Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2592: Bingchi

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The white-faced scholar stared in both eyes, and the whole bone island vibrated immediately, as if the heavens and earth were cracking, and suddenly there was a feeling of overthrowing Xiao Naihe.

Boom, boom, boom.

The violent collision sounds as if it was going to crash out of the ocean and collide with the sky.

"It is worthy of being the sage of the last era, who dared to fight the idea of ​​the Buddha, the devil, and the opposition."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

This was originally a very common sentence, but when heard by white-faced scholars, it seemed very harsh, even like satire.

I only heard the cold voice of the white-faced scholar: "Am I out of touch, it seems that you want to try it? I want to see how powerful young people are now, so arrogant."

"Then please advise."

Xiao Nai smiled faintly, although his expression was very indifferent, but his expression showed a sense of caution.

Even if this white-faced scholar has been suppressed for a period of time, it is fortunate that he is a strong man of the holy level. If he underestimates the other party, it will definitely be death.

"Chilun Palm."

The white-faced scholar opened his fingers and pressed his palm directly into the void. It seemed to break the space defense line, and the whole sea surface was shaken with a scream, as if to overturn the whole **.

If you do n’t know the identity of the white-faced scholar, I ’m afraid that you will never think that this fan-scarf-like scholar is like a big talent who entered Beijing to take the exam and was full of economics. The powerful saint of Chaoye.

In one move, he immediately showed his absolute unparalleled strength.

The whole abyss seems to have become its own world, and the white-faced book business seems to be moving into it, as if it has merged into itself, locking it towards Xiao Naihe.

At that moment, Xiao Naihe even felt the maliciousness of the whole abyss to himself.

That is, since the white-faced scholars have been suppressed for so many years, they have spread their thoughts throughout the abyss, forming a feeling that the abyss is his world.

"Sure enough, under this nine abyss, your cultivation behavior has not been suppressed, but the prohibition of the Buddha, the devil, and the opposition is still suppressed on you, making you unable to escape this layer of the abyss."

Xiao Nai's eyes flickered, and they became clear at once.

"So what? Even if I can't get out of this abyss, you are the same, but I want to kill you, just like killing a ant."

This white-faced scholar was really irritated by Xiao Naihe. He was completely moved to kill Xiao Naihe completely.

Don't look at him being suppressed for so many years, but the years have not worn away his sharpness, but have been trapped in this ghost place for so many years. The evil spirits have accumulated in the heart of the white-faced scholar, and they wish to destroy everything. .

Xiao Naihe just gave this white-faced scholar a chance to explode, and it ignited a little.


With a loud voice, the white-faced scholar waved his palms, his palms blew up, and set off the storm, which was as high as a hundred feet, and he rolled toward Xiao Naihe and directly drowned on the bone island.

This white-faced scholar was a holy and powerful person in the human race. He had strange means and supernatural powers. It was definitely not so easy to deal with.

Being able to become a holy presence is naturally not simple.

"The gods of the heavens turn me into a vacuum."

At this time, Xiao Nai's indifferent voice spread among the endless winds and waves, and a huge divine wheel was derived from Xiao Naihe's back instantly. .

"Good way!"

Even if the white-faced scholars had a murderous intention towards Xiao Naihe at this time, he had to admit that Xiao Naihe's magical powers were indeed powerful.

Only in this face-to-face match, the white-faced scholar knew that this young man, like him, was a master of the holy level.

You know, even if you were in Xiao Naihe's age, you didn't even get involved in the late passive period.

At this time even white-faced scholars inevitably gave birth to a trace of jealousy, that is a jealousy of genius.

He has forgotten how many years he has not had such a psychology.

"Suppress me."

The white-faced scholar was screaming again, and his whole body was agitated with magical energy. Suddenly, there were strange texts floating above his head. Every text seemed to contain extremely magical magic energy.

After these words were gathered together, an article was formed, which kept fluttering and seemed to form a banner.

"One word, one meeting, one person, one demon, the world is ruthless, and only me is eternal."

There is a lot of light in each word, and the voice of the white-faced scholar seems to come from eternal time, ignoring the boundaries of space.

This article suddenly became materialized, seeming to envelop the entire abyss, and it was attacked towards Xiao Nai.

"Very strong, is this the strongest holy man in the longevity world?"

This is regarded as Xiao Nai's achievement in the holy veneration, and in a true sense, he once played against the same level of masters in the eternal life world.

In the past when I was in the first place, although I also dealt with the holy lords such as Huang Lin and Bai inorganic, they did not put themselves in the eyes at all, and naturally did not use their full strength.

Now that the white-faced scholars have definitely used their natal psychic powers and real power, Xiao Nai can feel the endless power of this person, and he has the absolute power to crush the world.

"You are not my opponent, even if you are an old immortal like me, trying to kill you is a piece of cake."

There was an unpredictable smile on the face of the white-faced scholar, showing the expression of Zhizhu holding and everything under control.

Even if he showed such a strategy, Xiao Nai did not care.

"Really? Do you know? You always thought I touched the prohibition of the Buddha, the Devil, and the Wild before they were suppressed here. Have you ever thought about it, I came in on my own initiative?"

Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, there was a layer of fine awns around his body, which looked like a cassock, protecting both inside and outside.

Hearing these words, the white-faced scholar froze a little, then his pupils shrank and said slowly: "What do you want to say? You came in actively? Come in under Jiuyuan actively? You know, this ghost place even has some holy venerables. Ca n’t stand it, you think I ’ll believe your bullshit. "

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, I don't care. Anyway, I have seen the living saint in the longevity world, and it is enough. Although you want to kill me, I have no idea of ​​killing you, I just want to suppress you directly. Only. "

Xiao Nai said lightly, as if talking and laughing.

"Suppress me?" The white-faced scholar smiled angrily.

There are still people in this world who say they want to suppress themselves again. This is undoubtedly the most taboo point of the white-faced scholars who were touched.

"Except for Jiuyuan, no one can suppress me. Boy, even if you are also the Lord, I will let you try it today, what is called suppression."

Between the words, the white-faced scholar slapped his hands, and a long hidden knife was pulled out. With a crackling sound, it seemed that lightning was surging and running fast.

This hidden knife is obviously a great magic weapon for white-faced scholars.

The entire sea surface suddenly floated up one by one, and finally formed a series of water columns, which rolled into the air.

That aura can almost break up a big world, and at once it shows the absolute strength of the white-faced scholars.

An idea formed by a wave of magic energy attacked Xiao Naihe in the form of words, just like Wan Jian, shuttled non-stop.

"Speaking of suppressing you means suppressing you."

Xiao Nai laughed, his expression indifferent.

Between the words, a pillar flew out of his eyebrow.

The whole pillar seems to lead to nine days above, and it will break through the sky.

Compared with the bone tree on the bone island, it seems vaguely stronger.

"This is ... the breath of chaos? Is it the legendary chaos?"

The face of the white-faced student changed greatly, he quickly pulled back and retreated, and the characters in the air ran quickly, wrapped directly around Xiao Naihe, and wanted to seal Xiao Naihe.

But the pillar summoned by Xiao Naihe fell from the sky, and the hidden knife in the hands of white-faced scholars was broken into pieces.

The impact of that kind of impact is like a dominance of the world, to destroy everything and to pieces into pieces.

Absolutely overbearing and overwhelming!

"This is called Hengtianzhu, and it is a treasure of the ancient world, you should have heard of it."

"Hui Tianzhu? It's a treasure created by the ancient world clan. Isn't it said that it has disappeared, how could it suddenly appear."

"What you can't get doesn't mean that I can't get it. It's more than enough to suppress you with a mixed pole."

When Xiao Naihe spoke, the mixed pillar showed his absolutely incomparable power at once. Countless powers spewed out, magnificent, seeming to sweep all the abyss into it, destroy all existence, destroy the whole The world is so ordinary that no one can stop it.

As soon as the power of the white-faced scholar touched this mixed pillar, he was suddenly broken, and the powerful mind was directly hit.

Hundred Tianzhu is a magic weapon created by the ancient saint ancestors who got a trace of chaos, and deliberately painstakingly created it, which is naturally powerful.

Now white-faced scholars have to face head to head with Tianzhu, and there is absolutely no benefit.

His thoughts had just been released and collided with the Tianzhu. Suddenly all the thoughts of the white-faced scholars were dissipated.

They exploded, and the sky spread out.

"I heard that you were known as the ancestor of the year, but the devil practiced the theme of painting and calligraphy. After the cultivation of the passive source, the Holy Light was released, no one can compare, Bingchi God!"

When he heard the three words "Bingchi God", the old man was stunned for a moment. He had no idea how many years he had not heard anyone call him by his name.

At this time, Xiao Naihe heard his name, and even the Bingchi God felt an inexplicable helplessness.


The strong chaotic thunder flashed continuously in the mixed Tianzhu, and the Bingchi God knew at this time that he had encountered a hard idea.

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