Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2576: Hold palm

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In ancient times, the expression of Buddha was excited, and the corners of his lips could not help shaking.

He did not expect that Xiao Naihe really did it.

Now that the cause-effect tree has put away its own cause-effect, the thoughts of more than a dozen sages have disappeared.

Then there is only one possibility, because the causal tree is willing to surrender to Xiao Naihe.

He also knows that Xiao Nai has the original qi and the eternal life qi, and possesses a seven-knowledge exquisite heart.

Such a dragon, if you miss it, I'm afraid I can't meet it again.

Whether it is the former Xingzu, Gu Mingzi or emperor, they lack the means of Xiao Naihe.

Perhaps the strength of those three people is stronger than the current Xiao Naihe, but the cause and effect tree knows that they cannot follow them.

"This causal tree is also quite spiritual, knowing that I have the potential for detachment and passiveness, I will be willing to surrender to me. potential."

Xiao Nai said slowly.

Gu Shengzi in the sea of ​​knowledge laughed bitterly, and only Xiao Nai dare to say that Gu Mingzi's potential is not as good as him.

But Gu Shengzi also knew that Xiao Naihe's words were not false.

Xiao Naihe has the true qi of origin, the qi of chaos, and the magic weapon of heaven and earth. His surpassing passive hope is indeed more than that of Gu Mingzi.

Because the causal tree has this spirituality, it will naturally choose the right person.

In the same way, Gu Shengzi also knew that if Xiao Naihe only had the vitality of eternal life, he was afraid that he could not obey the causal tree and would not succeed if he lacked something.

Thinking of Xiao Naihe seemed to have won the ticket from the beginning, step by step as if he was under the control of this son, Gu Shengzi suddenly felt that he could not see through Xiao Naihe.

The causal tree condensed into a small grass and flew into Xiao Naihe's eyebrows.

Just as the causal tree flew into Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, at once, countless messages came directly into Xiao Naihe's mind.

Including the dozen Buddha and Sacred Lords of the predecessor of the cause and effect tree, all memories and experiences are all fragmented and merged into Xiao Naihe's mind.

Scenes of light and shadow of historical rivers flashed in Xiao Naihe's mind.

After getting so many memory fragments at once, Xiao Nai could not eat a bit. Now he is sitting up and slowly digesting these memory fragments.

In ancient times, the Buddha was not in a hurry, but stood behind Xiao Naihe, palms together, like a devout believer, waiting for Xiao Naihe.

After a long wait, Xiao Naihe's eyes slowly opened.

At this time, the colorful light flashing in his eyes was like a colorful rainbow, very gorgeous.

With a slight blink, all of these rainbow lights disappeared.

If Beiqiong is here now, he can surely find that the breath of Xiao Naihe has spread to any corner.

However, this gas field was quickly converged into the body by Xiao Naihe. At this time, he looked at Xiao Naihe as if it were just an ordinary mortal.

"The Buddha and the Demon are now in my hands. I have a feeling that with a single thought, all the people inside can be thrown out and even killed in it."

Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed finely and said quietly.

At this time his look was calm and terrifying.

He could even feel how much danger the Buddha and the Demon had in the wild.

Some of them are dangerous, and even the Lord does not dare to underestimate.

In the same way, the celestial treasures possessed by the Buddha and the Devil, as well as the magical secrets of the Divine Pill, are also very rich.

There is much more than what Xiao Nai got in the ancient holy ruins and in the Jiewang Cave Mansion.

It can be said that the things in the Buddha and the Devil's Chaoyang are a huge number that Xiao Naihe has never seen.

If all of these things can be obtained, digested, and even Yantian Pavilion can grow and grow into the first major school in the realm, even the Terran Alliance dare not underestimate.

"But it is also true. Some of these things are the masters of the two great kingdoms in the era of the Buddha and the Devil. In order to reproduce the era of the Buddha and the Devil, they are prepared, and some are those who entered the Buddha and the Demon In the middle, but died inside, the treasure absorbed by the Buddha and the devil. "

Xiao Naihe's soul is extremely transparent, and he has summarized everything clearly.

The seven cave houses are now under the control of Xiao Naihe.

As soon as the causal tree entered Xiao Naihe's body, the control of the Buddha, the Devil, and the Chaoyang was naturally transferred to Xiao Naihe's hands.

"Congratulations, Son, and Hexi, because of this causal tree, he will have unlimited achievements in the future. My last wish of the Buddha and the Devil has finally come to an end."

The ancient Buddha said slowly, with a hint of respect in his tone.

"Don't the sages of the kingdom of the Buddha and the Devil want to reproduce the age of the Buddha and the Demon? They left the heritage of the Buddha and the Devil, not because one day someone will be able to inherit it and restore the age of the Buddha and the Demon.

Xiao Nai smiled faintly, turning his eyes, and said, "I don't know what you thought about the ancient Buddhas. I don't know if you also hope that I can recover your era of Buddhas and Demons?"

In the ancient times, the Buddha looked quiet, and his palms were united. He said slowly: "My son inherits the inheritance of his sages. My Buddha has a cloud, my heart is supreme, and I don't violate. No matter how I restore the age of the Buddha and the Devil, I still don't want it. Acting with the heart is the greatest wish. "

"It's good to be supreme, don't disobey. My fellow practitioners, Dao Xin is supreme. Anything that conforms to Dao Xin is the most important thing to do. Unfortunately, too many people are bound by rules and they are not free. It ’s up to me to recover and not to recover. Although I have a causal tree, I do n’t have causality in my body, so I adapt to the Tao heart. In the future, will it follow the meaning of your sages in the time of the Buddha and the Devil.

Xiao Nai said slowly.

He got a causal tree, and he didn't think that he must realize the time of Buddha and Demon again.

In the first place, Xiao Naihe doesn't have this skill yet.

Secondly, even with this ability, if he is not willing, he will not force it.

Just like what the ancient Buddha said, the mind is supreme and does not violate.

The Buddhists pay attention to the Buddha's heart, and the ancient demons pay attention to the magic heart.

"What about you, what are your plans now? I took the causal tree, and the Buddha, the Devil, and the Wild are now under my control. Would you still stay here?"

Xiao Nai looked to the ancient Buddha.

In ancient times, the Buddha sighed softly: "Amitabha, Lao Qun stayed in the Buddha Devil's Chaoye at that time, guarding the Chaoye and waiting for the destiny. Now although the mission is completed, but the world outside is afraid that there is no place for me, Lao Qun only wants to stay in Here. If the son is in need in the future, Lao Ding should try his best to help him. "

"Well, since you said so, I don't force it." Xiao Naihe whispered, and then left the seventh cave.

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