Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2692: Kirin Holy Land

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"The top leader of Qilian Mountain."

Shangguan Jiajia's face changed dramatically, not only her, but Wu Bingning and Tian Chenzi also looked at each other, seeing their shock in the eyes of each other.

Long ago they heard about the legend of Qilian Mountain.

It can be said that Qilian Mountain is one of the most mysterious sects in this longevity world.

It exists in the human race, but it does not belong to the human race.

It should be said that Qilian Mountain does not belong to any ethnic forces.

There are a limited number of disciples in Qilian Mountain, no more than five people, but Qilian Mountain, which is composed of only a few people, makes countless race masters afraid of existence.

The disciples who were born in Qilian Mountain in the past are said to have only completed their training and are recognized by Qilian Mountain. They are no longer disciples of Qilian Mountain.

Equivalent to the meaning of Buddhism disciples in Buddhism.

Those people will be hiding in any corner of the longevity world, it is likely to be by your side, but you do n’t know.

However, even if the Buddhist disciples are still vulgar, they will help if the Buddha needs it.

On the surface of Qilian Mountain, there are no more than five disciples on the surface, but the number of disciples who have been vulgar in the past can be counted.

Once these people are called back to Qilian Mountain again, the forces of Qilian Mountain will only be more terrifying, and they can contend with any strong race in the longevity world today.

"The first leader of Qilian Mountain? Is it really that level of existence? I heard that Qilian Mountain was guarded by the Lord, and Xiao Xiaozi was able to retreat safely in the other's hands. Isn't Xiao Gongzi ..."

Thinking of this, Wu Bingning's tone froze sharply, and he felt abnormally horrifying.

"That's just a will. The person is still in the very distant Qilian Mountains. Unless she comes, she will only be a will, and it won't make a big climate."

Xiao Nai said slowly.

Wu Bingning and Tian Chenzi glanced at each other, and they let out a sigh of relief. If this is the case, then it is not impossible for Xiao Nai to repel the other party with the cultivation of Ban Sheng.

After all, the other party is just a will, which is very different from the body.

But even if Xiao Nai is a half-holy, it is definitely the top strong among the half-holy, and one level with the guru, or even stronger.

Thinking of this, Wu Bingning and Tian Chenzi looked at Xiao Naihe's eyes, apparently somewhat admired.

Can compete with the first leader of Qilian Mountain, even if not against the other person's real body.

Once this matter spreads, I am afraid that it may cause all kinds of shock among the human race.

The one in Qilian Mountain, and the one in the Terran League, are mysterious. For a long time, the dragon has never seen it.

Xiao Naihe and the Qilian Mountain contest were able to retreat all over the body, even letting the other person helplessly leave.

Nobody will be surprised by such means.

"There is such a strong presence in Suzaku College. I remember that in the Suzaku College, the younger generation can see it with only Chu Tian. But this person is more terrifying than Chu Tian."

Tianchenzi could not help thinking secretly.

"Okay, no more talk, Miss Wu, when can we go to the Royal Academy?"

Xiao Naihe shook his head, interrupting Shangguan Jiajia's words.

Some of the following things in Qilian Mountain can let others know. After all, things are about the longevity of the heavenly daughter. Let Shangguan Jiajia know too much about them, which is not good for them.

"It will be there soon, almost an hour."

Wu Bingning answered gently.

Now her attitude towards Xiao Naiho also changes accordingly.

This is the status change brought by strength.

The atmosphere above the big ship is a bit strange. Wu Bingning and Tian Chenzi also implicitly regard Xiao Naihe as the main and Xiao Naihe as the backbone.

This man of the same level as the guru really does not allow to be negligent.


This time, the five colleges were set up at the Royal Academy.

The Royal College is also the first to participate in the five colleges.

Each comparison of the five colleges is obviously a competition among the five colleges, but in fact it is actually deciding the distribution of the resources of the Terran Alliance.

Moreover, every time the people from the five colleges have participated, they cannot participate in the next session.

Chu Tian of Suzaku Academy is exactly the card cultivated by Suzaku Academy.

Not only Suzaku College, Qinglong College, Xuanwu College, etc. also secretly trained masters.

Most of the top five sages among the five colleges have come and participated in this time.

Xiao Naihe When they came to the Royal College, the Dabi almost started.

The Royal Academy is located in the center of the Kirin Holy Land. The Kirin Holy Land is a treasure land left by the Holy Beast of the Kirin in the last era. Like the Peacock Holy Land, it is a unique holy land.

The Terran League has left such a precious position of the Kirin Holy Land to the Royal Academy, and at all costs established the Royal Academy to cultivate talents, showing how much the Terran Alliance values ​​the Royal Academy.

The existence of the Royal Academy can be said to be the most output point of talents of the Terran League. Compared with the other four old-fashioned colleges, this new college is obviously more concerned by the Terran.

This time alone, the five-comparison Dabi was carried out in the Royal Academy, and we can see the high expectations that the Human Race Alliance gave to the Royal Academy.

"Gong Yueling, you don't have to be nervous. Although you are participating for the first time this time, you only need to play your level well."

In the camp of Suzaku Academy, Chen Wuji was preparing thoughts for Gong Yueling.

Suzaku College's camp is a feng shui treasure in the Royal College. Among the five colleges, Suzaku College is also among the best and has received considerable attention.

"I know, thank you tutor."

"The ancestor asked me to give you a lot of advice, but your ability now, I don't have much experience to give you advice."

Chen Wuji shook his head and sighed gently.

After changing from Gongyue Ling to the disciples of Qiye Patriarch, Chen Wuji could not but pay more attention to Gongyue Ling.

After getting the guidance of Qiye Patriarch, Gong Yueling's formation itself is also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Now Gongyue Ling is already a respected king, and he can stand alone.

Gong Yueling clenched his fists slightly and looked outside, suddenly thinking of another person.

"I don't know what happened to Xiao Naihe? I haven't seen him for a long time since the last retreat."

At this time, Gong Yueling did not know that it was Xiao Naihe who had already reached the periphery of Qilin Holy Land.

This time Wu Bingning and Tian Chenzi also followed Xiao Naihe.

When they entered the scope of the Kirin Holy Land, they saw many cultivators and a few college people.

Dabby is finally starting.

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