Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2548: Crazy Gnomes (Part 2)

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The elders at home have repeatedly told me that once someone knows about his blood, he must solve the other party, and never let the news of this blood pass.

Before the strength is not achieved, without entering the Holy Spirit, there must be no news of the blood of the mad devil dwarf.

Although this little man is usually very arrogant and arrogant, he is a very cunning and intelligent person.

As soon as he considered the words of the old guys in his family, he was so mad at Xiao Nai.

"I remember, what was the name of the last person with the blood of a mad dwarf? It seemed that he was killed by Qilian Sheng, called the King of Northern Fire, and it should be right.

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

These things are all in the memory of Xingzu.

I have to say that Xing Zu has more memories of Changsheng Realm than Wang Yi.

Wang Yi's memory is too old, but Xingzu came only in a very later era, investigating what happened in the longevity world before.

With the means of existence such as Xingzu, such secret things are investigated, which is not a strange thing.

"Do you know the King of the Northern Fire?"

"Suddenly remembered just now, little fellow, the warlord possessed before you called, it is estimated that the bloodline on your body is inherited from the king of the north fire?"

Xiao Nai said lightly, his eyes gleaming.

The little man looked at Xiao Naihe and listened to what he said, he couldn't help but feel very incredible.

The other party obviously didn't know himself, but was able to guess something from the clues.

"Since the holder of the bloodline of the mad devil dwarf has been killed, this bloodline has not appeared in many times, but suddenly appeared on your body. If I am not wrong, the bloodline on your body should be entered. It ’s time to return to our ancestors. "

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, the little man suddenly felt a shudder, and a chill came from his heart.

As if all his secrets were seen through by the other party, in front of this young man, he seemed to be naked in front of the other party, and there was no secret at all.

"You know the bloodline of the mad devil and the dwarf, and you also know about my ancestors. Are you a child of a super-large lineage in the human race, or a heir of a big family in the human race?"

"Master, what should we do?"

"It seems that you are the blood in me?"

The dwarf man said eeriely that the blood of the mad demon dwarf he possessed was the most terrifying of this blood.

This special ability of bloodline, I am afraid that even the Lord will not let go.

After feeling the strength of his bloodline from the first day, the little man has been careful to hide, and has never been discovered.

Now after being broken by Xiao Nai, why can't you be prepared for it.

He still doesn't understand how Xiao Nai sees through his blood.

Xiao Naihe, as the Holy Master, can see the blood flow in other people's bodies, and from the characteristics of this little man, if he can't see the bloodline of the other person, then his eyes are considered invalid.

"Hmm? I'm fancy your bloodline? Well, the bloodline of the mad dwarf gnomes is really great, otherwise those saints wouldn't fight for this bloodline and launch a war of looting. But for me, that's the case No matter how powerful the bloodline of the mad dwarf is, it is not invincible in the longevity world. Little boy, you are too worthy of yourself? "

Xiao Naihe shook his head and said funny.

The little man's face was pale and pale, and what he most taboo is being called a little guy by others.

Don't look at his small size, it is because of the peculiarity of his bloodline, he can't grow up at all. He has been practicing for three thousand years, and if he is placed in the spiritual world, he is already young.

When others saw him, he always liked to call himself a small man. This is not the first time he has encountered this phenomenon.

But the people who called him like this in the past had already been cut down by this little man, and they could not die anymore.

"Uncle Wang, get started!"

The little man did not give Xiao Naihe any time to speak. He felt that Xiao Naihe was vaguely carrying a very dangerous atmosphere.

This dangerous breath made his instincts have a shocking thought.

Although Xiao Naihe entered the peak of passiveness, once his breath was hidden, even the general saint could not perceive his cultivation behavior.

But the short man has a very special ability, that is, because of his blood, his instinct is very sharp, and he can perceive things that many people cannot.

In terms of perception ability, even this little man will not be inferior to the ordinary saint.

He felt the kind of danger Xiao Naihe carried in his instinct, and he knew badly.

But Xiao Naihe knew about his blood, but he couldn't let Xiao Naihe go, so he had to make a quick decision and solve the opponent immediately.

"it is good."

The middle-aged man nodded. He didn't know when he had an extra spear in his hand. This spear was made out of white bones.

This bone is not an ordinary corpse, but is made of strong monster bones, with the coercion of the monster during his lifetime.

Stabbed out with a shot, instantly with all the coercion that shattered the world, swept through the air.

"Have you started?"

Xiao Naihe glanced at the other person with two fingers, as if he had a clear heart and a keen sense.

With two fingers, the spear was as fast as lightning and could not be caught by the naked eye.

But Xiao Nai squeezed at random, and actually pinched the head of the spear with two fingers.

"Warlord possession, Bawang ladder!"

At this moment, the little man made a sharp voice, and he stepped on his feet, as if it were a long white light pillar, and suddenly jumped into the air.

Then, it was proposed that the airflow around was directly squeezed into nothingness, and the entire space seemed to be turned into a vacuum. The ground burst, and suddenly a long crack broke out, like a canyon.

The power of this foot fully shows the cultivation behavior of this little man-the middle of the passive period.


Obviously, this little man was extremely cunning. He didn't show his real cultivation behavior at the beginning, but he had been confusing Xiao Naihe, using a middle-aged man to confuse Xiao Naihe, making the other party think he was not strong.

Then took the opportunity to erupt, showing his most powerful strength.

He used this method, not knowing how many enemies he was not weaker than himself.

However, in front of Xiao Naihe, this method was as pale as white paper, and it was of no use at all.

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