Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2644: Summon

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At this time, Xiao Nai was using the power of Chaos Heavenly Stone to receive the epitome of the entire debris world into the light of Chaos Heavenly Stone.

From the sky stone, suddenly a wonderful force emerged, just like the source of everything.

These miniatures seem to appear on a large painting, one grass and one tree, one mountain and one water leaping up, layer by layer.

In the dark, everything in the fragmented world is fused into the chaotic sky stone.

The chaotic heavenly stone at this moment seems to be the seed that formed this fragmented world, and countless huge vigor gathered instantly.

These forces penetrated from every corner of the fragmented world, with the same breath as the power deep in the Chaos Heavenly Rock.

"The origin of Qi? How is it possible, how can there be the origin of Qi in this fragmented world?"

The spiritual Buddha was taken aback.

For thousands of years, the entire Fragmented World was forcibly absorbed by the Undead Sage and Wang Fuzi, and they were almost absorbed.

These two people spent 80% of their time absorbing the original energy.

Because the spiritual Buddha could not leave the valley at will, the origin of his energy was very limited.

However, the spiritual Buddha can clearly feel that the origin of the scarcity is absolutely inseparable from the undead sage and the king.

He originally thought that the origin of this fragmented world is really absorbed.

But what I didn't expect was that Xiao Nai could actually lead the world, not knowing where it came from.

"He is not only familiar with the secret of origin, but also seems to have a different ability to control the origin of Qi. Where did this Xiao donor come from? Only the top holy beasts of the mythological era. "

Spirit Buddha murmured.

At this time, all the true qi of the origin is gathered in the center of the Chaos Heavenly Stone, which is undoubtedly revealed in that long painting.

It is more like the essence of stars, at this time it is floating out of this painting.

This is not only the appearance of the fragmented world, but even indistinctly, it will also copy another world beyond the fragmented world.

"This is a microcosm of the origin of the realm. Does the origin of Qi also record some of the miniatures of the origin of the realm?"

Even Xiao Nai did not expect such a period to appear. He felt faintly that any source of qi from the origin secret may be the epitome of the origin secret.

So when Xiao Nai summoned some origin Qi, he could vaguely see the secret light and shadow that appeared in this origin Qi.

It's like before, Xiao Nai caused the true energy of the debris world to condense the mountains and waters of the debris world, all for the same reason.

"I said, I'm asking for the compass of the heavens, and I also want the origin of your body," Xiao Nai said slowly.

Whether it is a single fight, Xiao Nai wants to defeat Wang Fuzi or the Undead Lord, it is not an easy thing.

But in this fragmented world, Xiao Nai knows a lot about the secrets of this world.

Doing it in this place is no less than doing it in your own place.

Using Chaos Heavenly Stone and his understanding of the origin of Qi, why does Xiao Nai want to use the "potential" of this fragmented world to deal with the Undead Sage and King Fuzi, that is too easy.

Xiao Naihe's comprehension of the true energy of origin is not only him alone, he also got many comprehensions among the masters of the nine heavenly palaces among the chaotic heavenly stones.

Far better than Wang Fuzi and Undead Lord.


An immensely dangerous breath can be felt deep inside the undead Lord.

It was a danger that made my soul tremble.

After he practiced to the Holy Lord, coupled with his racial instincts, the immortal Lord's sense of danger was sensitive to a terrifying state.

The Immortal Lord strongly felt that as long as he kept one more breath, he might fall into a dead end.

Wang Fuzi has always regarded the head of the Undead Lord, so when the Undead Lord began to retreat, he quickly followed.

"You can't go, the origin of chaos!"

Between Xiao Naihe's words, from the center of his body, he immediately released two huge forces of true yuan, fusing and spinning madly.

The finger-strung Kung Fu strangled around the two immortals, as if the whole world was constantly collapsing, collapsing, collapsing, and collapsing to collapse again.

In the end, a vortex was formed, as if it penetrated the world.

"Natural sky phenomenon."

"Undead **."

Wang Fuzi and Immortal Lord directly urged the purest power in the source, forcibly elevating their power to a very high level.

"It's useless. You didn't see through the essence of this fragmented world. As long as you are in this world, you can't defeat me."

Xiao Naiho has to admit that he can occupy such a large advantage because he knows the nature of this fragmented world and knows how to use this advantage to deal with them.

"Fantasy time and space, live forever."

Xiao Nai's leisurely voice came, and every word seemed to carry an unusually profound power.

In the middle of his eyebrows, another seed emerged.

This seed spins, and a long-lived, eternal Tao Yun slowly spreads out.

"Eternal life."

Immortal Lord's face changed drastically.

At this time, he felt that his body seemed to be under the call of the eternal vitality, and there was a force to rush out of his body directly, forcibly penetrate his own body.

"Oops, it's the compass of celestial beings. The kid is using his eternal vitality to call the celestial compass in my body to bring out the eternal qi in the celestial compass."

Xiao Nai He knew long ago that the Undead Sovereign took away the compass of the heavens. Just like what the Undead Sovereign thought, Xiao Naihe used the eternal vitality of dream time and space to force out the eternal vitality in the compass of the heavens.

"Fortunately, this undead saint is not a sacred person. Otherwise, he will be able to break the prohibition of the celestial compass and realize the mystery of the eternal life, then my practice will be useless."

The reason why Xiao Naihe was able to succeed was entirely based on that the Undead Sovereign could not obtain the eternal life Qi in the compass of the heaven. As long as the Undead Sovereign knew some mysteries of the eternal life Qi, Xiao Nai could not be so successful.

"But I haven't guessed wrong. The longevity in Qitian compass seems to originate from the same person and the same longevity in the dream space-time?" Xiao Nai suddenly thought.

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