Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2527: Beyond

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When the thunder rolls, the emptiness of the sky is like a long night, and the continuous sound of thunder is restless.

Xiao Nai opened his acupuncture all over his body, and every acupuncture contained endless power. The skill of the finger, the void was a catch.

Bang Bang Bang.

I only heard a long cracking sound. It turned out that Xiao Nai and He grabbed with five fingers and became a five-element thunder.

"This is the Divine Passage of the Palmer, how could he? Is it because he only read it once and learned all the essence?"

Elder Ling's face was cold and pale, and the corner of his mouth shook slightly, and his eyes were horrified.

They, monks, have never heard of someone who can learn by looking at the magical power of others.

"This is not possible. The strength of the senior brothers today, the creation of the Divine Passage, is ever-changing. Among them, various methods of application of Tao Yun, pulse, Shen Nian, etc., even by word of mouth, are impossible. You can comprehend it all at once. How can you comprehend the essence of it at a glance? "

"Yes, this is afraid that there is no shape and no inner content, but it only simulates the shape of the" Five Elements Thunder Sword ", not a real supernatural power."

No matter what the masters of Tianchi are talking about, at this time, Yin and Yang Naruto are cautious, showing three points of fear in their expressions.

The "Five Elements Thunder Sword" is a supernatural power created by him, and he naturally knows the power of this divine channeling method.

If it were not suppressed by the law, this magical power was even more terrible. What he showed at this time was much worse than he thought.

However, the power of Xiao Naihe's magical power is now fully in line with the power of his consciousness.

"Weiling universe, Lingjuantiandi."

At this time, Yin-Yang Naruto suddenly thought of one of the mantras he had created in this unique school.

Although this kind of supernatural power was created by him, he could not show the essence of this supernatural power anyway.

Because of the realm, because of the vision, he couldn't even display the magical power he created.

But Xiao Nai is different. Yin and Yang Naruto know that Xiao Nai not only perfectly interpreted the essence of his magical power, but even walked in front of himself, showing his higher understanding.

"The Avenue of Heaven and Earth is invisible and invisible. The five elements of God Thunder and the sword are born from the heart. Dao Law is a good Dao Law, but you can't exert its true power.

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

Just as everyone was thinking about Xiao Naihe's sentence, suddenly Xiao Naihe's body moved, his fingers were in the void a little, ten million sword qi originally exploded, but instead contracted back quickly.

"Only fine and unique."

Xiao Nai He volleyed a little bit, the sword thunder was endless, and the blinking kung fu had arrived in front of Yin and Yang Naruto.

"It's worth it even if you can see such a road."

In the face of danger, Yin and Yang Naruto did not fear, but instead smiled, closed their eyes, and did not resist.

He knew that Xiao Naihe did not have any flaws this time, and even Yin and Yang Naruto could not find a way to crack them in the Dao Law he created.

He knew that Xiao Nai went farther than himself.


Seeing that Yin and Yang Naruto were indifferent, the others in Tianchi suddenly couldn't help raising their throats and shouted in horror.


At this time, the mad sword energy in the original void also disappeared at this time.

Xiao Nai thought about it, all the power disappeared at this time.

Waving hands, this space world disappeared directly.

"Awesome space replacement."

Seeing that Xiao Nai actually even broke his own space world, this time, Yin and Yang Naruto were really convinced.

"There are people outside of heaven and there are people outside. The Peacock Holy Land can't produce such characters as Zunjia. Zunjia should come from the outside world.

Yin Yang Naruto put his hands together and said with respect.

These cultivators respect the strong, regardless of age.

Xiao Naihe's strength is stronger than himself, and Yin and Yang Naruto naturally regard him as the top.

"What, people from the longevity world?"

Tang's head and others were shocked and stepped back a few steps.

The Peacock Holy Land has not been visited by outsiders for many years, but they have all heard about some things in the longevity world.

In the longevity world, there is no rule to suppress, and the strength of the cultivator can be absolutely released.

But as soon as you enter the Peacock Holy Land, even the most powerful cultivators who do not become saints must be suppressed.

In the longevity world, there are not many people who know the top level of Tianchi.

That is why, in their eyes, the longevity world is a bit more mysterious.

Now when they hear that Xiao Nai came from the world of longevity, they will inevitably feel shocked.

But think carefully, Xiao Naihe's strength is terrible, the actual combat experience seems to be far beyond them.

If such a master is not from the longevity world, then I don't know how to explain it.

"Yes, I am indeed not from the Peacock Holy Land, but from outside the longevity world." Xiao Naihe did not conceal.

In his realm, he can be calm in everything.

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Yin and Yang Naruto were relieved.

If Xiao Naihe was born and raised in the Holy Land of Peacocks, he was also suppressed by this piece of heaven and earth. His strength is still so much lower than that of Xiao Naihe. Even Yin and Yang Naruto, his Dao Xin will also be greatly affected.

Suddenly, Naruto Yinyang couldn't help but ask: "As far as I know, outside of the Peacock Holy Land, it is almost impossible to enter. It is almost impossible to enter. Unless it is proficient in the Avenue of Space, with the Holy Avenue, forcibly shuttle, It is impossible to come in. Is Zunjia ... "

Speaking of which, Yin-Yang Naruto suddenly said nothing more.

Everyone could hear the meaning of Yin Yang Naruto's words, even those of Tang's deputy head and others were all terrified.

Sacred Lord, what kind of existence is that, I am afraid that they can compare with their ancestors in Tianchi, or even the predecessor of the Peacock Holy Land.

"I was not a saint at that time, and I was not able to use the power of the saint to forcibly break the space and come in."

Xiao Nai waved his hand, "I just have a magic weapon of space. This magic weapon of space was created by the Holy Master. I took this magic weapon to enter the Holy Land of Peacocks, nothing more."

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, everyone could not help but take a breath.

At least not the Lord, in this case, they will not be so pressured by Xiao Naihe.

It is just that Xiao Naihe did not say that he was indeed not a sage at that time, but now he has already achieved the peak of passiveness.

However, if this sentence is spoken, I am afraid that it will cause a lot of trouble, and it will be a little trouble for Xiao Naihe's next act.

Xiao Nai is not the kind of person who likes to show off, so he did not show it.

"It turns out that Zunjia is actually a native of the longevity world, but Peacock Holy Land has not been visited by outsiders for many years. Zunjia has stepped into the holy place, I don't know what is your job?"

Yin and Yang Naruto couldn't figure it out.

The Peacock Holy Land is different from the longevity world. There are rules to suppress it. This place is not a paradise for cultivation.

Apart from those who are tired of the longevity disputes, not many people want to come in here.

"I came here to find the Seventh Realm, rest assured, I have nothing malicious to your Peacock Holy Land."

"The Seventh World?"

Vice-President Tang and others looked at each other. They had lived so long, and had never heard of the Seventh Realm.

However, when the Yin and Yang Naruto heard the Seventh Realm, it seemed that these three words seemed to possess a magic power, so that the master of Tianchi felt an indescribable horror.

Tang Vice-President they can clearly see that there is a trace of fear in the eyes of Yin and Yang Naruto.

It was a kind of horror that came out of my heart, and there was absolutely no cover.

"Zun Jia, said the seventh world, is it ..."

"It seems that you also know the Seventh Realm, which is a bit interesting. The Peacock Holy Land has not been connected to the outside for many years. You actually know about the Seventh Realm. It seems that some people entered this Holy Land in the Middle Ages, otherwise You cannot know the existence of the Seventh Realm. "

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Yin-Yang Naruto couldn't help but say: "Isn't the Seventh Realm in the longevity realm? How could it be in our Peacock Holy Land, how is this possible?"

"Why is it impossible, since you know the Seventh Realm, do you know the origin of the Seventh Realm?"

Yin-Yang Naruto had a slight meal, and did not speak for a while.

Several other people took advantage of the opportunity and couldn't help but ask, "Brother Master, what is the Seventh Realm?"

Under the interrogation of several people, Naruto Yinyang deeply glanced at everyone, and finally said: "In the longevity world, there are legends that there are seven forbidden areas. These seven forbidden areas are dangerous, as long as they are not holy. When people enter, it is nine deaths and one life. The two most dangerous places in the Seven Forbidden Areas, even the Lord, are not willing to go deep into them. The Seventh Realm, the seventh of the Seven Forbidden Areas, originated in the Middle Ages. "

"The seventh largest forbidden land? Our peacock holy land is isolated from the world. How can we hook this dangerous place?"

"I know the Seventh Realm, and I also know from Tianchi's dense volume. Some of the contents on this dense volume can only be seen by the head of Tianchi. You didn't know it differently, but now it's ok to hide it. use."

Yinyang Naruto glanced at Xiao Naihe, "The dense volume is called above, the seventh world is the latest one, which originated in the Middle Ages. At first, there was a period in the longevity world where the blood race controlled most of the territory. What kind of blood race was that at that time? Powerful, sweeping the clan of the longevity world, for a time, no one is in the limelight, everyone in the clan hears the blood clan, I am afraid that they will tremble. At that time, it is also the darkest era in the longevity world, many clan masters also escaped at that time Enter our peacock shrine and stay out of the matter. "

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