Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2589: No chance

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Obviously, both Gao Zangfozi and Witch Shengmei thought of one piece.

Xiao Naihe may have known all the opportunities of the forty-ninth floor of the entire tower, otherwise it would be impossible to say such things.

Even arrogant people cannot say such things.

Either Xiao Naihe is absolutely confident enough to eliminate the two of them. Although this method is superb, it is also very dangerous.

Witch Shengmei nodded and owed her body, saying, "Then you're bothered with Master Xiao."

Xiao Nai looked at Witch Shengmei and nodded slightly.

He had to admit that the witch Shengmei looked closely, and it was indeed a beauty embryo.

Regardless of temperament, figure, appearance, identity, it is definitely top-notch.

Especially that pair of long legs, looming beneath the robe, even provoked the temperament of men all the time.

Although Beiqiong is also a stunning beauty, she has excellent talents, but compared with Witch Shengmei, she is always a little less.

Obviously, Witch Shengmei has been under a high position for a long time, and has a very high status. A kind of charm that Beiqiong can't match is cultivated in the magic building.

"Dr. Xiao, please advise."

Gao Zang Buddha's palms were united, and a gesture was made towards Xiao Nai.

Later, Gao Zangfozi and Beiqiong were slightly a little, and their bodies were like lightning, and they climbed over the tower and landed on a position.

But the position of these two people flying up is not random.

The tower has seven, seven, forty-nine floors, each of which has an opportunity.

But obviously, the higher the tower, the more precious, mysterious, and powerful the chance.

The two people, Gao Zangfozi and Witch Shengmei, apparently realized this too, so they were in very high positions.

One is the 46th floor and the other is the 43rd floor.

Witch Shengmei is on the forty-sixth floor, and Gaozang Buddha is on the forty-third floor.

They are also very smart. Obviously they also know that the higher the number of layers, the better the chance, but it must be accompanied by unpredictable danger.

Although the ancestors of Vacuum Vacuum are not as good as the two of them, they are at least the passive post-cultivators. They cannot resist the temptation of the sixteenth floor and are directly decomposed.

Well, the top layer is afraid of encountering the danger that they cannot control.

Therefore, these two people are doing their best to get the best chance within the maximum limit, but they will definitely not challenge the first three floors.

Even if you are full of confidence, you can't stop without seeing it.

As for the most quartet of things, Xiao Naihe said that once the things are available, even the Lord can be fearless.

Of course, they want this kind of thing, but unfortunately they also have self-knowledge.

"Let's talk about Gaozang Buddha first. The things in your forty-three floors have something to do with your cultivation."

"Oh? What do you say?"

"This is a magic weapon. This thing is called the sun-mirror ruler. It was the era of the Buddha and the Devil. I thought that the supreme Buddha Kingdom sage exercised infinite magical powers, and evolved the essence of his own Buddhism and Taoism into the original source. It was created when refining a natal magic weapon. This mortal magic weapon contains the supreme Buddhism. Seeing the Buddhism in the "Sun Mirror Ruler", you can see the supreme opportunity, and the object itself It ’s a great magic weapon. Although you are not a saint, you can turn it into a mortal magic weapon to withstand a fatal attack even if the saint makes a forcible shot. ”

Xiao Naihe's eyes moved slowly and said slowly.

Instead, the Gaozang Buddha at the top nodded and smiled slightly: "It is indeed a treasure. This is very suitable for the poor monks. If the poor monks can get this thing, it can't be better."

If the ordinary people hear the magical use of the "mirror ruler", I am afraid that it will cause all kinds of snatches.

If the ancestor of the vacuum regenerates, hearing Xiao Naihe's words, I am afraid that he will be greedy again, and finally be broken down.

Such treasures do have extremely powerful temptations. However, when the Tibetan Buddhists heard Xiao Naihe's words, they were able to maintain a very calm emotion, and obviously had their own concentration.

It is worthy of being a person who cultivates Buddhism and Taoism, and the stability of Taoism is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary masters.

Xiao Nai was not in a hurry, his voice turned, and said: "This Taoist also has a very peculiar ability, which not only contains the Buddha's philosophy that was merged with that saint, but also the saint. A touch of consciousness. If you can take out the touch of consciousness, integrate it, and introduce it into your own source, you can introduce the power of the holy and have the opportunity to escape into the holy. Supreme Buddha, you can get it at your fingertips. "

Speaking of which, Gao Zang Buddha's breath suddenly froze slightly, seeming to be a little hurried, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Suddenly, it seemed that Gao Zang Buddha had thought of something.

"Not good, retreat!"

Without any hesitation, he directly shielded the source, cut off the perception of his five senses, and dared not listen to Xiao Naihe ’s words again. The people who saw Xiao Naihe directly withdrew and retreated back toward the cave entrance of the Sacred Heart Temple. .

Kung fu in fingertips, Gao Zang Buddha has withdrawn from the Sacred Heart Temple.

I have to say that the Gaozang Buddha is indeed terrible. Although he was at the end, because Xiao Naihe's remarks gave birth to a trace of undesirable greed, he was able to cut off his greed in time, and withdrew directly and exploded. .

Faced with such a chance, they can withdraw without changing their face and cut off their five senses.

However, as soon as he withdrew, it means that he has broken the chance of getting the Sacred Heart Temple.

Outside the Sacred Heart Temple, the people did not leave much, because everyone was waiting for the results inside.

Everyone is afraid to wait for the moment when the world's money road is closed before they are willing to go out.

"I don't know what's going on inside?"

"The Sacred Heart Temple, the deity once heard the ancestors say that the Sacred Heart Temple is the eighth cave mansion. Whoever can get the chance in it will have the ability to be on the list of longevity. Even those who are already on the list Opportunity to challenge the top 20. "

"The top 20 in the longevity list, does that mean that the top 20 masters in the longevity world?"

"But the Sacred Heart Temple is not for you or me to enter, unless you can have five different spiritual walls, unfortunately not to mention the Golden Bridge Lingbi, even the Silver Bridge Lingbi can hardly be obtained."

"Golden Bridge, Silver Bridge, Jade Bridge, Stone Bridge, Wooden Bridge! It's not easy to get five kinds of Lingbi. Everyone's most common is the basic bamboo bridge Lingbi, the level is far less than the previous five kinds of Lingbi."

"Only the large gates such as Gaozang Buddha Gate and Molou have such confidence."

Everyone's tone is different, some are sorry, some are jealous, some are angry, and all kinds of emotions.

But without exception, they have no way to enter the Sacred Heart Temple.

At this moment, suddenly heard a sound of ‘ding ding ding’, and a figure flew out directly from inside.

Upon closer inspection, someone suddenly recognized who flew out.

"It's Gao Zang Buddha, he came out! Did he get the chance?"

"But it looks a bit different."

I saw that Gao Zang Buddha was in a state of embarrassment, and there was a little tension between his expressions. After flying out of the Sacred Heart Temple, he also exhaled deeply.

Bei Qiong greeted him and asked, "Master, I don't know what happened to my companion?"

"Are you talking about Prince Gong? It's still unknown. What's going on depends on him and Witch Shengmei who will take the lead next."

"Buddha, and the vacuum ancestor?"

"Vacuum ancestor?" Gao Zangfozi smiled and shook his head. "Man will not die without death, he will never be able to get out."

After speaking, Gao Zang Buddha closed his eyes, sat on the floor, and began to wait for the people inside.

When everyone heard it, they could not help but take a breath.

The vacuum ancestor is still dead.

From the lifeless mother to the vacuum ancestor, the two leaders on the longevity list all died.

In this way, the vacuum lifeless teaching is really completely abolished.

Was that Xiao Nai killed?

But listening to the tone of Gao Zang Buddha, it seems that there are other circumstances in the death of the vacuum ancestor.

But Gao Zang Buddha did not say, and no one dared to ask again.

Now, instead of being questioned, they seem to care more about the situation inside, and want to be planted in it.


In the Sacred Heart Temple, only Xiao Naihe and Witch Shengmei were left.

Witch Shengmei stood on the forty-sixth floor. She looked calm and said slowly: "Mr. Xiao is worthy of being Mr. Xiao. He is unrivalled in his way of law, and he has no choice. Even the Buddhists of Gaozang are greedy by you. Quit. The little girl admires. "

"Don't admire, I'm protecting you for your life. Although you and I are irrelevant, at least you are much better than the two of Kirin Emperor and Vacuum Lifeless Teaching. Without pretending, I am willing to show you a clear way, I wonder if Holy Girl is ready. "

"Please, Master Xiao."

Witch Shengmei showed a gentle smile, but her eyes were full of seriousness.

"You have more ambitions than the Gaozang Buddha, because the position on the 46th floor you are standing in is actually not a magic weapon, nor a cheats, nor is it any celestial treasure, panacea!"

"Well, what's that?" Witch Shengmei asked slightly, stunned.

"It is a fragment of the magic brake, a fragment of the magic brake of the holy deity, a fragment of refining, a memory of the holy deity, inheriting the inheritance of the magic brake, achieving the holy deity, jumping out of the eternal world, just around the corner ..."

Xiao Naihe's words haven't been finished yet. Witch Shengmei cut off her five senses directly at the moment, but also withdrew.

Resolutely drilled down to the entrance of the Sacred Heart Temple, and did not even think about looking at the tower again.

She just had a trace of greed in her heart and knew she had lost.

The original witch Shengmei had already made certain preparations after seeing the leaving of Gaozang Buddhism, thinking that she could never be shaken by any chance, but she still underestimated the horror of this chance and forced her to leave. .

Now, the entire Sacred Heart Temple is left with Xiao Naihe alone.

[The author off topic]: Five more offer!

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