Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2483: The guy with short eyes (on)

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"Brother Dao, the younger sister is willing to dedicate her only points to Brother Dao."

Xian'er's voice was like the sound of a celestial voice, and it slowly came and fell into the heart. It suddenly produced a mysterious charm, which seemed to sway the softest place in the heart.

The hands are like catkins, the skin is like gelatin, the collar is like a larva, and the teeth are like a rhinoceros.

Like a moon, like a fairy.

If the goddess Wu Bingning is a piece of ice that hasn't been unsealed for thousands of years, then Xian'er is a sun like a thousand years, with a spring breeze that warms the world.

"Miss Fairy at Suzaku College."

"Miss Xian'er has actually come. After hearing the lectures of Ms. Xian'er's Rejuvenating Spirit Pill in Suzaku College half a year ago, it is really hard to forget, but she never sees Ms. Xian'er again. Recently, Miss Xian'er actually appeared at the auction, which really made me unexpected. "

"The first beauty of Dan Daoyuan, the leader of the longevity candidate list, Ms. Xian'er is more outstanding than before. I am afraid that repairing for strength is a higher level."

Xian'er has a very high popularity among Suzaku College. Not only Suzaku College, but also among the other four colleges, there are many people who know Xianer.

Many people have come here especially for the sake of seeing Miss Xian'er.

But Xian'er, like Chu Tian, ​​is a divine dragon, but it's not easy to see Xian'er first.

Now that Xian'er appears at the auction, there is no reason why many Xian'er fans or the students who have heard of her reputation.

"Miss Xian'er, please have a seat here."

There was a smile on Merlin's face, the spring breeze was proud, and he stood up gracefully to give way, showing his own manners.

Other people around wanted to do the same, but because of Merlin ’s identity, no one dared to export to offend Merlin ’s first murderer.

"Thanks for the kindness of Master Mei. Today I am only helping Brother Xiao Dao."

Xian'er leaned back slightly and rejected Merlin's kindness.

Merlin's original thought that the handsome smile suddenly became very stiff at this moment. His eyes flickered, and when he looked at Xiao Naihe, he couldn't help but give birth to a murderous opportunity.

This Xiao Nai is not only the person next to Shangguan Jiajia, but also seems to have a close relationship with the person he admires. The temperament of Merlin, who is used to Xiao Naihe's face, can't wait to kill Xiao Naihe on the spot.

"Miss Xian'er actually came for Xiao Nai, obediently, what's the matter?"

"Why is this Xiao Nai sacred? Not only is he accompanied by the gold of Shangguan's family, but he is also generous. It is not simple at all. Now Miss Xian'er has not been out for a long time, and he came out to help him."

"Who the **** is he? When did such a simple character appear in Suzaku Academy."

"Impossible, his cultivation is impossible to disguise. He really hasn't reached the passive state. How could it be possible for Miss Xian'er to be favored, I don't believe it."

Many people who had thoughts about Xian'er couldn't help but howl, and they were both jealous and jealous of Xiao Naihe.

"How many points do you have?" Xiao Nai He looked at Xian'er slightly.

"I have a bit of points myself, and I have accumulated a few points there a long time ago. If I want to add up, there should be more than 20 million points." Xian'er answered truthfully.

This is true. Xian'er's strength nowadays, if you go to the mission hall, not many missions can be accepted.

The ancestor of Akihito, his points were rewarded by the college when he was still in the early days of the mission hall.

However, this kind of existence of Ancestral Ancestral Ark, there is no need to redeem points at all, so the two of them really have these points.

If they not only accepted the task from the beginning, it is not just this point now.

But even if it was more than 20 million points, everyone listened at this time and took a breath.

"The old man has a heart, then I'm welcome, 50 million points, don't waste time."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

He knew that Mingren's ancestors did not do anything that gave Xiao Nai a good performance.

Xiao Naihe's Dan Dao was beyond the expectations of Mingren's ancestors, so that Mingren's ancestor suddenly felt Xiao Naihe's potential.

Another change is that the relationship between Xiao Naihe and Qiye Patriarch is also good. Since the ancestor of Akihito wanted to make a good relationship with Xiao Naihe, he naturally gave up his blood.

The most powerful thing about these old guys is their own vision. They will never misunderstand them.

Otherwise, with Xiao Naihe's cultivation, how can Qiye Patriarch and Mingren Patriarch give up their identities to make friends with Xiao Naihe?

"50 million points."

Merlin can't help but change his face, not just him, other people's looks are also changing.

From the 30 million points just now, it instantly increased to 50 million points.

If these 50 million points are exchanged for resources among the five colleges, even a pig can be directly pushed to the passive state.

The resources redeemed by 50 million points will definitely break the resource chain of any college, resulting in considerable losses.

But with so many points, Xiao Naiho threw it out directly, even with no change in appearance. This tone, even Merlin, secretly admired Xiao Naihe.

Old Man Lingshu took a deep look at Xiao Naihe, and then glanced at Xian'er, and sighed softly: "I really didn't expect that Xian'er girl would give the old man a surprise."

"This matter is Xian'er's idea. Xian'er was ashamed of the good things that broke his predecessors."

"No, Master Zhu thought a lot of possibilities, but he didn't think that even the ancestor would do the same. Ken Chu came to look at Master Xiao too."

Chu Tian once calculated that Xian'er might help Xiao Naihe.

But with only one fairy, Chu Tian was not worried at all.

It is a pity that Chu Tian did not expect that Xiao Nai had such a high status in the minds of Mingren's ancestors, which made Mingren's ancestors attach such importance.

This made Chu Tian and the elderly Lingshu a little caught off guard.

Fifty million points, Chu Tian may be able to collect so many points after a period of collection, but now definitely not.

With so many points, it is far beyond what Chu Tian and Elder Lingshu expected at the beginning, and Elder Lingshu can only give up.

After speaking, the old man of Lingshu didn't hesitate, turned around and left, since there was nothing he couldn't shoot, there was no need to stay.

"50 million points for the first time."

"50 million points for the second time."

"Thirty million points for the third time."

"Shenxiang Void Gate is now photographed by Xiao Nai of Suzaku College!"

Wu Bingning finalized.

Xiao Naihe can be said to be the biggest winner of today's auction.

Although the Void Gate is not the last auction item, it is definitely the top auction item.

Fifty million points, I am afraid to refresh their auction records.

"Congratulations to Master Xiao, He Xi and Master Xiao, the Void Gate has become Master Xiao's."

Xian'er fell slightly.

"Thank you, Master, tell me what happened today, I remember, if he is free in the future, I will come to visit." Xiao Nai nodded.

"Then Master and I will wait for you to drive."

After talking, Xian'er slowly retreated, like a white smoke, disappeared into the crowd.

Xian'er said the same as she said today only to help Xiao Nai.

At this time, the audience was silent. Today, Xiao Naihe has broken everyone's glasses.

No one thought that this most ordinary looking man had such a great fortune and became the biggest winner at today's auction.

Whether it is Merlin, Wu Kongshan, Gong Baozhu and others, all kinds of resentment and jealousy are in my heart.

Especially Xian'er actually helped each other, which made them jealous and mad.

Now, many people who don't know Xiao Naihe's true identity, don't dare to underestimate Xiao Naihe. This is obviously not passive, but it can get the support of Miss Xian'er. It must be extraordinary.

"Young Master Xiao, after the auction, we will unblock the Void Gate and give it to Xiao Gongzi. On the Void Gate, the ancestors of the Academy have planted the prohibition of space boundary, and only the ancestor can unlock it. "

Wu Bingning said suddenly.

Although this god-like void door is only a split replica, even if it is a false relic, it is worthy of the term "holy".

Therefore, the ancestors of the Royal Academy did not dare to easily reveal such precious things, and naturally planted space prohibitions on them, just in case.

If someone really robbed the past, if there is no royal ancestor to unlock the prohibition, then the same void door is not used.

The only person who knows this is Wu Bingning.

"No, I just took it." Xiao Nai said lightly.

"Young Master Xiao should not worry, since this thing is yours, he won't run away. Because this thing is special, the prohibition can't be taken away without unblocking."

Wu Bingning was worried that Xiao Nai didn't know how strong the prohibition planted by the ancestors of the Royal Academy was. He could only imply Xiao Naihe, hoping that Xiao Nai could understand it, so that Xiao Nai would not have a foreign appearance.

"It's okay, I also learned a little bit about space prohibition at Suzaku College, so I don't bother you guys."

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Wu Bingning was somewhat disapproved. How could real space supernatural power be learned casually, and it would be impossible to unlock the prohibition of the void door with a little fur.

But Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, stretched out his hand, and caught in the void.

Then the five fingers condensed in the void, forming a seal.

A star star flashed in Xiao Naiho's eyes. At the next moment, a package of Fayin seals and grabbed the Void Gate directly.

"Young Master Xiao is careful."

Wu Bingning was taken aback. The prohibition planted by his ancestors above would rebound his strength. Maybe Xiao Nai would be rebounded by then.

What Wu Bingning didn't expect was that the blue light flashed around the Void Gate, just like twisting time and space. The next phase of the Void Gate was already shrinking, and Xiao Naihe caught him.

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