Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2514: I am the Lord (Part 2)

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In the peak period, the ancient Shengzi was the holy power of the passive peak.

As a super master of the ancient saints, he also has many treasures in his hands.

But just by the mysterious river in Xiao Naihe's hands, Gu Shengzi felt a little worse.

Time is the most mysterious of all avenues, and the most difficult to understand.

Even any will that has always been strong, as strong as the longevity world, will be affected by time.

Although many powerful cultivators have also practiced magical powers about time, they even created certain Taoist instruments that can change the flow of time.

But that kind of time flow is just an internal change.

For example, when the time flows in the device, what they change is only the time in the device. Even if it comes out in the device for thousands of years, the body will flow in the same time as the outside, not because of the change in the device. And change.

And Xiao Naihe's time river is completely complete, changing time, unlike other people's time avenues, but only changes in will.

Xiao Naihe completely changed the internal, external, spiritual, will, physical, and other changes. This is also the biggest feature of the river of time. Even the changes brought by the chaotic heavenly stone can avoid many of its unnecessary consumption.

Kaka Kaka!

A voice came from Xiao Naihe's flesh, his blood became extremely strong, and blood smoke pierced through it, radiating from his heavenly cover, far and continuously, like a nine-day waterfall.


At this time, Xiao Naihe suddenly saw another scripture book next to the General Prose of Wuji, and that scripture book was the one that the ancient saints sacrificed.

Xiao Naihe glanced at it, and suddenly said, "Since you are willing to merge with my Infinite Dao, starting today, you will be known as Taiji, Infinite Taiji, and my avenue will be called" Jidao! "

Between the words, the book suddenly split, and every page of the book flowed with golden light, and it merged with the Promise Master.

Every acupuncture point in Xiao Naihe's body, under the fusion of this piece of light, seems to be extremely holy under the cover of a cassock.

Raising his hand, Xiao Naihe's clothes turned into ashes at this moment.

Now Xiao Naihe, his flesh is as if it is not bad, and his body is crystal clear, with a white luster.

The skin can be blown up, white and tender, just like a newborn baby.

But it is right to describe it this way. After his physical body has been transformed by Chaos Qi and Origin Qi, his body, even everything in his body, is completely equivalent to a new life.

"Starting today, Ji Dao is associated, I am the Lord!"

Xiao Naihe whispered softly.

At this time, the thunder, which had evolved from the heaven and earth disaster in the sky, gradually disappeared and merged into the chaotic sky stone.

The starry world around him disappeared, as if the void was distorted, and he merged into Xiao Naihe's body.

As for the river of time, the rice paddy of all things, and the Taikoo Leichi, they all flew into Xiao Naihe's body.

A world disaster, this is the end.

"It's over? Just become the Lord?"

Gu Shengzi was a little stunned. When he stepped into the passive peak, he also died for nine years and experienced a three-year period of resistance before he entered the passive peak.

But I heard that some people, even under the attack of the Heaven and Earth Tribulation, lasted for three hundred years, and even thousands of years, before the World and Earth Tribulation left and became a passive peak.

However, Xiao Nai, before and after, seemed to be only a half-day effort, and stepped into the peak of the passive, which made Gu Shengzi somewhat unexpected.

It is a pity that the ancient son knew where Xiao Nai compressed the power of the river of time, and squeezed time to one ten million times.

He has spent a very long time in the river of time for half a day.

"You ... just stepped into the passive peak? Are you the Lord now?"

Gu Shengzi asked with some uncertainty.

"Um ... how to say, I should be a half saint now."

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, and said slowly.

The Heaven and Earth Tribulation evolved from the Chaos Heavenly Stone. Although it is the same as the world outside, there are still some differences.

Even now Xiao Naihe feels that his holy lord is completely different from others.

"However, even if it is the true Lord, I don't feel like losing to them." Xiao Nai then laughed again.

He felt that even now when facing the first lady of the first face, Xiao Naihe had the absolute ability to contend with her. Even Bai Baihe and Huang Lin, Xiao Naihe dared to pat.

This feeling far exceeds his peak.

Gu Shengzi gave Xiao Naihe a deep look. Although Xiao Naihe was the same as Xiao Naihe in the past, he felt that Xiao Naihe had something different in the past.

At least it is much deeper than before. Nowadays, Xiao Naihe, when motionless, seems to be fused into the void, breathless, and he can't even find him.

"You haven't seen this phenomenon before." Gu Shengzi shook his head.

At this time, there was a crack in the ruins, and a golden light burst out of the crack.

Xiao Naiho's eyes flew in and followed Jin Guang.

He stepped into a small secret area, and what was reflected in his eyes was actually the fairy crystals piled up in mountains.

There are also all kinds of treasures and treasures.

"Luo Sheng Secret Realm, this is a time when our ancient saints were in crisis. For the sake of the resurgence of the mountains, we deliberately collected most of the family's heritage into a mobile secret realm. It was originally brought out by me. In the future, it is a retro saint. … "

Gu Shengzi's tone seemed very bitter.

Originally, the important task of the Guangfu tribe was entrusted to Gu Shengzi, but Gu Shengzi was finally defeated and sealed by others.

Luo Sheng's secret realm that he should have brought out was not taken out, and was sealed in the ancient ruins.

"Is there anything you want inside that can help you reinvent the flesh?"

Xiao Nai asked.

Gu Shengzi shook his head: "No, what I want, you will know soon. You should put away these things first, these are already yours, I have promised you."

"You do not want?"

Nothing in these secret realms, even Xiao Nai, who has already achieved the sacred veneration, cannot be unimpressed.

"I no longer need to be a retro saint. My biggest purpose now is to reinvent the flesh and blood."

Xiao Nai nodded, and he had no ink.

Since Gu Shengzi said so, he didn't hesitate, waved his hand, and the boundary dragon stone moved, and the entire Luo Sheng secret realm was instantly included in the boundary dragon stone.

"Let's go out first, that little girl should still be waiting for me."

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