Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2543: News of Five Rounds

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What is the concept of the Lord, that is, standing on top of the longevity world.

Mo said that in the longevity world, even if it is the other planes of the entire Taiyu, the strongest of the passive peak is the top presence on this biological chain.

At this level, you can basically declare it to the top.

Either stay at this step, invincible for life.

Or it is to cross this step and pursue a higher level.

Otherwise, the star ancestor of that year, after many years of achieving the passive peak, would not be willing to stay in the step of the holy lord. In order to pursue a higher and more tangled state, he would not hesitate to cross Taiyu and pursue the avenue among other planes.

Finally, the most daring step was made, that is, to split our own flesh and transform ourselves into three avatars, each pursuing the avenue and seeking the possibility of maximization.

However, part of the spiritual body separated by itself is sealed in the world of heaven and earth.

At that time, Xiao Nai got the Heavenly Script and saw the spirit body of the Star Ancestor in the world of Heavenly Books, in fact, it was only part of the consciousness of the Star Ancestor.

If it is a complete body of Xingzu spiritual body, even if Xingzu is not physically present at that time, it is not how Xiao Nai at that time could absorb it.

It can be seen that the state of passive peak is already the top-most existence in any plane of Taiyu.

There is a certain number of saints who are as strong as the plane of eternal life.

In the human race, the strong men at the level of the holy have not even revealed a little news, showing how rare this level of existence is.

"I didn't expect that we would be fighting the Lord from the beginning, haha, I didn't expect it."

There was a sarcastic smile on the black man's face, and he didn't know whether he was satire Xiao Naihe or himself.

He knew that all the ants under the holy deity were ants.

Even in the late passive period, which is only one line away from the level of the saint, in the eyes of the saint of the peak of the passive, there is no difference between the late passive period and a cultivator of the acquired realm, which are the objects of crushing.

The only difference is that the cultivators in the late passive period are larger ants.

If these two people knew at first that Xiao Nai was a master at the level of the Lord, they would definitely not be in love and fled immediately.

However, this man in black and Yan Feng are too unlucky. The Lord is very rare in the longevity world, and some people can't even see the Lord even in poor life.

And as soon as the two of them came out to perform their tasks, they met Xiao Naihe, who could only say that they had gotten bad.

"You know it's too late now. If you let you know from the beginning, maybe you have any unused methods that will have unexpected effects."

Xiao Nai said lightly.

Although he knew that he had dealt with these two people absolutely, it was a crushing repression, but he would not underestimate the enemy.

Although there is no comparison between the passive late period and the passive peak.

But the five rounds of cultivators are too special. What means will they have, even Xiao Nai knows nothing.

The Lord does not mean that he is absolutely invincible, nor is it that he has not escaped safely in the hands of the Lord.

This is what Xiao Nai guards against.

"You came to find the blood monument, presumably you already know some secrets of the blood monument."

"Haha, do you think I'll tell you? Even if it's death, we won't let you go for five rounds of heaven. There's no reason we can't get the things we stare at for five rounds of heaven. Even if you are a holy lord Wuluntian is not without the Lord, nor is there only one person. "

After knowing that he didn't have any hope of survival, the man in black turned his head and shouted wildly.

"I don't know much about your five rounds of news. I don't want to know how much I can tell you now. After I win you, there are ways to reveal everything you know." Xiao Nai He looked at the black Yi Yi at a glance.

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, the man's face in black suddenly changed, without any hesitation, only to see his brow suddenly showed a red light.

This red light spreads continuously, burning like a flame.


There was even a strange sound in the light.

At this time, Xiao Naihe even felt the breath of this man and became very condensed.

It seems as if the whole person is inflated, like an inflated ball.

"God bursts!"

Xiao Nai's pupil shrank.

Good fellow, this man knows that he can't survive, so he doesn't divulge any secrets about the five rounds of heaven, and burns his divine personality directly.

Once the divine personality exploded, even Xiao Nai could not be rescued. Even the other's mind would disappear, and then Xiao Naihe was really empty-handed.

The man in black knows that if the saints are strong, if they really want to know some of their secrets, once they are won, it is estimated that there must be many ways for the other party to let them have secrets about the five rounds come out.

That is why the man in black directly burned his personality and destroyed himself.

"The extremely frozen road!"

Xiao Nai He burst into a sigh and reached out, only to see his palms pushed, and instantaneously, blue runes appeared in the void.

These runes were condensed by Xiao Nai's own origin. In each rune, there is the power of his own mysterious road, even the time can be frozen.

"As long as it freezes for a moment, I have a way to prevent him from exploding."

Xiao Nai He thought a sudden movement, these blue runes spin up, like a vortex, directly involved in the bloating man in black that has been expanding directly into the vortex.

The endless blue light fluctuated, and the monstrous energy was sweeping in all directions.

At this time, Tianchi was already crumbling, as if the anger between the earth was blocked by ice.

Xiao Naihe's idea, even time, may be blocked by ice, and the black man's divine power is no exception.

At that moment, the originally bloated man in black suddenly stopped the trend of becoming larger.

Instead, the blue runes flowed into each other's eyebrows, and the little red light like vermilion was extinguished at once.

"The sacred energy and laws in the Tianchi have already been lost a lot. Now that you have sent the five rounds of people to your door, it has ended my difficulty. How could I let you die so simple."

Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, he caught volley, and the black man's body and soul were instantly drawn away, and the divine origin was also detained.

"Can't heaven save me? No, one day, the consciousness of five rounds of heaven will come to the world of longevity. By then, you will be destroyed by my five rounds of heaven.

After feeling that his breath of life was completely detained by Xiao Naihe, the man in black knew that he would die without doubt and screamed wildly.

Xiao Nai has no expression on his face, and he doesn't even want to talk nonsense against such people.

The origin of the other party's divine personality was pinched by Xiao Naihe, and instantly became countless thoughts.

These powerful thoughts flew into the void, only to see Xiao Naihe's display of some strange array, sending these powerful thoughts into the sky.

After a while, the thought escaped into the center of the holy shrine that was already full of chaos. The law of the holy power, which was worn out, was slowly made up again.

Although this black man's divine origin cannot be compared with that of Sparrow Saint, the divine origin of a passive late strong is enough to fill the gap in the law of the center of the Holy Land.

The rest of the Soul Fragment, Xiao Nai and He Meng grabbed all the memory thoughts in the other's Soul Fragment.

If it were before, Xiao Naihe certainly wouldn't dare to refine the memory thoughts of a passive post.

At the time, Xiao Nai refined the memory thoughts of Xing Zu, that was because Xing Zu's spiritual body was incomplete, and he had sealed himself for many years and weakened a lot.

And the memory thought of the man in black now includes his spiritual consciousness.

Even a master in the late passive period, if you neglect the enemy, if you are not careful, you may be taken away by the opponent.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot happen to Xiao Naihe.

The thought of memory is like passing through the clouds, and the scene after scene is constantly flashing in Xiao Naihe's mind.

It's about the growth, cultivation, wind and snow of this black man and so on.

However, Xiao Nai did not look at these things, but found a place deep in his memory, that should be the memory of the five rounds of heaven.

After absorbing these memories, Xiao Naihe saw some of them have secrets about the five rounds of heaven.

"Wuluntian has been formed in ancient times. I did not expect Wuluntian to have such a long history."

Xiao Nai He was slightly surprised.

He originally thought that the five rounds of heaven appeared only during these hundreds or even thousands of years.

I did not expect that the prototype of Wuluntian had already appeared in ancient times.

Although Xiao Naihe was not a member of the world of longevity, he got the blood monument, and he also promised the king of the world to find the longevity goddess.

As long as these two things are related to Xiao Naihe, he knows that he will one day stand opposite to Wuluntian.

So Xiao Nai and He Caixing need to know that there are more secrets about Wuluntian.

"This is ... the news of the two people who sneaked into Suzaku College."

What surprised Xiao Nai is that he actually saw the motives of the two five-round masters who sneaked into Suzaku College.

From the memory of this man in black, these two people entered the Suzaku Academy to look for the seal picture about the "Void Samsung Lock". Figure.

Moreover, Wuluntian kept knowing that the seal was in the Suzaku Academy, and also knew its origin, and even guessed that there might be news that the ancient son might be sealed in it.

"What these five rounds of things are really incredible, they not only want to find the seal of the ancient son, but also the blood monument, but also do other major things. What purpose do they have?"

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