Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2677: That kid

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The thing that Lin Guifan and Yue Lianxin played against is very old.

At that time, Lin Guifan's companions had been dead for many years. During the three years of funeral, he met Yue Mercy by chance.

But Lin Guifan can be said to be enamoured at first sight, and immediately wants to pursue Yue Ping.

I found an opportunity to show my feelings to Yue Ping.

However, Yue Lianxin wants Lin Guifan to compete with herself. If she can win Yue Lianxin, Yue Lianxin and Lin Guifan will be combined to form a fellow.

At that time, Lin Guifan was very vigorous, and he was well-known as a master of the first three levels in the Suzaku Academy and placed in the Terran League.

When fighting with Yue Lianxin, he also wanted to let the water out, and the scenery was better than Yue Lianxin, taking this opportunity to express his ability.

But where Lin Guifan would have expected, in the end he lost to Yue Lianxin, and within ten strokes, he was defeated.

At this point, Lin Guifan did not dare to mention the matter of forming a companion with Yue Lianxin.

How dare he mention this matter even he can't beat a woman.

However, Lin Guifan did not give up. He and Yue Ping promised that as long as he was able to achieve the Half Saint during these hundreds of years, and once again won Yue Pity, he would pursue her again.

At the beginning of the contest, Lin Guifan, who had always been in a spirit of enthusiasm, completely converged his arrogance, but quietly remedied in Suzaku College.

After so many years, Lin Guifan's example of half-sacred is just a line, and even his current strength is no different than those of low-level half-sacred.

Of course, such a loss to Yue Pingxin is not a glorious thing in itself, and he certainly will not preach it everywhere.

Fortunately, Mercy is not that kind of good person, and he will certainly not take the initiative to say such things.

Lin Guifan also knows that the people who know this must be not just the two of them. When he and Yue Lianxin fought against each other, it was originally carried out within the scope of the magic building. Know, it is not impossible.

And this Xiao Naihe's practice is completely without the atmosphere of Molou, and obviously is not a person in Molou.

But why would you know this?

"Is it someone in the devil's house who knows the truth tells the kid?"

Lin Guifan's pupil shrank slightly.

He didn't know how much Xiao Naihe knew. If Xiao Naihe only thought that he and Yue Ping's heart were only a simple contest, that's nothing.

After all, it is a pity to lose to Molou landlord. Although it is a little embarrassing, it is not impossible.

However, if the kid knew that he was pursuing Yuelian's compassion, he would lose to Yuelian's compassion, it would be really uncomfortable for Lin Guifan.

Knowing his pain point by such a kid, Lin Guifan was certainly uncomfortable.

"What are you thinking? I want to know how strong the woman in the devil's house is. It's a pity that the devil's house is so mysterious that even the old man doesn't know where it is. "

Qiye Patriarch sighed softly, and it seemed quite regretful in his tone.

Lin Guifan was expressionless, but he didn't seem to want to be involved in this matter too much, lest the two old foxes speculate more secrets.

"Little girl, I heard Xiao Xiaoyou call you Lingxiang, is this your name?"

At this time, Wang Huaian interrupted the conversation between Qiye Patriarch and Lin Guifan.

"I don't know. My memory has been destroyed long ago. I can't remember it at all. The name was learned from Xiao Gongzi's mouth."

Lingxiang is also very cooperative, what to say.

She also has no previous memories, and she has completely severed the relationship with the past. Even if these old men want to embarrass themselves, they have no way to start.

This is why Lingxiang came with them so assured.

"So, how did your memory get ruined?"

"It's not clear. The first thing I saw when I woke up was Mr. Xiao. Later, I insisted on turning to Mr. Xiao. This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Xiao."

Lingxiang said here, a slight meal: "Several seniors, I also vaguely know what I used to be, but I have no memory, and broke off the relationship with the past, several seniors are capable people, should know me It ’s true or false. "

Lying in front of these four people will surely be seen through in an instant.

Lin Guifan shook his head: "Did you really lose your memory? It's not easy to say, maybe your memory is just forcibly sealed off. I want to test your knowledge of the sea with God's knowledge. Do you have any opinions?"

When Lingxiang heard it, hesitated a little, and finally nodded.

"Well, you stand here and don't move."

Between the words, Lin Guifan's eyes exploded with a burst of fine awns, a pure fist flow faintly flowed from his body, like a sword light, and the formed consciousness at this moment directly had to penetrate into Lingxiang's eyebrows. .

After this consciousness penetrated into Lingxiang's eyebrows, it seemed to be integrated into the depth of the consciousness

Anyone who knows the sea has fragments of memory.

As long as the memory is not really destroyed, any memory fragments can be found.

However, as soon as Lin Guifan ’s consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, he did not find other fragments of memory.

He found that the memory capacity of Lingxiang ’s sea-knowledge is not much, obviously it was just beginning.

This means that the previous power of memory has disappeared. No matter how he finds it, Lin Guifan can't find any memory fragments.

"Is this woman's memory really destroyed?"

Lin Guifan was suspicious of his previous thought for the first time.

However, after this idea was born in his heart, the next moment was contained by him, and said coldly: "Maybe the incomplete memory has already penetrated into the divine personality. Although this possibility is extremely small, but also It's not impossible. It must be thoroughly investigated. "

Subsequently, Lin Guifan's consciousness became stronger and began to spread to the world outside the sea of ​​Lingxiang consciousness, that is, contact with the origin of the divine personality, which is equivalent to the human soul.

The human soul is very fragile, even if it is a cultivator with great strength.

If the soul of a general cultivator is hurt, it is almost impossible to make up for it.

"No, Assistant Lin Guifan, if you dive into this woman's divine personality, it will cause some irreparable damage to her soul."

Qiye Patriarch can clearly feel the change of Lin Guifan's consciousness. He wants to stop Lin Guifan, but he can't do it.

If you do it at this time, it is likely to be self-defeating, but it will harm Lingxiang.

At this time, the other three of their ancestors could not stop Lin Guifan himself, only to wait for Lin Guifan to stop.

"As long as there is any possibility, we can't let it go. This woman's memory is really destroyed. Fortunately, if her memory has a one-billionth chance of falling into the divine personality, you can't let it go. . "

Although Lin Guifan also knows that this possibility is very small and can almost be ignored.

If any memory thoughts leave the sea of ​​knowledge and are not well preserved by others, they will disappear in a short time.

Even if transferred into the divine personality, according to time, it will disappear long ago.

Lin Guifan felt that this possibility, even if it was extremely small, could not be ignored.

Even the irreparable damage to the spirit of the spiritual incense will not be spared.

When Lin Guifan's consciousness grew stronger, he was about to spread into the divine personality.

Suddenly, a golden light was released from the body of the scent, and the golden light bloomed, just like the eternal fire lotus, and it was extremely dazzling.

The bursts of golden light penetrated from the spiritual incense of God instantly and condensed into the form of a fruit.

"This is the fruit of the Taoism?"

Lin Guifan and others can feel that the pure uprightness above Daoguo is completely the power of Buddhism and Taoism, similar to the Buddha's power of Gaozang Buddha, but more pure than that of Gaozang.

This kind of pure Buddhism is even more upright than Lin Guifan ’s practice of Taoism, and it is impossible to appear in the people of Wuluntian.

"Something strange in this breath, it should not be the power of this woman."

Wang Huaian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Lin Guifan drank and pointed a little, like the same sword Qi shuttled across the air, and immediately came to the front of Lingxiang Shenge.

And that Dao Guo crashed into it, and the unstoppable golden light formed a powerful enchantment, and Lin Guifan's sword spirit was cracked.

Lin Guifan got a good meal and couldn't help going backwards.

At this time, a very blurry shadow suddenly appeared in Dao Guo. Lin Guifan's pupils shrank, and he recognized that the master of the shadow was coming.

"It's that kid again? He planted a defensive array in this woman's dignity."

Lin Guifan was expressionless, and his tone clearly revealed a three-point anger.

When he was about to do everything he could, Wang Huaian's majestic voice came in from the outside: "Enough is enough. If you go on like this, the little girl's physique must be destroyed and will die without doubt. Since there is no memory, Then her memory was indeed destroyed, it is impossible to find it back. "

Upon hearing Wang Huaian's words, Lin Guifan was only able to close his hands in sorrow. After Xiao Naihe's vague shadow disappeared, Lin Guifan was only able to withdraw his consciousness.

"This Xiao Xiaoyou is quite good. He should have deliberately planted a defensive array not long before we took this little girl. This means and thoughts are no less than that of our old man."

Wang Huaian smiled faintly, and his tone seemed deep.

Qiye Patriarch smiled bitterly, and he was also a little surprised. He recalled that when Xiao Naihe was talking with Lingxiang, he patted his shoulder. It was estimated that it was planted at that time.

"Good guy, even Lin Guifan was forced to retreat for the first time. What kind of formation is this, and how many arrays of magical powers did the boy show?"

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