Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2498: Heaven is not as good as people (below)

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The celestial astrolabe floated into the void, and a faint blue breath slowly merged.

In an instant, the power of the heavenly power in the void was blocked.

"Good guy, your power of heaven is so powerful, it is worthy of the orthodox inheritance of heaven, but dare to count directly on you, and who can penetrate this small world, I am afraid that the strength is high, far from The level of opponents you met before. "

Gu Shengzi is indeed inferior to Xiao Naihe in the calculation of heaven and earth, but he has experienced many things.

Dare to infiltrate directly into this small thousand world, this person's strength is absolutely not simple.

Even Xiao Nai could feel, how keen the opponent's natural power is.


When Xiao Naihe blocked the power of heaven, Shangguan, who was far away in a certain space, was shallow, and his face became dignified.

Because he realized that the power of his celestial power could no longer be sensed, and even the slightest recall was gone.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Seeing Shangguan's shallow expression, Wu Bingning knew what difficulties he must have encountered.

And Wu Bing condensed that this existence could show such an expression.

But this time, Shangguan sneered coldly, and a mysterious gossip pattern appeared above his head.

At the moment when the gossip array rotates, it seems to cover the void world, and the blurry figure in the array suddenly seems to be trapped by a very mysterious force.

At this time, Shangguan was shallow, and a hint of dark green light appeared between his brows and hearts.


Wu Bingning took a cold breath, and the existence actually used his own source. This is what kind of difficulty he encountered.

Could it be that Xiao Naihe's side, what master is helping him fail?

Or maybe Xiao Naihe still has this kind of natural power.

This makes Wu Bingning a little unbelievable.

This Xiao Nai He Shenge did indeed convey a half-step passive Tao Yun, and the opponent not only held the half-sacred array treasure, but even the space magical powers were fascinating, much more subtle than himself.

If it is said that Xiao Nai can actually calculate by chance, then this person's talent is simply terrifying.

Even if it exists in the middle of the longevity list, their potential is not as good as this Xiao Nai.

"I want to see, you little guy, what means to stop me, to seal your power of heaven-, I will definitely calculate everything about you."

Shangguan smiled lightly, there seemed to be a charm that Zhizhu was holding.

Between his speeches, his five fingers stretched out, and a spiritual light flashed continuously from the cracks of his fingers into the golden streamer.


As if it were some kind of tearing sound, the power of Shangguan Qian's celestial machine escaped into the invisible, directly ignoring the space, and entered the world of Xiao Nai and Xiao Qian.

At this time, Xiao Naihe blocked the power of Shangguanqian's heavenly power with the power of heavenly power and star map.

But at this time, it was another mysterious power of heaven that locked Xiao Naihe's life.

And Xiao Naihe felt that this force of celestial power seemed to penetrate into Xiao Naihe's life, and to pull out all of Xiao Naihe's past.

"A bit of a tactic, but if I let you peep all my life, then I will abandon the practice immediately. No longer practice."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

The celestial star map in his hand is suddenly in the world of Xiaoqian, and has evolved into a starry sky.

In this starry sky, it seems to be a black and white world. There are countless pieces in the black and white world, and each piece is dotted with laminar streamer.

"Heaven is not as good as man, and man is not as good as me. Even I don't know what my life will be in the future, let alone the sky, break me."

There was a thunder in Xiao Naihe's voice, as if he had stepped into the invisible world.

This thunder sound directly sealed the power of Shangguanqian's heavenly power through the heavenly star map.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's fate was directly restricted by Xiao Nai's countless ways, each of which blocked his life.

Now Xiao Naihe's life is strictly guarded against the sky.

Even if Beiqiong was holding a heavenly machine disk, it would be impossible to calculate Xiao Naihe's fate.

However, after Xiao Naihe blocked all the prohibitions of his life, in a very far space, Shangguan's face changed suddenly.

At that time, the ray of spiritual light in his hand was also disconnected, and a sound of ‘Deng Deng’ sounded, as if the strings were disconnected.

That is a certain line where his power of heaven is connected. As long as this line is there, it means that the power of heaven is still connected to Xiao Naihe's life.

If the line is broken, it means that his own power of heaven has been cracked.

At this time, this line is already broken-that means that the power of his natural power has been cut off by people, and it is completely cut off.

Shangguan Qian knows that his astronomical calculations are capable, even if it is not the first in the longevity world, but it is definitely ranked first.

And now, it was actually cut off by someone, which made Shang Guanqian feel incredible at once.

"How is guru?"

"Hey? Broken, broken."

Shangguan shallowly sighed, and a strange smile appeared between his expressions.

"Broken, what broke?"

"That kid is very powerful, much more powerful than I thought, and it can actually cut off the power of my celestial machine. I originally turned my celestial machine's power into a lifeline and dived into the lifeline of the other party, but was killed by the other party. Forcibly cut off. In this way, no outsider can help him. Only his own talents can do it, cut off the magic line in his life. "

Speaking of which, Shang Guanqian's face became even stranger.

"What is the origin of Xiao Nai, even the power of heaven can be cut off, and even the guru cannot calculate his fate, what is the origin of him?"

"Half Saint Array, the mysterious power of heaven, and even more mysterious strength, this Xiao Nai, the origin is too mysterious, and still follows Jia Jia, what is the origin of this man, and what purpose does it have? ? "

Finally, Shangguan looked at the Valkyrie, and suddenly said, "Boy, I tell you once, you arrange some eyeliners in the Suzaku College, and see what the man came from. If anything else happens, you must tell me on time. , Hungry and have to follow his movements all the time, you know? "

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