't reach the passive realm do?

Wu Bingning's gaze moved slightly and gave Xiao Naihe a glance.

Suddenly she felt that she couldn't see through Xiao Nai.

Xiao Naihe turned his head, and suddenly smiled at Wu Bingning, and nodded slightly. It was completely a pair of AirAsia who was not suppressed by the gas field.

Wu Bingning's pupils shrank, and Xiao Naihe greeted her with a surprise.

Her powerful field control ability actually didn't help the man.

"If you have any conflicts, resolve them in private, don't conflict at the meeting, otherwise don't blame me for not giving love."

Wu Bingning's voice came out coldly.

When she heard her words, even Wu Kongshan and others did not dare to say more.

In the auction, Wu Bingning represented the spokespersons of the five colleges and the Terran League. It was absolutely irrational to go against Wu Bingning at this time.

Even Wanli Xuancai sat obediently at this time with his eyes closed to refresh himself!

"Girl Wu, I asked to check Xiao Naihe's token. I want to see if he has enough points."

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