Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2675: Flash out

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This is Xiao Naihe's transformation from passive to active. He can't tell all the secrets about Wuluntian.

There is no one in Suzaku Academy who is completely trustworthy.

In this plane, he only believes in himself.

"The person who sneaked in was indeed a person of five rounds. And there was more than one person, and one of them was left behind, this little girl."

Between the words, Qiye Patriarch pointed to the Lingxiang behind Xiao Naihe.

"What? She is a man of five rounds."

Lin Guifan's eyes suddenly burst into a gleam, and his sword gas condensed into frost, demonstrating his absolutely powerful field.

The horrors of the five rounds of sky are basically visible to all of them at the top of the human race.

Last time, only two five-round cultivators sneaked into their Suzaku academy, and it almost upset the entire Suzaku academy.

"Since it is a person of five rounds of heaven, it would be great to keep her."

Lin Feng drank coldly, he had long seen Xiao Nai unhappy, always thinking about finding opportunities to disgust Xiao Naihe, rubbing Xiao Naihe's prestige.

At the same time, he wanted to perform in front of Xian'er and Shangguan Jiajia. Lin Feng was also a romantic seed. He loved Xian'er and Shangguan Jiajia in his heart, but the strength of the two women was helpless.

And the identity of these two women does not have to be bad.

One is that although he is his sister, behind Shangguan Jiajia there is a top strong backer like his father, also known as Shangguan shallow.

Xian'er is the disciple of Mingren's ancestor, and his cultivation base is above himself.

Lin Feng loves these two people, but the two women don't seem to have any meaning for themselves.

Instead, the relationship between Shangguan Jiajia and Xiao Naihe seems to be very close, and Xian'er also has a very good relationship with this Xiao Naihe.

This made Lin Feng very jealous.

Now that I have found the opportunity, how could Lin Feng let go.

"Five rounds of demon girl, take it down for me."

Subsequently, Lin Feng clapped his palm and instantly grasped his fingers with his five fingers, and a strong palm of his breath directly caught Lingxiang.

Although Lingxiang has no memory, but her cultivation ability is still there, how could Lin Feng catch it.

I saw Lingxiang waved his hand, and he shot with a palm in the air. The power suddenly condensed, and the two palms collided in the air.

Bang Bang Bang.

It seemed that two stubborn stones squeezed each other, making a heavy noise.

After all, Lin Feng is still not as good as this spiritual incense. His blood rebounded, and he could not help but be forced to retreat to the back by this aftermath, and he almost did not stand still.


At this moment, Lin Guifan also started.

He pointed a little with **** and held them together to form a sword. A sword qi appeared as chaos in the emptiness of time and shuttled.


Sword Qi split in the air, and suddenly formed a long track, just like a white practice, it can cut through the sky.


Lingxiang is the source of running quickly, forming a shield around his body.

After the shield was condensed, it directly blocked this sword gas.

However, although Jian Qi blocked, Lingxiang's body was forced to retreat to the back.

Lin Guifan's finger turned, and the sword energy in the void came back, and suddenly he showed a strong attraction, and caught Lingxiang in the air.

"The Promise Seal."

Just now

In the void, the white radiance condensed into a piece, forming a mysterious palm print.

The palm prints flew out like a shuttle through time and space, ignoring the strong attraction in the sky, and the spirit incense was pulled back.

"The spirit swords are one."

Lin Guifan was expressionless, put his fingers together, and his five sword energies broke open, just like the five bright rainbow lights, directly hitting his head.

It was an absolutely overbearing sword spirit, and it seemed to bring a kind of gloomy world, beheading everything, not swearing the purpose of the general Tao Yuner.

"It is worthy of being the ancestor of Kendo Academy, the man who once fought against Yue Lianxin."

Xiao Naihe smiled lightly, but he had a light expression on his face.

Between his speeches, Xiao Naihe also took a palm and grabbed it from the air, seemingly urging his palm to a very delicate level.

In the middle of the palm, there was a pure Dao Qi, the purest Dao aura, seems to have broken through the barriers, and neutralized Lin Guifan's five Jian Qi.

"What kind of Taoism is this? Lin Guifan's spirit sword unity was actually cracked? This Xiao Naihe's Taoism is so exquisite?"

The ancestor of Mingren was slightly surprised. He knew that Xiao Nai and Dao were very good.

But he did not expect that Xiao Nai seemed to be even better at Dao Law.

It was not just him, but the few people on the scene didn't even think of it.

Qiye Patriarch's eyes narrowed, as if it was the first time that Xiao Nai was the same.

Xian'er's fingers flicked, his expression moved, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Wang Huaian was always expressionless.

It was Shangguan Jiajia, who was smiling happily. It seemed that this situation had been expected long ago.

Although Lin Guifan is his teacher, Shangguan Jiajia seems to hope that Xiao Nai can win.

She knows that Xiao Naihe inherited the inheritance of Jie Wang, and that Xiao Nai is not just the case, he was also a master of other planes before.

Shibei should treat each other with surprise, that is to say, such a person as Xiao Naihe.

Only Lin Feng was alone, his emotions, anger, jealousy, jealousy and other emotions kept flashing, and his face was slightly awkward.

Suddenly, there was an idea in his heart. If he knew how Xiao Nai would have such a great potential, he knew that when Xiao Nai was still in Suzaku College, he should solve the other party.

"You two, stop your hands."

At this time, Wang Huaian also finally spoke. The second leader in the Suzaku Academy spoke at this time. It seemed that with a mysterious power in his voice, he extinguished the fiery war in the void.

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

This Wang Huaian is really powerful, and Yue Ping is a level of existence, even if it is not as good as Yue Ping, it should not be much different.

It should be the stage from Emperor Qilin to the middle of Yuelian's heart.

As for Lin Guifan, it seems to be under Wang Huaian, in the period from the late passive period to the half-sage.

Just now, although Xiao Naihe didn't seem to have the advantage, Lin Guifan took the initiative.

Most people should be more inclined to Lin Guifan.

But only a few of their ancestors could see that Xiao Naihe did not fall into the disadvantage.

And Xiao Naihe also did not use his true skills.

At this moment, several ancestors seemed to know Xiao Naihe for the first time.

The name of the front school students hanging at their Suzaku College actually hides such a powerful method.

"Bold Xiao Nai, how dare you hide the demon girl for five rounds, why are you Ju Xin."

Lin Feng shouted sharply, as if to throw all the dirty water towards Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai didn't want Lin Feng anyway.


Lin Feng was angry, but was about to say something. Lin Guifan stopped Lin Feng and stopped him from speaking.

"Xiao Naihe, although I don't know what you mean by hiding this demon girl by her side, but since she is a man of five rounds, she is the enemy of our human race alliance. If you hand it in, you are still a child of our Suzaku College.

Lin Guifan at the moment also knows why Xiao Nai is not troublesome.

Just a short while ago, he and Xiao Naihe did not fight each other in life and death, but they did work hard. They didn't get a good deal of their own. Naturally, they would be a little worried.

Until now, he hasn't really seen the depth of Xiao Naihe.

"Tibetan? When did I hide it? When I came in, didn't I just let Lingxiang follow me? Mr. Lin would not be slandering."

Xiao Naihe sat down again and motioned to Xian'er to refill him with syrup.

Xian'er exhaled without any objection, as if it were usual for Xiao Nai.

"Thank you."

"Young Master Xiao is kind."

Now Xian'er's tone seems to have three points of respect, this is the change brought by strength.

Although Xian'er also respected Xiao Naihe before, at that time Xian'er intersected with her peers.

Xian'er Xiao Naihe showed great strength, even if it was only a short-lived fight against Lin Guifan, it should not be underestimated.

"If so, why would you stop us from taking this woman?"

"Why? Her current memory has been destroyed by the people behind the scenes, even if you want to investigate what the results are, it is impossible. And Lingxiang is already leaning on me, who is already mine. For me The person, no matter who, do n’t want to move her a hair. "

Xiao Naihe said slowly while drinking tea.

Although his tone is very peaceful, but everyone can feel, Xiao Naihe's tone, with such a decisive, undoubted breath.

This kind of aura, even the fairy around me, seemed a little overwhelming, and could not help but run the source and calm down the thoughts deep inside him.

"The memory is destroyed? Who believes this?"

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, does it take you to oppose it?"

Xiao Naihe looked at Lin Feng the same way. This is what he really looked at Lin Feng after he came in.

Obviously looking at himself positively, Lin Feng also wanted to refute Xiao Naihe.

However, after seeing Lin Feng's eyes, for some reason, a deep fear suddenly appeared in the depths of the soul, which was a negative effect that originated from instinct and Dao Xin.


At this moment, Lin Guifan snorted coldly, directly stabilizing Lin Feng's Dao Xin.

Lin Feng didn't dare to look at Xiao Naihe after returning to the gods, but his resentment against Xiao Naihe became stronger and stronger, and there was a trace of murderous intention formed by the fire of jealousy in his heart, which was deeply hidden.

Lin Guifan took a deep look at Xiao Naihe. This Xiao Naihe seemed to know what he had dealt with before Yue Lianxin. Now, in this case, instead, he has a certain upper hand, which makes Lin Guifan have all of a sudden. Some thoughts.

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