Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2500: Peacock Holy Land

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To be precise, Xiao Nai stood between a hillside.

Under the sunlight, a warm anger seemed to be shrouded in the whole world.

That vitality filled the air, saying that it seemed that everyone's acupuncture could be full of power.

"What a huge vitality, is this the Peacock Holy Land? It is said that the Peacock Holy Land was in the mythological age of the longevity world. After the Holy Beast sat down, it left its origin in this heaven and earth and formed a Holy Land."

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, and he determined that he had indeed entered the Peacock Holy Land.

Although he didn't really enter the Peacock Holy Land, Xiao Naihe could still speculate about the things in Xingzu's memory.

At this moment, Xiao Nai's eyebrows showed a ray of light, and the figure of Gu Shengzi turned into a light thought, which appeared in his sea of ​​knowledge.

"Do you feel it? There is a mysterious power of law in this world, which suppresses something." Gu Shengzi's voice spread.

"Well, indeed, there are certain laws in this world that suppress my cultivation. This kind of law, everyone under the Holy Lord is in the rules. I heard that the laws in the Holy Land of the Peacock will The cultivators below, will be repaired to the passive state. Even if it is in the later period of the passive, if you enter the Peacock Holy Land, the cultivation will be automatically suppressed to a half-step passive. "

"It is the holy beast, the holy beast, the existence of one of the three holy beasts in the eternal life world. In the mythological era of the eternal life, there are three holy beasts occupying the entire eternal life. Among them, the holy beast is one of the most powerful. It lies in the power of its laws. It can be said that its laws are the most primitive. It can control any kind of laws. Our practitioners ’cultivation behavior is within the cultivation rules, so they will be controlled by the bird."

"However, the priest of the Passive Peak is different. Once you enter the Passive Peak, your own power is most transformed into a law. The strong level of the venerable level will not be affected by the law of the Sparrow Saint. Therefore, the Passive Peak ’s If the master enters the Peacock Holy Land, cultivation base will not be affected. "

Speaking of the three great beasts, Gu Shengzi's voice seemed to have a sense of frowning.

As a top-level existence before the longevity world, the mythological era is close to his era, and I am afraid that I have more knowledge of the three sacred beasts than anyone in the contemporary era.

Xiao Naihe knew the three sacred beasts from Wang Yi's memory.

"But even if they are as strong as the three holy beasts, as long as they don't jump out of the eternal world, they will still be affected by the consciousness of the eternal world. It's like this bird holy, if it wants, it can leave the eternal world at any time and be detached. The consciousness of the longevity world goes to the starry sky in other planes. "

Gu Shengzi sighed.

Xiao Naihe said: "Perhaps this bird sage did not want to leave the eternal life world and leave this heaven and earth, so even after Shou Yuan died, he chose to leave the source in this heaven and earth, turn it into a peacock sacred land, and continue to give back to the long life world. Right. "

The law in the Peacock Holy Land will suppress any cultivator below the passive peak to the cultivation practice below the passive.

Xiao Nai is no exception, but his own divine personality has not yet reached the passive state, which should be accurately restored, so after entering the Peacock Holy Land, he has not been affected much.


At this time, a clear voice came.

Xiao Naihe turned his head and looked over, and found that a crack had surfaced in the Tuopin of the Void Gate of God's Faith, and the space runes on it were all gone.

"It seems that this Void Gate has no effect anymore. The next time I want to go back, even if it is really a passive peak, you must get another Void Gate's space indicator and send it."

Xiao Nai thought about it for a while, and then asked, "Holy, do you feel it, are you the remains of the ancient holy tribe?"

"Without clues, my perception power is not as good as before, you still go around, maybe I can still find out."

"we can only do this."

Xiao Nai nodded.

As a world of thousands, the Peacock Holy Land is actually covered on a continent.

This continent is other than the independent longevity world.

Because of the holy rule of the bird, people outside want to come in, unless it is to find the space index, otherwise it is unlikely.

It is equally unlikely that the people inside are going out.

The law in this world is itself a prohibition, restricting people from outside to come in, and also restricting people from inside from going out.

But generally speaking, only people outside want to come in.

The Holy Land of Peacocks is a paradise, because it is said that this place is a paradise of human races.

Many people have begun to give up everything in the outside world and want to concentrate on staying in the peacock sacred place to live in isolation from the world.

The Peacock Holy Land has been formed several times ago, and various people have been inherited on this continent.

It can be said that the Peacock Holy Land is in fact similar to the outside world. They are formed by various forces and there are also competitions.

But compared to the outside world, there is much less competition inside, and it is far less intense than outside.

Restricted by the law, even if the cultivation is the highest, it is only half-step passive. As long as the cultivation is similar, there will not be so much competition.

"East, I feel a huge and mysterious breath in the east. I'll go over and look first."

Xiao Naihe turned his head, his figure was like a streamer, and the speed was so fast that he could not catch it with the naked eye.

Although his divinity is only half-step passive, in terms of speed, even if it is an ordinary passive mid-term, it may not be faster than him.

In a short time, Xiao Nai appeared somewhere in the east.

Just as Xiao Nai was walking on the road, he suddenly heard a gust of wind and the sound of horses hissing.

"Yu ..."

After a long whistle, a group of people suddenly appeared behind Xiao Naihe.

To be precise, it should be a carriage and a small group of people.

These people were wearing iron armor Xuanyi and wearing swords around their waists. They were obviously guards with simple identities.

The man's spirit was very full, and there was a vitality in his eyes, as if he was an invincible warrior.

These people are all guarded around a carriage, and there is a layer of defense around the carriage, which seems to protect what is important.

When Xiao Naihe appeared in front of them, the pedestrian suddenly became alert.

The leading man's face changed and he stopped everyone directly, looking at Xiao Naihe: "Who are you? Why is it in front of us?"

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