Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2517: Crystal coffin (on)

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She hadn't discovered this feeling before, but now, when picking stars, she clearly noticed that there is a bottomless hole in Xiao Naihe's body, which is always unpredictable.

Even if Xiao Nai stood in front of him and picked the stars, he felt as if he was facing a huge sea of ​​stars, so small that he could be ignored.

"Just the next time I go to the bottom of the abyss, I feel this way."

Star picking knows that there must be some secrets under the abyss, otherwise the will of the Blood Stele will not want to force into the abyss.

But picking stars in this kind of thing also knows that you can't ask Xiao Naihe. Since Xiao Naihe brought himself here, it's pretty good.

If she still doesn't move, she asks what she shouldn't ask, but it becomes counterproductive.

Xiao Naihe has now achieved the peak of passiveness, which is beyond the suppression of the law of the Peacock Holy Land.

However, he just returned his breath to nature, completely unable to perceive Xiao Naihe's true cultivation behavior.

It's no wonder why Xiao Nai has that strange feeling for Xiao Nai.

"Is that just the will of the blood stele? How did it come in? This ruin is planted with a very ancient force. It should be impossible for the blood stele to come in."

When Xiao Nai stepped into the Holy Venerable, he also realized that there is indeed a will in this ancient ruin, which is the will left by the ancient saints.

The ancient saints had a big battle with the blood tribes during their lifetime, and because of the blood tribe, it indirectly led to the destruction of the ancient saints.

Therefore, after the death of the masters of the ancient saints, their remaining wills will condense together, and will form an involuntary will to reject the blood clan.

There is such a will. Generally speaking, the blood monument cannot come in, even if it is the will of the blood monument.

If you can come in, come in long ago.

"I don't know. I just felt the rhythm of Daoyun in this world just now. Suddenly I felt something was wrong, and then the will of the blood monument came in. It came from that place.

Pick the star and point to a position behind.

Xiao Nai looked, in the sky, a space hole appeared, and pieces of space debris fell down, seemingly eroded into a hole by some kind of evil charm power.

"Blood meaning? Gu Shengzi, is the power of the blood monument so powerful? You are not saying that the will in this ruin can stop the will of the blood monument."

Xiao Naihe introduced his voice into the sea of ​​knowledge.

After a while, Gu Shengzi's hesitant voice also sounded: "It seems that my previous guess was correct. The power of this blood monument has grown stronger than it was when I was in the ancient Sheng Clan. At that time We got three blood monuments and destroyed two of them, but this one became stronger after the other two were destroyed. "

"You want to say that the power of the two blood monuments that have been destroyed has not disappeared, but has been absorbed by the third blood monument? So the power of this blood monument is stronger than you think?"

"It should be, otherwise, the strength of the blood monument was not enough to force the void hole to come in."

After thinking for a while, Xiao Nai He suddenly said: "Gu Shengzi, the way you said to recast the flesh and blood, is it not the blood monument?"

"how do you know?"

Xiao Nai smiled faintly: "Under the ruins of the abyss, you said that what you want is not in the ruins. When you think about how you talked to me before, you always turn your words forward to the blood stele. At that time, I guessed Now. "

Gu Shengzi didn't reply, and after a long wait, his sigh came from Xiao Naihe's knowledge of the sea: "Yes, I didn't have any ideas. If there is really a way, then there must be only blood monuments." Secrets can help me rebuild my body. "

These are nothing. Xiao Nai has a huge memory and experience, and naturally can guess many of them.

The current state of Gu Shengzi is just like the state of Pu Yue at that time. It is just the state of a remnant soul, at most much better than Pu Yue. At least the strength of Gu Sheng Zi is much stronger than that of Pu Yue.

However, after so many times, in the "Void Samsung Lock Array", Gu Shengzi was also consumed too much. At most, only one era can exist.

At the beginning, Xiao Nai had already existed in the late passive period, but there was no way to help Pu Yue recast her body. That was because she was evaded by the law, and there was basically no way to be reborn.

And Gu Shengzi is almost the same ending.

According to the truth, even the magical remedy against the heavens, the celestial treasure, cannot help the ancient son reinvent the body.

This kind of thing was noticed when he cooperated with Gu Shengzi a long time ago.

It's just that he didn't break it at that time.

Up to now, although Xiao Naihe has stepped into the state of passive peak, but it is not so easy to help a remnant soul body circumvented by the law and recast the body.

The only possibility is to surpass the miracle.

What Xiao Nai could think of was only blood monument.

"Blood monument has the ability to create life. If I can find out the secret of blood monument to create life, then I can use this ability to create a new life for myself."

Gu Shengzi said slowly.

If you simply find the body to parasitize, you can do it again.

Therefore, only the creation of a living body is possible for the ancient Saint Son to regenerate himself.

"Since I have promised you, I will not go back on my words, and I can reach the peak of passiveness so quickly, and I also got the sacrificial scriptures of your ancient saints. This is what I owe you."

Xiao Nai was not surprised. Xiao Nai was also very interested in the blood monument.

After reaching the peak of passiveness, he also knew how powerful this state was.

At that time, among the ancient saints, the masters of the saint level were absolutely indispensable, but they still could not penetrate the ability of the blood clan.

To this end, Xiao Nai also wanted to see what kind of secrets are contained in the blood monument.

The purpose of reinventing the ancient Son is the same.

"But where are we going to find the blood monument now?"

Xiao Nai suddenly murmured.

This time, his voice was not transmitted to Gu Shengzi alone, but spoke out subconsciously.

Later, the star picker next to him pulled La Xiao Naihe's clothes and said, "Does Mr. Xiao want to find a blood monument?"

"Yes, I want to see through the secret of the blood monument."

Xiao Nai did not conceal, and when he came to this level, he did not need to conceal anything.

"Actually Xiao Gongzi doesn't need to go to the blood monument deliberately. I know there is a way to make the blood monument appear."

"You want to say that as long as you are here, the blood monument will definitely come, right?"

He knows that since the blood clan created by the blood stele wants to break through to a higher level, he must avoid the suppression of the law.

And the current method, the only way, is to pick out the stars.

The blood stele wants to break away from the law suppression, picking stars is essential.

So as long as you pick the stars by your side, Xiao Nai does not have to worry about not being able to find the Blood Stele, and even the Blood Stele will definitely start in the future.

"This time I shot out the will of the blood monument, it is estimated that the blood monument will not appear for the time being."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

This blood monument is cunning and savvy. It has seen Xiao Naihe's power and knows that it is impossible to confront Xiao Naihe head-on. He must think of countermeasures and be fully prepared.

However, Xiao Naihe estimated that the Blood Tablet should not have guessed that he was a passive peak.

"What should you do, Mr. Xiao? Although the blood monument will still be found, we are useless even if we stay here. It is estimated that it is impossible for the blood monument to come in again."

"Go back to your Tianchi, if the blood monument still wants to find it, it is estimated that you will first find your Tianchi."

"Alright, Master Xiao, let me lead the way."

Xiao Nai nodded, he waved his hand, and suddenly a star appeared in the void.

These stars enveloped the two of them like a space shuttle, and flew out in an instant.

The light moved, when Xiao Nai got out of the ancient ruins.

I saw Xiao Naihe suddenly stopped and stood in the sky. He reached out his hand and drew a seal of Fa.

There is a certain mysterious power in this seal, the next moment it is introduced, the entire ancient ruins are instantly rolled up by a ray of light

Soon, the enchantment of the ancient holy ruins condensed in all directions and seemed to be isolated.

This enchantment prohibition, as long as it is not a master of the level of the Lord, it is impossible to break in.

Xiao Naihe is in such a realm, and how easy it is to believe in this method.

This ancient saint remains the place where Xiao Nai stepped into the peak of passiveness, and he is not willing to be penetrated by such an important place.

So the prohibition was planted directly around the ancient ruins.

"let's go."

Xiao Naiho waved his hand again, and the light flashed between him, sending him and the star picker out.

A space channel evolved into light, like the Avenue of Stars, Xiao Naihe flew into it.

"Huh? You see, Xiao Xiao, it's that thing again."

At this time, Xiao Nai looked up and looked at the sky.

woo woo woo woo!

At this time, a black crow was dragging a crystal coffin and floating in the sky.

These crows made a long cry, very weird.

"It's the crystal coffin again, Master Xiao, what's hidden in this crystal coffin, why did Xiao Xiaozi have that kind of behavior when he last saw him?

Star picking couldn't help but ask.

Speaking of her, although she is a saint girl, even if she is mature, she is still much younger than Xiao Naihe in age.

A woman of this age is the time when she likes gossip the most.

"Is the thing in the crystal coffin? I once said that even if it came out of it, it would be tricky for me. But now ..."

Xiao Nai thought, what happened suddenly thought

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