Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2721: Dandao assessment (Part 1)

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"It seems that you should know who did it, then we don't have to be merciless, just destroy the physical bodies of these three people and take out the memory thought."

At this time, Xian'er suddenly showed her attitude of decay.

Don't look at Xian'er usually approaching Xiao Naihe. He looks like a big sister next door, as if he were an ancient saint fairy, and she was immortal.

But in fact, as a cultivator, Xian'er's strength is almost in the late passive period, and even in the late passive period, it is definitely not a simple role to cultivate to the existence of this state.

Really meet the enemy, Xian'er will never be as euphemistic as before.

"Is this what Miss Xian'er did?"

Gong Yueling was also too frightened by Xian'er's tone. This kind of indifference and determination was completely different from the previous gentle attitude. He suddenly thought that he was a different person.

Between the words, Xian'er grabbed his fingers and felt an ethereal breath. The airflow in the void was squeezed and rushed quickly, forming a vacuum.

Countless musical notes are floating slowly, as if they have turned into the ancient world of playing music, each of which has a mysterious and erratic power.

Between the flows, the entire space seemed to be twisted, and it twisted in an instant.

Pang Pang Pang Pang!

It seemed that a certain woman's voice was like a pleasant sound, crying gently, and that kind of crying was like filling up this vacuum.

"Oops! This is God of Wonder, is this person a disciple of the ancestor of Akihito at Suzaku College?"

At this time, a man inside finally recognized the origin of the woman in front of him.

As soon as the sound fell, the musical note in the void was already shrouded, and the body was suddenly absorbed in the musical note.

"You don't want to leave anymore."

Xian'er's voice is like a fairy sound from ancient times, each word carries a mysterious power that can attract people's hearts.

Slightly fluctuating, this middle-aged woman only felt like she was bound by a force and could not move.

The body is about to break away from this kind of control, but it feels that it is not just the flesh, but even the soul, the divine personality, and even their own thoughts, under the control of this force, they can't move away.

"Awesome, awesome, worthy of Miss Xian'er, the strong man under the true sage, and the longevity candidate list has existed for many years."

Gong Yueling's pupil shrank slightly.

Although she knows that Xian'er is very powerful, as an apprentice of Mingren's ancestor, Xian'er is strong. This is beyond doubt.

But how powerful is Xian'er?

Gong Yueling naturally does not know, after all, she has not seen Xian'er hands.

And now Xian'er started, Gongyue Ling really felt that the woman in front of her was so powerful that she was even stronger than the senior members of her Jiugong family, and even stronger than them. Only the top masters of Jiugong family could compete.

"His hiss."

At this time, a very wonderful and distorted voice came out, it seemed that something was beginning to tear.

Xian'er's brow furrowed, Shen Nian shrouded, and his face suddenly changed.

The bodies of these three middle-aged men and women suddenly swelled up, as if they were a constantly blowing ball.

The kung fu of the finger directly becomes round and round.

Whether it is the physical body, the soul of the soul, or the origin of the divine personality, it seems to be very full.


Xian'er covered with one hand, and a white ray of light protected him and Gongyue Ling at the next moment.


The bodies of these three people exploded in an instant, like a blasting airflow, and the compression directly evaporated in a moment, and the entire yard seemed to be stretched out.

But at this time, only a stream of gold tokens flew out of the air, which was even faster than lightning.

Xian'er thought, knowing that she was too late to take down the token.


At this moment, a hand suddenly appeared in front of him, and the token was grabbed from the air.

When Xian'er looked at it, a few people appeared.

She knew all these people.

"Princess Xiao, Brother Chu Tian, ​​and the ancient girl."

Xian'er's expression was stagnant, and even a soft smile appeared,

If Xiao Naihe and Shangguan Jiajia appear here, then the riots in the yard should have completely ended.

"Xiao Naihe, you finally woke up."

"I woke up, but fortunately, this time there was a fairy girl, otherwise you might have been really fierce just now."

The three people were already self-explosive, disappeared, and even the thoughts of memory had disappeared.

However, the token they shot before dying is likely to be the token of communication.

"Who is so daring to do it at the Royal Academy? What is that token just now?"

Chen Wuji was a little curious.

After Xiao Naihe shot down the token, everyone's eyes were placed in his hands.

I saw Xiao Nai smiled, revealing the token.

The token turned into a ray of fly ash in a flash and disappeared.

"Is this ... the power of prohibition?"

"It seems that the other party should have planted the ban on the token. If the ban is not lifted directly at the moment of getting the token, the token will disappear. These people are really careful, considering Things are intertwined. "

Xiao Naihe clapped his hands.

"The three people should have come to deal with Miss Gong, but does Miss Gong have any impression?" Xian'er asked.

Hearing her words, Gong Yueling revealed a thoughtful look, seeming to be constantly recalling the most likely characters.

After pondering for a long time, Gong Yueling shook his head and sighed: "It's not easy to say, there are not many people who have enemies with me, but if anyone can do it here, there is only the Qiu Family.

"Is the Qiu Family's Qiu Family?"

Chen Wuji, who knew more about Gong Yueling, suddenly thought of a possibility.

However, as soon as this thought surfaced, Chen Wuji did not say it.

Isn't the biggest enemy of the Jiugong Family the Wujiabao?

With the ability of Wujiabao, the first family under the ten major families has a very high prestige among the human races, and it seems to have no small ability in the Royal Academy.

If it is really secretly arranged here, quietly, it is not impossible.

Of course, this is just speculation. If it is true, then Wu Jiabao is afraid of facing a huge crisis.

Before there was no absolute evidence, Chen Wuji didn't dare to conclude that he didn't have the ability or the ability.


At this moment, there were waves of volatility in the air, and the glory emerged as if it were a void roulette.

"This is the real convocation of the Dabi group, it seems that the next level of assessment should start."

Chen Wuji interrupted the thought in his mind and said immediately.

"I will talk about things here later. I will report them to the ancestors and let them decide. Now you have to participate in the Darby. Do n’t think too much and get distracted."

Gong Yueling nodded.

In fact, she did have a guess in her heart, and she already had 60-70% confidence in the people she knew, and knew what they were coming from.

But these things can not be said, even if Chen Wuji and Xian'er cannot know, they are not credible.

You must say something that you can trust, and Xiao Naihe is the only one on the scene.

Chu Tian looked at the ground and said nothing, only a slight smile appeared on his face.

Next, the Dabby has already begun. Xiao Nai has nothing to do, and this time he came to protect Gong Yueling.

Gong Yueling had some kind of clue about the longevity goddess, plus the three people who had dealt with her before, Xiao Nai He vaguely guessed a certain truth.

At this time, it is impossible to leave Gongyue Ling.

He and Shangguan Jiajia and Lingxiang both stayed.

As for Xian'er, Gong Yueling and Chu Tian, ​​they all have to participate in the next assessment.

The next level of assessment is the assessment above Dan Dao.

Originally Suzaku College arranged two students from Dandao College to participate, but they were not very sure.

On the contrary, as soon as Xian'er came out, Wu Tongtian had decided to join Xian'er alone.

According to the regulations of the General Assembly, if one person participates in the assessment of two people, then two points must be earned.

Judging from the current situation, Xian'er has an absolute advantage in participating alone.

Wu Tongtian and others have returned. When they saw Xiao Naihe and Shangguan Jiajia, their mouths moved slightly. They seemed to want to ask something, but they still suppressed it.

Chen Wuji looked at the expressions of Wu Tongtian and others and knew that Wu Tongtian should not have inquired about what happened in the camp.

However, as long as you wait and ask from Xiao Naihe, you can know the truth.

Obviously, Wu Tongtian thought the same way.

"If nothing else, the next is the Dao Dao assessment. Originally we decided to let Xu Tianjiao and Ling Ziyan participate. . "

"Mr. Wu is very kind. I am from the Suzaku College and will naturally give my full support."

Xian'er nodded.

Ding Ding Ding!

"Please invite the five colleges to participate in the Dan Dao assessment."

The people from the Dabi group had already spoken, and Xian'er also took the lead.

A total of nine people were sent out of the five colleges this time.

The only surprise is that only Suzaku College sent Xian'er alone, which means that the other colleges are all assigned for assessment.

Only Xian'er has to complete two people's assessment questions and win two people's points.

"Suzaku Academy actually sent a person?"

"What's going on? Before I got the information, Suzaku College sent two people."

"That woman is so familiar, I seem to have seen her at the last five college auctions."

"I know who she is? She is a fairy of Suzaku College, a disciple of Mingren Patriarch, known as the Danshen."

"No wonder she is the only one coming up. It seems that Suzaku College is hiding too deep."

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