Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2714: I heard you are going to kill me

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The white light released from Pei Tianhu's arms seemed to travel through countless time and space, and instantly wrapped the whole person of Pei Tianhu.

"Void Fragment?"

Shangguan raised his eyebrows and grabbed his palms. The momentum was more and more intense, and the speed became faster. He had to capture Pei Tianhu as a whole.

But at the moment when he was about to catch Pei Tianhu, Pei Tianhu's whole person was under this white light package, and disappeared in an instant.

When I saw this, Shangguan Qian's face was incredibly ugly, just like the bottom of the pot.

Faintly, he also guessed the origin of this white light.

Pei Tianhu absolutely does not have this kind of patience, I am afraid that someone secretly rescued Pei Tianhu.

Shangguanqian's space supernatural powers ranked in the top three in the human race alliance, and there were still people who tore the space in front of him and directly rescued Pei Tianhu.

This is undoubtedly the face of Shangguanqian, but Shangguanqian is very aware of how the other party shot to save people. Even Shangguanqian knew that he really couldn't pull Pei Tianhu back.

"Jia Jia, are you okay?"

Shangguan Qian withdrew his own momentum, and hurried to Shangguan Jiajia. He couldn't help but say he grabbed Shangguan Jiajia's wrist.

Shangguan Jiajia was about to struggle, and suddenly felt a warm spiritual force flowing into his body, and all the injuries in his body disappeared at this moment.

Although he knew that Shangguanqian was for his own good, Shangguan Jiajia was still a little uncomfortable, and he slightly drew his hand, his face expressionless: "I'm fine."

Shangguan Qing smiled suddenly. At this time, he was not like the murderous existence just now, but a loving father: "That's good."

However, Shangguan turned his eyes and saw Xiao Naihe on the ground. He raised his eyebrows. He was not a fool. Naturally, he could see that this time it was because Xiao Nai picked it up.

Although he also knew that it wasn't Xiao Naihe's initiative, Pei Tianhu did come to kill Xiao Naihe, and Shangguan Jiajia was only injured by Pei Tianhu in order to save Xiao Naihe.

Shangguanqian didn't even know that Pei Tianhu came here, but he suddenly felt a panic. He immediately guessed that Shangguan Jiajia must have happened. Following the light breath of Shangguan Jiajia, he came here and found out that this happened. Things.

As soon as Pei Tianhu left, Shangguan Jiajia also breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, other people's eyes turned to another person instead.

Mei Renfeng felt that several hot eyes were locked on his body. There was no trace of anxiety on his face, but a calm expression on his face.

"It's worthy of being the teacher of Qinglong College, Shangguan shallow, Pei Tianhu can't stop you from taking a face-to-face, Mr. Shangguan's strength seems to be further."

"Mei Renfeng, what are you doing here? Are you going to avenge your dead son? How did Merlin die, I think you should know it too."

"Since Mr. Shangguan knows, then I have also made it clear. I did come to kill Xiao Naihe, the child's hatred.

"Other people don't know, don't you, I don't know, how did your son Merlin die? It disappeared after the auction on the same day, and died in Xiao Nai's hands at the next moment, not to mention Xiao Naihe just shot the Void Gate Of the product. "

Mei Renfeng closed his eyes and said indifferently: "Of course I know how he died, but as a parent, everyone has selfishness. Mr. Shangguan, if something happens to your baby daughter, it is estimated that your reaction will be I'm the same. "

Shangguan's light face changed, and the originally convergent momentum suddenly broke out again. A strong true qi was released directly towards the outside, and suddenly shrouded in the Merlin seat.

Like the waves of the sea, the power is incredible.

"Enough, are you going to tear down the old one?"

At the moment when the atmosphere of the scene turned sharply, thunder sound rolled, suddenly suppressing Shangguan Qian who had originally released his momentum.

Shangguan shallowly felt that his body was shocked, and that powerful momentum was erased.

Several people's faces changed dramatically.

"Senior Jiang!"

Shangguan Qian quickly paid a courtesy.

It is also a half saint, but the gap between Shangguan Qian and Jiang Xuanya is not small.

Jiang Xuanya is the first person under the saint of the human race, and one of the pinnacles of the half saint in the longevity world today.

Apart from the adult, none of the human races dare to give Jiang Xuanya a face.

"Shangguan Qian, are you going to tear me down?"

"Seniors are angry, the juniors are just eager to protect their daughters. Then Pei Tianhu took the lead, and the juniors would shoot."

"Pei Tianhu?"

Jiang Xuanya's eyes were indifferent, looking at the void, which was where Pei Tianhu originally stood, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Well, this matter is old and it is no longer investigated. But ... Mei Renfeng, you are more mad than your insatiable husband, and you, Su Wazi, either do not appear, or will be engaged as soon as they appear Major event, this time you actually got the Royal Academy, will you even demolish the Kirin Holy Land next time? "

"The old man said too much, I don't want to do it anymore, no, I didn't do it, and this woman wanted to kill my students, where can I sit and watch?"

Su Yongnan smiled slightly. At this time, she didn't seem to have the noble atmosphere of the high emperor before, but instead looked like a little girl next door.

"Mei Renfeng, what do you say?"

"The predecessor said that the juniors were blinded by hatred before they could start here. This is the junior's fault, and the juniors are willing to take all responsibilities."

"However, even if the seniors said so, this Xiao Nai is the enemy who killed my children. Even if I don't do it in the Royal Academy, I will do it as long as I leave the Royal Academy."

Speaking of which, Meiren's style suddenly changed, and a murderous intention shrouded Xiao Naihe's body. The kind of naked stripe's murderousness was completely unstoppable, showing that Meiren's style was decisive. Imposing.

Su Yongnan frowned and was about to speak.

But at this time, the murderous air that had originally locked Xiao Naihe disappeared. No, it should be said to be neutralized by another breath.

An understatement came slowly, "Oh, are you going to kill me? I didn't expect that I would be so lively when I woke up, even the people who wanted to kill me came."

When everyone heard the voice, they looked at it subconsciously.

Xiao Naihe also slowly opened his eyes at this time, and his eyes flashed with layers of green light, which was a kind of vigorous performance, showing his mysterious and powerful strength.

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