Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2684: Xiao Naihe's Discovery

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For Qilian Mountain, Xiao Naihe also heard about it.

The legend of Qilian Mountain does not know when it started. Many people say that there are no more than five disciples in Qilian Mountain.

In other words, there are no more than five people in Qilian Mountain.

And every disciple of Qilian Mountain is one of the few geniuses in the longevity world.

As soon as every disciple of Qilian Mountain was born, he wanted to become famous.

During this period of time, anyone of the Zongmen forces can attract the disciples of Qilian Mountain, and Qilian Mountain will not object.

If you can get close to Qilian Mountain, it will be a good thing.

"This self-proclaimed disciple of Qilian Mountain, the legend of Qilian Mountain that she said once appeared three strong men of the Sacred Venerable level, and some people said that there is a master of the saint in Qilian Mountain now."

Wu Bingning said slowly.

Even when she talked about Qilian Mountain, there was some admiration and longing in her tone.

A three saints, not to mention the human race, even if it is the majority clan power among the clans, I am afraid that they will not have this ability.

What kind of character is the Lord?

Put in the current longevity world, that is, the masters within the top 30 of the longevity list.

The reason why the human race can stand in the longevity world for so long is because there is a master of the saint level.

Any sect that has the Lord sitting in the town, even race, I am afraid that no force dares to offend at will.

Even if there is only one sage, Qilian Mountain can contend with one race.

"I have heard of the legend that Qilian Mountain has a saint, but since Qilian Mountain has a saint, doesn't that mean that there are at least two saints in our human race?" Shangguan Jiajia said subconsciously.

Wu Bingning shook his head and said, "No, to be honest, Qilian Mountain is not the ancestor of our human race. The disciples of Qilian Mountain come from various races, not just human races, but also people of all races. But Qilian Mountain is in our human race Within the realm of the land. So strictly speaking, Qilian Mountain is a neutral force. Even if Qilian Mountain has a saint, it is not a saint of our human race. "

If there are two holy lords among their human races, then their human races do not have to be uncomfortable for many years, and they have been suppressed by the various races.

"It turns out that it means, is this woman from Qilian Mountain?"

Xiao Naihe raised his head and looked at a figure fighting in the distance.

When he heard the three words of Qilian Mountain, some thoughts of memory suddenly appeared in his mind, and these memories were derived from the previous investigation by Xingzu.

"I really didn't expect that I could meet the people of Qilian Mountain. I had planned to find Qilian Mountain in the worst plan without any clue. Now the disciples of Qilian Mountain have appeared."

Between the words, the front courtier and the woman were already fighting to a very critical time.


After a loud noise, countless vortexes suddenly formed across the river, and the mist spread into the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, as if to surround the entire world.

And in the mist, there were even more delicate characters. Countless tadpole-shaped characters spun up and rushed directly to the front of Tianchenzi.

"One-piece Skyman."

Tianchenzi snorted, his fists opened, and his feet pressed hard, and suddenly a huge splash of water was blown out of the river, as if a waterfall had formed, and it fell from the sky.

"Appeared, that's one of Brother Shi's innate skills."

Wu Bingning gave a slight meal. This Tianchenzi was her teacher's younger brother and one of the master's students.

Although Tianchenzi is not one of the five great geniuses, Tianchenzi's talent is said to be no less than that of Wu Bingning, and has the advantage of bloodline. He has the talent ability of a monk from birth.

So Tianchenzi was in Jiajiazi, that is, before he was sixty years old, he was able to enter the late passive period.

Such talents, even geniuses such as Qilin Emperor and Chu Tian, ​​could not achieve the sacred status before being a Jiazi.

Even Xiao Nai could not do it.

It can be seen how powerful Tianchenzi's talent is.

"However, when the people of Qilian Mountain came out, why did they have to find a duel, and I still wanted the passive late period of sixty years, I can't understand this point." Shangguan Jiajia could not help asking, "Sister Bing Ning Do you know? "

"There is too little news about Qilian Mountain, and so far there have been few people born from Qilian. I don't know what the purpose of Qilian Mountain is. I don't know how much Master Xiao knows about Qilian Mountain?"

Shangguan Jiajia gave a slight meal, she did not expect Wu Bingning to turn the topic to Xiao Naihe.

She knew that Xiao Naihe was not a member of their longevity world. She was afraid that she knew less than herself. She was about to find Xiao Naihe when she was going downstairs.

Suddenly, I heard Xiao Nai say slowly: "Qilian Mountain existed a long time ago and can be traced back to many eras. You are lucky enough to meet the people of Qilian Mountain. As for the reason why Qilian Mountain disciples were born, It is useless for you to know now. "


Shangguan Jiajia and Wu Bingning glanced at each other.

Especially Wu Bingning, she is a very clever person. When she heard Xiao Naihe's words, she obviously heard some meanings in Xiao Naihe's words.

She felt that Xiao Naiho knew something about Qilian Mountain.

This kind of tone is not like opening a river in Xinkou.

If there are no real people, there is absolutely no such tone, Wu Bingning is particularly clear.

"This Xiao Naihe, I also investigated his identity. I haven't heard from him for a long time since the auction. And he now feels like he is facing a guru."

Wu Bingning was frightened by an idea born in his heart.

At this moment, the disciple of Qilian Mountain started again, and a very thin long line appeared above her head.

This long line floated to the front, instantly splitting Tianchenzi's fist into fragments.

"What is that? Is it Taoism?"

"How do I feel like a real breath, or some other kind of power."

Wu Bingning's expression was violent, she could feel the power fluctuations brought by this line, there was a kind of Dao Yuner that made her difficult to control.

Only when Xiao Naihe saw this long line, his pupils shrank slightly, "Sure enough, it seems that the Xingzu survey is correct. Qilian Mountain is indeed related to that person. I was not sure before, but now I can finally be sure . "

Xiao Naihe exhaled a sigh of breath. The power on that long line had the ability to cut off everything in the longevity world, because Xiao Naihe felt a kind of longevity in the long line.

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