Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2545: Undercurrent, parting

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In the dark sky and sky, countless stars emerged from the sky, flashing, like a long Tianhe, flowing into the distance.

At the next moment, this night sky has penetrated the night-like atmosphere, if it is enveloped in this world.


At this time, there was a burst of noise from the night, as if the morning drum beat and made a very clear sound.

Subsequently, above the Tianhe, a slight flash of four different lights.

After these four rays faded, four very dark shadows appeared.

"Old guy, you are so anxious to call us over, what the **** is going on."

There was a deep voice among the shadows.

There seems to be some strange power in the voice that makes it impossible to tell the person's gender.

"The two people I sent to the Peacock Holy Land died, and even the spirits could not be summoned back."

Another voice came.

"Why? Isn't the place of the Peacock Holy Land blocked for several times? After the indigenous people were killed by the bird, the law suppressed the passive state. What ability do they have?"

"I do n’t know. The two people I sent over were all post-cultivators of the passive period. As long as they did n’t encounter the Lord, no one could deal with them. Even if they could n’t beat them, if they wanted to go, there would be no one in the world Stop it. "

"Oh? Old fellow, do you mean ..."

"I suspect that another holy figure appears in the Peacock Holy Land, most likely from the eternal world."

The two shadows glanced at each other and said indifferently: "What is the basis?"

"I was imprinted in the spirit of the four of you. After the simulation, I planted a ban and was destroyed by the other party."

Speaking of which, the other three people could not help but take a deep breath, a deep voice sounded: "Simulation of the spiritual imprint of the three of us, was actually destroyed by the other party? It seems that it may be the Lord."

"Although this is possible, there are no saints and strong men in the longevity world. We all know that if it is really a person of that level, old guy, how come you don't know who the other person is?"

"It is for this reason that I will call you over. I suspect that in our longevity world, a new sage has emerged."

A holy deity is enough to make the entire eternal life world shock.

The existence of the Lord is completely out of the law of longevity, without suppression, it is an invincible existence.

If a saint is born, it is definitely the biggest thing in the eternal life.

"Is it possible? To enter the peak of passiveness, we must pass the will of the longevity world to carry out the assessment of the big robbery. If someone really attacks the Lord, it is impossible to hide the sky, we should have discovered it long ago."

"This is just a guess for me. Although the possibility of the newly born Lord is small, it is not impossible. Perhaps there is another possibility, that is, there are people from outside the world."

"You mean people from other planes have entered the world of longevity?" The mysterious black man groaned for a while, and said in a hoarse voice: "Since Xingzu had stirred up the wind and rain in our world of longevity, we were specifically in The defensive enchantment has been planted around the boundary. Even if the Lord came in from outside, we should have discovered it early. "

These four people are the same as Xiao Naihe, the existence of the level of the Lord.

If someone hears them, they will feel shocking.

"If we do n’t want us to find out, there is only one way, that is, to use the phenomenal disaster in Taiyu to avoid our perception. But even if we are involved in the phenomenal disaster, we will all die in nine lives and there is no holy one. Zun will die. "

"This is not necessarily true. Almost a year ago, I once felt a touch of enchantment on the desert boundary of the Red Moon City, but this feeling was very weak. I did n’t pay attention at that time. Something went wrong. "

"No matter what, the things in the Peacock Holy Land must be solved. Let's not talk about people coming from outside the world. There may be black blood in the Peacock Holy Land. You also know that the special blood is special.

"I wasn't sure if there was black blood in the Peacock Holy Land, but if even our people died there, then it is basically certain that the blood is in that place. You must find the black blood."

"Do we need to let people go into the Peacock Holy Land again now and take the blood?"

"Late, it is estimated that he has been taken away by the mysterious master, and it is impossible for him to stay at the Peacock Holy Land."

The four people sighed softly.

"Well? What about him? Didn't it appear at this time?"

"That kid seemed to go to the Terran. I heard that the Terran League was going to start the comparison of the five major colleges. The **** didn't know what to do inside."

"Human race alliance? Although the human race is weak now, it is not as good as the other races, but there are those two people in the race, and the water is very deep."

"Don't say this, the mysterious master of the black blood and the Peacock Holy Land now needs one person to be responsible, and the four of us have no time now. Letting people bring our will to Lao Yao, don't let him waste any more time. , This matter will be left to him. Today's meeting is over! "

Afterwards, the four black shadows were like smog, and they disappeared into nothingness in an instant.


At this time, Xiao Naihe did not know that the four strong men in the five rounds of heaven had already noticed some clues.

But as the four people said, Xiao Naihe was indeed about to leave.

The people in Tianchi were locked in another space, and with Xiao Naihe's ability, it was not a problem to open up the space that Yanfeng covered up.

After the people in Tianchi were rescued, Yin and Yang Naruto and others saw the appearance of Tianchi and could not help but stunned.

The entire Tianchi has become messy. After a war, it seems to be overturned.

"This ... this is a war that has failed? What are the two people who took us away from?"

Yin-Yang Naruto could not help asking subconsciously.

He remembered that two people came outside Tianchi at that time. After hearing the words of himself and picking stars, he didn't know what method was used. He directly took all of Tianchi away, and everyone was taken into other spaces.

In this case, even Yin and Yang Naruto have no ability to resist.

The strength of those two people is so strong that they cannot be resisted by the people in Tianchi.

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe tore the space and brought them out. Many people didn't know what happened, but Yin and Yang Naruto and Star Picker and others, but guessed something.

"The two people ... knowing that believing in identity is not good for you, it can only be said that the two people also came from outside."

Xiao Nai did not conceal.

"It's the eternal life world again? What purpose do they have? Why did they come in the Peacock Holy Land? But listening to their only words at that time, it seems that they came for the blood monument ..."

Speaking of which, Yin-Yang Naruto suddenly recovered, looked deeply at Xiao Naihe, and subconsciously asked, "Son Xiao, are you ... did you succeed?"

Xiao Naihe found the center of the Holy Land and went to find the blood monument. He had known this for a long time.

It was because he was ready to help Xiao Naiho that he would go outside, and later he would be seen by the two of them and a series of things happened.

But what Xiao Nai did, Yin and Yang Naruto did not forget.

"It can be said to be successful."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

I saw Xiao Naihe grabbed his hands slightly, as if he had caught something in the void, a wind blew through, and then, the starlight flickered and penetrated between Xiao Naihe's fingers.

A closer look reveals a bright red bright spot under the starlight, constantly expanding.

Finally, a stone tablet appeared in this bright spot.

This blood monument is filled with a blood red breath, and a blood gas is hidden in it. Even if it is separated by dozens of enchantments, Yin and Yang Naruto can feel the blood gas infiltrating the stone monument. Strong, how harsh.

"Really are……"

Yin-Yang Naruto couldn't help but yell out loudly, but soon stopped abruptly, the news of the blood monument, they did not know the rest of Tianchi.

Not even Tang ’s head of staff knows that if they let them know, it might cause other unnecessary incidents.

"Master, is this true?"

Picking the star glanced at the Blood Stele and asked.

"Of course, now I have taken away the stele, and I have solved the difficulties of your Peacock Holy Land. This matter is also over. As for other things in the future, I can't help you."

Xiao Naiho put away the blood stele. The words behind him were hinting that the blood clan had been eradicated by him, believing that Yin and Yang Naruto and picking stars were audible.

Yinyang Naruto nodded and exhaled deeply, the blood race was eradicated, this is the best news.

As for the blood monument, he now hopes that the sooner the blood monument is taken away by Xiao Naihe, the better.

At this time, instead of picking stars next to him, his face was silent.

She knew that if Xiao Nai solved these things, she would probably leave and leave their Peacock Holy Land.

During this time, she was accustomed to how Xiao Nai was around, the feeling of knowing everything and omnipotent.

Where Xiao Nai is, picking the stars feels very at ease, as if any trouble is nothingness.

The thought of Xiao Nai leaving the Peacock Holy Land made the picking of the stars suddenly feel a little strange and uncomfortable in her heart. That kind of feeling even felt strange to her.

Xiao Nai looked at the star and said, "Girl, do you remember what I said to you before? I can give you time to think, but it won't be too long, I don't know how you think about it?"

Xiao Naihe told the star picker before that he could take the star picker away from the Peacock Holy Land. With the talent of star picking, he could actually go further.

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