Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2716: The killing of the horizon

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Shangguan Jiajia is a little funny in his heart, and others are also a little funny.

Pei Tianhu is called ‘ruthless tiger’ in the outside world. Many masters are too late to avoid Pei Tianhu. There are still people who are going to chase Pei Tianhu, and they simply treat Pei Tianhu ’s life as a prey.

In the world, only Xiao Naihe and Shangguan Qian, who are standing in the human race, are the top-level masters, dare to say such things.

As for Xiao Naihe's strength, Shangguanqian once tried it. He knew that Xiao Naihe's strength is far more than it is now. He was afraid that if he really started, the young man's strength would not be lower than himself.

Xiao Nai and even Mei Renfeng dared to kill, killing each other's original ideas, not to mention dealing with Pei Tianhu.

Xiao Nai wanted to kill Pei Tianhu, and Shangguanqian also wanted to kill Pei Tianhu.

Xiao Nai killed Pei Tianhu because Pei Tianhu had the way to die, and the two were already enemies of life and death.

While Shangguan Qian and Pei Tianhu did not have a life-and-death feud, but because Pei Tianhu started to attack Shangguan Jiajia.

He killed Pei Tianhu not only to vent Shangguan Jiajia, but also to warn anyone that as long as Shangguan Jiajia was moved, the end would definitely not be much better than Pei Tianhu.

Poor Pei Tianhu absolutely does not know that his life has been stared at by two beasts, but he has directly changed from a previous hunter into a prey.

"Let's go too."

Xiao Naihe and Shangguan Jiajia and Lingxiang said.

The three parties in the field originally left at this time.

"Suya, how long will you stay this time?"

Jiang Xuanya stopped Su Yongnan who was about to leave.

The dean of this Suzaku Academy seems to have a very unusual relationship with the dean of the Royal Academy.

"It's not easy to say, but the big five will definitely have to watch it, at least wait until after the big one. But according to the news, I heard that those people seem to be starting to do it, I'm afraid it's not good news for our human race."

"Those people?"

Jiang Xuanya's face showed a deep fear and worry.

The first person under the dignified human race sage would actually show such an expression, I am afraid that no one will know.

However, Su Yongnan knew that Jiang Xuanya was worried about the above, and what terrifying existence of those in her mouth, I was afraid that even Jiang Xuanya had little confidence to deal with them.

"Does the adult know about this?"

"Before I came to the Royal Academy, I had already conveyed this news, I believe he would know, but even if he knew, there was no good way to estimate, otherwise we would have given the human race this dilemma many years ago. Get rid of. "

"Those people grew up on the top of the eternal life. As long as they exist for one day, our human race has no day to start. In their eyes, it is estimated that the human race and the various races are just playthings in their hands. Only the adult is here, we The human race can barely stop them. "

"However, if our human race no longer has a second holy lord, I am afraid that they will be in full control in the future, but it is only a matter of time."

Jiang Xuanya sighed softly, frowned, and a tone of helplessness and sadness appeared in his tone.

"The second holy sage? Father, I got a message, but I am still not sure whether the news is true. Of course, if this news is true, then the plight of our human race may be changed. At least, it will not be the same as before, and it will be regarded as meat in the plate by all the tribes. "Speaking of this, Su Yongnan's eyes moved.

"what news?"

I saw Su Yongnan waved his hand, and there was a layer of white light suddenly in the void. The enchantment formed was blocked inside and out, and it seemed that the whole space was wrapped inside, even if someone wanted to force it. When you come in, you will be bounced out.

Even Su Yongnan showed such caution, at this time Jiang Xuanya knew that she was afraid that what the woman had to say was definitely not simple.

"I got a message that I heard that the Lord over there was already back, and now he is preaching in the door."

Su Yongnan said in a very deep tone.

"Buddha? Do you mean Gaozang Buddhism?"

Jiang Xuanya froze for a moment, and suddenly his face changed, as if he had thought of something!

There is only one person between heaven and earth in the holy statue of Gaozang Buddhism. That person entered the forbidden area with several other statues many years ago, and then disappeared forever.

And that place is the forbidden land at the border of the magic building, which is one of the seven forbidden land in the longevity world.

"Isn't that ... the senior? But I heard that the senior was in the forbidden land with the Lord Lord of the Demon House and other ancestors, and it seemed that he was looking for some treasure, thousands of There has been no news of them for years. The news of their death came later. "

"I do n’t know the true or false of this news. I do n’t know if the adult of Gaozang Buddhism really came back, but it seems that the relationship between Molou and Gaozang Buddhism has eased, and both parties seem to have put aside their previous stereotypes. , If there is nothing happening between them, I do n’t believe it. "

"If the grown-up Buddhist monk comes back, then our human race will have two sages. In this way, the plight of our human race will indeed change."

Jiang Xuanya exhaled.

"Also, I heard another interesting thing about the world's money road."

"World and money road? Oh, what is it?"

"Did the emperor Qilin in your yard enter the money road of heaven and earth?"

"Yes, but he did get a chance in it. It is estimated that the chance has been refined."

"Hey, don't worry, I didn't take a fancy to him. I heard that great things have happened in the world's money road. The two old guys who have no life in a vacuum have died inside."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xuanya's face suddenly changed.

"The two old guys died inside. What's the matter?"

"I heard that there was a very great young man who caused a ban in it and killed one of the leaders in the town. The other person also died in his hands. And the unicorn emperor in your yard is He was defeated by the young man and finally escaped from the world of money. "

"Not only that, seven Xuanguan Cave Houses in the Tiandi Money Road have been broken through, and the Sacred Heart Temple, which did not appear even many years ago, has appeared again."

‘It ’s actually the Sacred Heart Temple. ’

As soon as Jiang Xuanya's body shook, he knew better than everyone else, how useful was the Sacred Heart Temple, and it appeared again.

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