Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2668: precipitation

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Looking at Xiao Naihe's back, Feng Zhiling's face was pale.

Xiao Naihe is just a trick, he is to suppress his proud powers.

If Xiao Nai used the magic weapon left by Master Wang to deal with himself, even if he defeated himself, Feng Zhiling would feel better.

However, Xiao Naihe relied on his absolute strength to take a face-to-face look, that is, to suppress himself and make him completely incapable of backhand.

Feng Zhiling can clearly feel that as long as he had any other thoughts at that time, Xiao Nai could continue to die, and he would definitely die, even the rebirth of the Realm King could not save himself.

"I, am I really wrong? Lord Realm King?"

Feng Lingling's pale face was deeply disappointed.

He suddenly understood why the former Jie Wang told himself that Xiao Nai was inherited by their ancient world clan, which was the best choice for them.

At that time, Lord Wang also said that Xiao Nai might have the ability to lead them to the peak in the ancient world.

At that time, Feng Zhiling did not believe that he was loyal to the ancient clan and dedicated everything to the ancient clan.

In fact, Feng Zhiling does not know Xiao Naihe's potential, but he has an extremely deep resistance to foreigners.

He clearly remembered that when their ancient world clan was devastated, the ancient Ming clan and other races launched an offensive against them.

At that time, some masters of human race also participated.

That is why Feng Zhiling was very resistant to Xiao Naihe, and even disgusted.

In Feng Zhiling's mind, people of other races can't believe it except the people of the ancient world.

But just now, Xiao Nai made a random move to suppress his confident magical powers, and really let Feng Zhiling have a kind of desperation that could not exceed the other's desperate life.

He even felt that Xiao Naihe really didn't put himself in the eyes from the beginning. In Xiao Naihe's eyes, he was afraid that they were just ants like characters, just jokes.

And he has been provoking Xiao Naihe, and he has not concealed his aversion to foreigners.


Feng Zhiling shook his head and smirked, then went to the west of the Ancient Palace.

The location to the west is the central area of ​​the ancient world palace.

In the central area of ​​the ancient world palace, there is a place called Daoxin Hall, which was created by the negative effect of the king of the world in the separation of his Dao heart.

Later, this Dao Xin Tang became a place where some of the ancient ancestors of the ancient world had to experience the negative emotions above the Dao Xin.

Daoxin Daoxin is the cultivation of Daoxin.

Practicing Dao Xin is extremely dangerous. Once Dao Xin has a length of three and two shorts, it will immediately disappear in vain.

Even Shengzun dare not say that his Dao Xin is invincible. For example, Lord Dao Wang has negative emotions on his Dao Xin, not to mention Feng Ling.


Feng Zhiling gritted his teeth, he knew that even if he was a master of the half-sacred level, he entered this hall of heart. Once he couldn't break his mind down, he would be lost forever. In the middle, will never be able to get out of his own heart.

But at the moment Feng Ling, without any hesitation, turned pale and went inside.

After leaving the ancient world palace with Xiaolong, Xiao Naihe entered a twisted space tunnel.

It was a self-contained space tunnel in Xiao Naihe's body.

Xiao Nai didn't want to let other things in his own world be seen by Zulong, but he directly created a space tunnel.

"Holy Son, the man named Feng Zhiling is a powerful character. His potential is very good. As long as he works well, he may be able to become a holy lord in the future."

Zulong who followed Xiao Naihe suddenly said.

Although Zulong was also somewhat arrogant of this wind and wind, he dared to deal with Xiao Naihe.

But this is also understandable. Young people are strong, and it would be too strange if they didn't even have a little arrogance.

"If he can't pass the level above his heart, he can only say that he is useless."

"Young man, a little arrogant, that is normal. I think that when the old dragon was young, he became passive, second to none among the true dragons, and even more arrogant than him."

Xiao Nai smiled faintly: "That's you. Your true dragons are naturally gifted with divine power. It's natural to have arrogance, because the true dragon is supreme and arrogant is normal. We humans will naturally not understand this. "

"You humans are really troublesome! But you humans are truly unique. Although you humans are far less talented than our true dragons, they are just ordinary people at birth. But your human cultivation has reached the later stage and achieved The number of high realms far surpasses that of our true dragon clan. Therefore, you human beings are truly blessed and the arrogant sons of God. "

"This is just an excuse. Those who practice the Tao are all going against the sky. Who can say that they are uniquely gifted. If genius is useful, then why do we practice so hard."

Between speeches, Xiao Naihe stopped talking nonsense with Zulong.

The space tunnel reversed upwards, and then flew out of the ancient palace.

At this moment, Zulong really stood on the longevity world.

He looked around the longevity world, surrounded by mountains, and the huge aura around them merged.

Suddenly, Zulong seemed to enter the fairy world.

In the first plane, although there was a heaven and earth world like Jiutian God Realm, the place like Jiutian God Realm was almost a rural place compared with here.

"Is this the world of longevity? It is worthy of its large plane world. I finally know why Son said that the first plane is just a small and medium-sized plane world. Compared to this longevity world, the first Noodles are really nothing. "

Even if Zulong had not been to the Changsheng Realm before, he did not see the mystery of the Changsheng Realm.

He is just standing on the ground now, and he can feel the immense vitality of the longevity world, which is far from reading. This longevity world is different from the feeling of the sunset and the west mountain in the first plane. Breath.

"But I feel that in this long-lived world, there seems to be a vague force that is suppressing me. Although it is not very obvious, but ... will it be just my illusion."

Zulong said suddenly.

Xiao Naihe knew that this mysterious force was the will of the eternal life.

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