Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2560: Wonderful

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Seeing Xiao Naiho once again send the opportunity he got back, these people couldn't help but feel a little jealous and hurt.

In their eyes, the beads of the Fenghuo tribe are more precious than the cheats of the Vajra Gate.

If it is placed outside, it will become the object of many cultivators fighting for it.

But in Xiao Naihe, this thing was like garbage, and it was thrown back without blinking.

This makes many people feel very uncomfortable, it is really more dead than popular.

"It's the Stone Bridge Lingbi again. Does this person really only have the Stone Bridge Lingbi?"

Looking at the stone bridge Lingbi in Xiao Naihe's hands, I could not help but feel a little numb.

Some people also secretly believe that Xiao Naihe may not really have a bamboo bridge.

This young man is likely to be a child of a big family, or a child of a big sect.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to have such a high-quality Lingbi, and it is the same as not having money.

After being thrown into the third stone statue, this stone bridge Lingbi was swallowed by the stone statue. come out.

This excalibur spun up and glowed endlessly.

"Bi Shen Yao Sword! Actually here."

"This is the sword of Bi Shen Yaoxian."

"He wouldn't want to throw this Excalibur back again?"

Some people seem to guess what.

Sure enough, Xiao Nai didn't look at the excalibur in front of him. He grabbed it and dropped it into the stone statue.

The stone statue instantly evolved into facial features, revealing a true look.

"I don't want any of these three things. Take out the money key and don't waste time."

Xiao Nai said lightly.

This stone statue, which had no life at first, actually showed a slight change of expression, which seemed to be considering the same.

Finally, I saw a golden awn emerged from the top of the stone statue, projecting a key from the light.

This key is the key to money.

"Is this the key to money? Why doesn't it look like anything special?"

"The money key is not a weapon, its value is afraid that it is much higher than other treasures. If the seven keys can be gathered together, I am afraid that something major will happen."

Some people moved evil thoughts and wanted to take the key from Xiao Naihe.

However, I thought that Xiao Nai had just thrown out the stone bridges and Lingbi one after another. Maybe this young man came out of a big family or a super strong sect.

Once offended by such forces, I am afraid that it will be a huge disaster for them.

And in this world of money road, if it causes trouble, do not know what will happen.

"It's the Stone Bridge Lingbi again."

Seeing that Xiao Nai took out a stone bridge Lingbi again, this time everyone was surprised.

Shiqiao Lingbi plunged into the void, pulling Xiao Naihe's voice over, and then Xiao Naihe's body turned into a particle of light, disappearing.

"It seems that he has entered the second cave house."

"As long as you can get a chance in the first cave, you can use this chance as a ticket to enter the second cave."

"What about the treasure we got? Should we send it away?"

"I heard that the benefits in the second cave house are much better than those in the first cave house. You can give it a try. If you are successful, the chances you get are probably difficult to estimate.

"It's just a pity the treasure that I just got from the stone statue."

Several people saw the methods Xiao Naihe made, and could not help but stunned, but soon some people decided to enter the second cave house like Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai has the key to money, so he can naturally enter the second cave.

For others, if they want to enter the second cave, they can only return the opportunity they just got from one cave.

But although the opportunity in the first cave house is still going back, if you can get the chance from the second cave house, it will be more valuable and more beneficial.

These people naturally know how to choose.

"How to do it?"

Zhan Tianli stood at the same place at this time. Xiao Nai did not take himself in. He didn't know what he wanted to do?

He had just said that he wanted to ask Xiao Naihe if he could remind himself and show himself a way to get a chance from the stone statue.

But thinking that he was still a prisoner of Xiao Naihe's order, this idea was directly suppressed by him.


Seeing the stone statue selected by Xiao Naihe's third statue, Zhan Tianli hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind, only to see that he carefully buckled a small piece from the thumb-sized wooden bridge and placed it on this statue In front of the stone statue ...

It is said that before Xiao Naihe entered the road to the second cave, there were fewer people here.

Obviously, the number of people who can successfully pass through the first cave house and are willing to give up the chance of the first cave and enter the second cave house is far less than that of the first cave house.

Of course, if the local money road opened for a period of time today, the people who entered the Second Cave House were earlier and the number of people was naturally smaller.

"The second cave house, the road of Daoxin, walks out of the second cave house, and if it can hold its own Daoxin, it will be considered successful if it is not absorbed by the dangers set in the second cave house.

From his mind, Xiao Nai found news about the second cave house.

"Dao Xin Road? This is nothing."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Before he became the Holy Lord, his Tao heart was already extremely tough, like a rock, unshakable.

Now he has become a holy deity, and the strength of the Tao heart is even more terrifying.

It can be said that there is nothing now that can cause a slight change in Xiao Naihe's Dao heart.

The assessment in this second cave house was nothing to Xiao Naihe.


At this moment, Xiao Nai's eyes moved, and a starlight appeared in his eyes.

The celestial star map automatically derived a glorious glory, as if it sensed something.

Xiao Nai He moved his heart, and then looked forward. Not far away, a beautiful woman was standing in front of the second cave house.

"There is movement."

The woman seemed to have sensed something and turned her head to face Xiao Naihe's eyes.

When they saw each other, they recognized each other at once.

After seeing Xiao Naihe, this beautiful woman looked surprised.

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