Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2503: Floating space

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The seventh world?

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, and he and Gu Shengzi guessed that there must be a certain connection between the Peacock Holy Land and the Seventh Realm.

The remains of the ancient saints are likely to be in the Seventh Realm, one of the seven forbidden areas. From the clues Xiao Naihe finally found, the Seventh Realm finally appeared in the area of ​​the Peacock Holy Land.

Legend has it that the Seventh Realm is not a fixed space. It is like a city in the sky. It will flow and float on its own, without any trace, appearing in the longevity world.

But this area of ​​the Peacock Holy Land is the place where the Seventh Realm appears the most.

This is the clue that Xiao Naihe found from the memory of Xingzu. If the remains of the ancient saints really fell in the seventh realm, then the united blood race now appears on the peacock holy land, and Xiao Naihe's guess is not wrong.

The seventh world was originally the space where the blood clan once lived. Although the blood clan was destroyed, the seventh world did not disappear.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nai sat down instead.

When he saw Xiao Naihe sitting next to the star picking the star, her face changed a little bit more than Qian Gu's, and she was forced to guard.

"Don't move, you are not his opponent. If he really wanted to kill me, I would have died."

The Virgin Star Picker stopped Beghan's movements and said slowly.

A star burst in her eyes, as if enveloping some kind of mysterious power, there is a special charm in the flow.

This young girl clearly stated that she was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and it was impossible to fake this year's ring, but her expression was like that of an adult who has lived for decades and hundreds of years. Very calm and calm,

The culture of picking stars is very weak. Xiao Naihe estimates that this girl's cultivation behavior is not high, but she seems to have some peculiar power. This peculiar power ignores the cultivation of strength, and there is a way for Xiao Naihe All felt a little bit tricky.

"You have some kind of power in your body. This kind of power should be blessed by the will of the Peacock Holy Land and represents the law of the Peacock Holy Land?" Xiao Nai asked.

"Yes, as long as I do n’t leave the Peacock Holy Land, and as long as I ’m still a sacred woman in Tianchi, then as the one selected by the will of the Peacock Holy Land, I will be blessed by the law of the Peacock Holy Land. Generally speaking, if there is such a law blessing, No one hurts me, but I feel a certain kind of breath in you, that is a breath that is not suppressed by the law! "

The sacred lady picked the star slightly, and the tone showed three points of caution: "Aren't you a person of our peacock sacred place? Are you an outsider?"

"Oh? You can also see that it is worthy of being selected by the Peacock Holy Land." Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Hearing the conversation between the two, he was surprised than Qiangu, and a deep horror appeared on his face: "It is impossible, the space outside the Peacock Holy Land has been blessed by the law, and a specific enchantment is planted, unless it is a holy sage The strong, otherwise it is impossible to enter. "

"Only Holy Lord comes in? You think it's too simple, but it's no wonder that you have this idea. You have lived in the Peacock Holy Land for so long, and you have long forgotten the changes outside. The means and magical development outside It's faster than your imagination. As far as I know, if I know the spatial index of the Peacock Holy Land, I have at least a dozen ways to come in, even if I'm not a passive Venerable Saint! "

Xiao Naihe had no good idea to come to Peacock Holy Land because he was not sure about the main route of Peacock Holy Land.

If he knew the main route to the Peacock Holy Land, even if there were enchantments around the Peacock Holy Land, he could not stop Xiao Naihe's footsteps.

"So, those people, aren't they outsiders?"

Bigangu suddenly thought of the monsters of the blood clan, those monsters that can increase their strength by swallowing the flesh and blood of others, are they like Xiao Nai, they come in from the outside?

"No, those blood races are not outsiders. They should be people who have lived in the Peacock Holy Land for a long time. The laws on the Peacock Holy Land are suppressed. I can all feel that those people are indeed suppressed by the laws of the Peacock Holy Land. This kind of breath, only when you lived in the Peacock Holy Land for a period of time, you have that kind of breath. And you, but not. "

Pick the star and look at Xiao Naihe.

It is not a difficult problem for a lady chosen as a peacock holy land to see if a person has lived in a peacock holy land.

If she had come out early to see Xiao Naihe and watched the breath of Xiao Naihe, then this misunderstanding would not happen.

"You blood people, how much do you know?"


After picking the star and glancing at Bigangu and others, Xiao Nai and He Xinshen grasped it, waved their hands, and suddenly a golden light appeared on his body.

After this layer of golden light spread out, it was like a candle in the wind, blinking continuously, covering him and picking stars.

A border is formed from the inside out.

"Adult, what should we do now?" A man asked Bigangu's opinion.

Bigangu stared at the two people in the enchantment, but could not hear what they were saying, but could only say: "Wait, the strength of that person is far beyond my imagination If you want to kill someone, you have already started from the beginning. "

Although he was anxious in Ganqian's heart, he had to admit Xiao Naihe's strength. He knew that Xiao Naihe should have no malice in the beginning.

But the saint is in Xiao Naihe's hands, and Biangu is just as relieved.

"What else shall we do next?"

"Wait! Wait for them to come out."

There is no other good way than Begungou. From the conversation between the two people just now, it is clear that the saint is aware of certain things, and those things cannot be heard by them.

While everyone outside was anxious to be like the ants on the hot pot, the lady picked the stars but was very calm, sitting quietly on the carriage and talking to Xiao Naihe.

"In the secret area of ​​Peacock Holy Land and Tianchi, there is a stone monument left by the Peacock Holy Land. That piece is recorded on it a lot of things that others do not know, about the development history of the Peacock Holy Land, or other very secret . Among them, there are records about the blood race. "

When picking the stars here, the tone is slightly condensed: "In a certain era, the Peacock Holy Land was once popped into a space hole by a blood monument that did not know where, and fell into our Peacock Holy Land, forming a certain Very dangerous place. "

"Blood monument?"

Xiao Nai He moved his mind, and when he heard these two words, Xiao Nai He already had some kind of speculation in his mind.

"Is that a stone tablet?"

"It's a stone monument. This stone monument shows a ruddy color of blood and blood. It is very red and very strange. Those who happened in the Peacock Holy Land call it the blood monument. After the blood monument came to the Peacock Holy Land, it was The strong man in the Tianchi took it away, which was originally not an important thing. But on a certain day, some strange text appeared on the blood monument, and there was blood flashing in the text, and then there was something from the blood. Come out of the stele. Those things, with the appearance of human beings, are living monsters, devouring the flesh and blood of others, growing vitality, and strengthening their own power. These monsters, claiming to be blood people, must control the entire Peacock Holy Land. "

Xiao Nai nodded. Although he had not seen the blood people himself, he had heard that in a certain era of the longevity world, the blood clan once occupied many areas of the longevity world and became the most terrifying race in the longevity world.

It is not surprising that such a race exists in the dark with such ambitions.

Their strength has risen so fast, if there is no such crazy desire, that is the biggest strange thing.

"The masters of Tianchi came forward to deal with these blood races. Fortunately, there were not many blood races at that time. The masters of Tianchi suppressed them." Picking the star said: "However, Tianchi also paid because of this matter. Very large price, because of that repression, Tianchi suffered heavy losses. Then, Tianchi issued a general order, and it was the only general order. As long as the blood clan appeared, it must be completely destroyed. "

"Unfortunately, other people in the Peacock Holy Land did not know that such a thing had happened in the Peacock Holy Land, and there was a disaster that almost destroyed the Peacock Holy Land."

At this time, Xiao Naihe also guessed that the blood stele was definitely the one that the ancient saints had said before, and it was a stone stele they had previously obtained, which could violate the laws of the eternal life and self-create life.

It is precisely because of this stone tablet that the ancient holy clan will be wiped out by the ancient Ming clan and all the clan together.

"Xiao Naihe, quickly ask where the stone tablet is, and where the stone tablet is located must be related to the remains of the ancient saints. I feel this possibility."

At this time, the voice of Gu Shengzi came from Xiao Naihe's knowledge of the sea.

"Do you know where the stone tablet is?"

"I don't know, when the master Tianchi was encircling the blood clan, the stone monument disappeared, as if it never appeared in the Peacock Holy Land, but ... Although I don't know where the blood monument is, I knew this The place where the blood people appeared once. "


"Floating space!"

"Floating space?"

"Yes, there is a very special place in the Peacock Holy Land. This place is like a legend. It sometimes appears in the Peacock Holy Land, sometimes it disappears in the Peacock Holy Land, and every place where it appears It ’s different. Some masters call it a floating space, a space that can flow automatically. "

"The Seventh World!"

At this time, Xiao Naihe and the ancient sage directly thought of going together. The things mentioned by picking stars are very similar to the seventh world.

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