Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2571: Ancient secret

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At the beginning of the age, the ancient Buddha, that is, the master of the ancient demon who practiced the road of the kingdom of Buddhism, finally turned out the ancient demon and became a member of the kingdom of Buddhism.

This incident caused a great sensation at the time.

You should know that a master at the level of the Lord is the top priority in any country.

Regardless of whether it is Buddhism or Demon Realm, at that time, if any one of the forces at that time, as long as there is a master of the level of the Lord, then it will have an unavoidable impact.

It is likely to break the balance between the two forces.

The holy deity of an ancient demon clan turned to Buddha, which was a huge disaster for the ancient demon clan.

At that time, the ancient demon clan even issued a heavy order, it is necessary to kill the ancient Buddha, and it is still the first order, far ahead of the destruction of the Buddha.

Many people do not understand why Buddhas joined the kingdom of Buddhism in ancient times, even if they practiced Buddhism Avenue, how could they be directly fertilized during this time.

However, no one has pursued this issue. The ancient Buddha did not leave the eternal life world, and he was not immortal.

Not long after he spent in the kingdom of Buddha, he passed out that he died in the remains of the kingdom of Buddha.

Many descendants want to find out the body of this legendary strongman, hoping to benefit from his body.

But no one has ever found it.

And now, the white monk opposite Xiao Naihe is exactly that legend-the ancient Buddha.

"The seven major caves of the Buddha and the Devil's Chaoye, six keys, and no three keys can open a mysterious door. I am afraid that many people will not think that the invincible Buddha of the ancient times did not die but stay Among the Buddhas and Demons. "

From the beginning, the ancient Buddha said that he was a dead person, but now, Xiao Naihe said that the ancient Buddha was not dead.

What is weird about this is unknown.

But it can be seen that this ancient Buddha seems to attach great importance to Xiao Naihe's appearance.

"How many years have passed since the era of Buddha and Demons?"

In the ancient times, the Buddha's eyes moved and became a little confused, as if thinking about something.

"That's a lot of times, it may be millions of years, it may be tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years."

In the longevity world, although many people can tell how many times there are, few people know the specific age.

Fomo Zhaoye has gone through so many times, opening in three hundred years, but no one can get the greatest chance of Fomo Chaoye from this.

"The donor has already passed through the four caves. If you get three more keys, you can control the Buddha and the Devil and become the heirs of the two kingdoms."

The ancient Buddha said slowly.

"Do you have a kingdom of Buddhas and Demons? I don't know what you think? I remember that you were originally a man of the ancient demons, and later became a person of the Buddha Kingdom. If you really can reproduce the era of Buddhas and Demons one day, I don't know if you want to What about reviving the Buddhist kingdom, or the ancient demons? "

A little smile appeared on Xiao Naihe's face, and he deliberately asked questions.

"The age of the Buddha and the Devil cannot be reproduced. As long as it can reproduce the kingdom of the Devil and the Devil, it is my greatest wish of the two kingdoms of the Buddha and the Devil. Many times have passed, and the Buddha and the Devil have not distinguished each other. same."

"You also know that many times have passed, even if it is to reproduce the kingdom of the Buddha and the Devil, it may not be a good thing. For countless years, the changes in the age of the longevity world, even the strongest of the Holy Lord, can't stop it, otherwise you, the Kingdom of the Buddha and the Devil The Lord will not sacrifice his life in order to delay the coming of the time. The Lord cannot live forever without jumping out of the eternal life. "

The cultivators at the level of the Lord are very powerful, which is beyond doubt, but in the longevity world, it cannot be the most powerful one.

The world of longevity is different from the first plane, and the world of longevity is still at its peak.

As long as the will of the longevity world exists, then the strong level of the holy level can only be ruled by the will of the longevity world.

Unless jumping out of the longevity world.

For example, Xiao Naihe now, although he has achieved the Holy Lord, but in his realm, he can already sense the mysterious will power in the longevity world, vaguely suppressing himself.

As long as you use the means that can threaten the longevity world, then that will will appear.

In a sense, the Holy Lord can keep up with the will of the eternal life world, but that is only limited to jumping out of the eternal life world, and is not suppressed by the eternal life world.

In the kingdom of Buddha and Demon, they can jump out of the control of the eternal life world, and away from the eternal life world, they can naturally live forever.

But instead of leaving the world of longevity, they have to stop the changes of the times and change the desolation of the era of Buddha and Demon.

Naturally, it was suppressed by the resistance of the will of the longevity world.

They almost died in the end.

In the longevity world, no one is an opponent of this will.

Of course, after jumping out of the world of longevity, the advantage of this will will disappear.

"When the will of the eternal life world came, the Lord of the Kingdom of Buddhism stood up to resist. Unfortunately, as long as it is in the world of eternal life, it cannot be an opponent of this will. The people of your kingdom of Buddha and the Devil Realm can be said to have lost, buried here . But you are the only exception. "

Xiao Naihe seems to know this history very well, because in the memory of Xingzu, Xiao Naihe saw a lot of things, among them about this history.

In ancient times, the Buddha's palms were united, and there was a pious look on his face: "Some people are alive, but he is dead. Laoguan is no longer a person of this era. The kingdom of the Buddha and the Devil is not out, and Laoguan is just a 'dead man.' 'Just. "

"So, if I can reproduce the kingdom of the Buddha and the Devil, can you reproduce the longevity world?"


"Um ..." Xiao Naihe groaned slightly and smiled: "It is impossible to reproduce the kingdom of the Buddha and the Devil, and I don't have that thought, but I am somewhat interested in the inheritance of your kingdom of the Buddha and the Devil. At first, Xingzu didn't get you. Instead, the inheritance of the kingdom of Buddha and Demon gave me a chance. "

"Does the donor know His Excellency Xingzu?"

The eyes of Buddha were slightly brighter in Shigu.

"of course."

"I don't know what is happening to Lord Xing Zu? At that time, Lord Xing Zu pursued the supreme avenue. When I came to the Buddha and the Devil, I only had a line to get the Buddha and Demon inheritance. Unfortunately, the inheritance of Buddha and Demon is incompatible with him. I have to say that Lord Xingzu is the most powerful one among the old men. He has the determination to transcend himself and transcend the holy Vendor. I wonder if he has touched the threshold? "

Xiao Nai shook his head and said indifferently: "It's not easy to touch the boundary above the passive. Even the will of the longevity world can't do it, otherwise the longevity world has already transformed into another level, and you can't do it. Otherwise you I wo n’t be hiding here now, and I think I ’m dying. However, the avenue of your kingdom of Buddha and Demon has more potential than passive, otherwise Xingzu would not have entered into your Buddha and Devil ’s horde, Nor will I come here deliberately. "

"Are you beyond passive?"

Between the words, the ancient Buddha closed his eyes and the expression on his face was quiet.

"For so many years, the demon has only seen four people who can enter this Xuanmen. One is Xingzu, one is you, and the other is called Emperor, but Lao Qun feels that this person has left longevity. Realm. The last one is Gu Mingzi, the sage of Gu Mingzi. "

Speaking of which, Buddha in the ancient times looked at Xiao Naihe with a deep meaning.

The few people in his mouth, except Xiao Naihe, the other three are all world-like characters.

Xing Zu Nai is the master of Xing Clan, Gu Ming Zi is the peerless existence of Gu Ming Clan.

However, Xiao Naihe did not expect that the emperor who once appeared in the projection of the ancient war in the burial place of Xinghe, that is, the emperor once said by the blue wolf, had actually entered the Buddha and the demons.

These three people are the most powerful beings among the sages.

There are also three, six, nine ranks in the ranks of the Lord.

These three people, out of the existence of the ninety-fifth respect, are far from being able to compare with the extraordinary venerable.

It can be seen that the power of the Buddha and the Demon Chaoye can attract masters of this level.

"However, whether it is the Xingzu, Gu Mingzi or the holy lord who professed to be" Emperor ", they have lost three points of the heart of the Buddha and the Devil and cannot be inherited by the Kingdom of the Buddha and the Devil.

"They can't, it doesn't mean that I can't. It's interesting, not to mention the Xingzu. Even Gu Mingzi and the emperor have been to the Buddha and the Devil's Chaoye. Only need to study. "

Between the words, Xiao Nai moved his figure, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes.

I only heard Xiao Nai He Wei smiled: "I'm ready, I won't wait for this time, please start the ancient Buddha."

The ancient Buddha nodded.

At this time, if someone is here, they will be confused by the words of these two people.

In fact, there is another assessment in this mysterious gate. The ancient Buddha was the master of this mysterious gate, who evaluated Xiao Naihe.

"In six degrees of space, the Buddha and the Devil have a world in their lives. Donors please come in!"

In ancient times, the Buddha suddenly grasped with ten fingers, and grabbed a huge hole in the void, revealing a vortex in the hole, as if it was a world leading to the ancient wilderness, leading to another mysterious world.

This world seems to be carrying some mysterious power, and it seems to be marking Xiao Naihe's past.

Xiao Naihe didn't hesitate either, with a slight smile on his face, an understatement, as if he had entered not a sinister world, but a paradise.

If you want to be inherited among the Buddha and the Devil, you will naturally need to pay a huge price and face a huge risk assessment.

Xingzu has also entered this Xuanmen space, and also led to this assessment, so Xiao Nai knows what assessment this is.

Time passed slowly.

The seven-day opening time of the Tiandi Money Road is more than half of the time, and it is now the fifth day.

The number of people in the world's money road has not decreased, but it has reached a critical point.

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