Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2723: Xian'er's strength

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This scorching sight, with a deep resentment, thoughts like freezing the world and killing everything, will penetrate Xiao Naihe's soul.

That kind of spooky, that kind of killing intention, just merged into a little, thick and thin hair!

"Wu Kongshan?"

Xiao Nai didn't move, but just looked at each other.

These two people had grieved when they were in the Jiugong family. They are now the enemy of life and death. It is the state where you die or I die.

After Wu Kongshan's death at the Jiugong family, he had vowed to take Xiao Naihe down, but unfortunately he did not succeed, and even suffered a bit from Xiao Naihe.

With a genius like Wu Kongshan, how could it be seen as a genius better than him as an opponent.

At the auction, Xiao Naihe squeezed himself again and grabbed the limelight, making Wu Kongshan jealous.

I got the extension of the Void Gate, and it was also favored by Miss Xian'er.

Beauty and beauty, who does not love.

Even Wu Kongshan is no exception. For a beautiful woman like Xian'er, he can't wait to take the other party as his own.

However, Xian'er's attitude towards Xiao Naihe at the auction actually caused him to arouse his envy and resentment in certain aspects of ‘man’.

Wu Jiushan's hatred for Xiao Naihe has reached a very high level, from the grievance between Jiugongjia and Xiao Naihe, and then the invisible suppression at the auction.

"I didn't expect him to come, Xiao Naihe! At first, Merlin was afraid to die in your hands, but now in this big game, I can just take this opportunity to deal with you."

Wu Kongshan smiled coldly, and then his killing intentions all converged.

There are so many masters here, all of them are not simple existences, as long as they show a strange emotion, it is easy to be caught.

Fortunately, on this occasion, even if there is a trace of murderousness, it is normal.

After all, the cultivator's own fighting method is a kind of **** fight, and murder is common.

"The sight just now came from the candidate station on the other side."

Wu Tongtian's expression moved, he practiced martial arts, and was very sensitive to murderous murder. When Wu Kongshan cast his murderous murder just now, he let him capture it.

There was a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere in that trace of murderousness, which gave Wu Tongtian a feeling of trembling of the soul. Obviously the other party's strength was above himself.

And those who are on the candidate stage are only those few who surpass their strength.

The Dan Dao assessment ended in one hour, and those who had been worried that Xian'er might be a little distracted also knew that they were worried.

"Chengdan medicine!"

A related person next to Xian'er put the two eggs that she had refined into a jade plate with Baodan's power, and presented it to the Dabi group.

As soon as the two elixir came out, it was instantly filled with the smell of elixir, just like the changes of the four seasons, the breath was thick and enveloped down.

"The elixir of the completion of the Ninth Five-Year Plan? How is it possible, even at the elixir level, cannot be refined in just one hour."

"My ancestor is an immortal, but with the ancestor's ability, if I want to refine any of them, it will take three days and three nights under various prepared conditions."

"Xian'er girl is still divided by two people, and at the same time, she has made two great immortals. Within one hour, her mastery of Dao Tao has reached a very high level."

Suddenly, many people were calmed down by Xian'er's ability.

The value of a pill master is far more than that of pure martial arts practitioners.

Alchemy and medicine can both kill and save people.

Good Dan is easy to find, but Good Dan is hard to find.

Dan Division and Daoist Division are among the most scarce occupations among the human races.

An old man sitting on the appraisal platform is the Royal Academy's half-step Danshen-Shan Zuochan!

But when he picked up the jade plate in his hand, the celestial beings of several other colleges all changed their faces.

"Senior Senior, is this ... Shen Yun?"

"Yes, this is the magic rhyme of the elixir. It is already the final stage from the elixir to the elixir. Only one step away can transform Cheng Shendan."

The two celestial beings shivered, seemingly unbelievable.

In the Pill Dao realm, the refined pill is also divided into ranks.

Immortals, that is, the immortals refined from immortals.

Divine Pill is a panacea made by Pill God.

Now Xian'er, the immortal medicine she has refined, has approached the immortal immortal infinitely. Only one step away, it can completely transform into a magic pill.

Although these two immortals are still in the category of elixir, their effects are far beyond the category of elixir.

"Fairy girl, but has already completed thirty-six heavy magic skills?"

Shan Zuochan, who was sitting on the high platform, asked suddenly, not in the tone of his predecessor, but with a calm tone.

Xian'er smiled: "The juniors are not talented, they just completed 32 of them.


Hearing Xian'er's words, Shan Zuochan couldn't help closing his eyes and sighed, which seemed very sighed.

"It is worthy of being a disciple of the ancestor of Danshen Mingren, with outstanding talent and extraordinary accomplishments!"

Many people in the scene were confused by the conversation between these two people, and they did not have a deep understanding of Dan Dao.

Even some pill masters, do n’t even know what is the "36-Heart-Heart Training Method"!

Only those Dan masters who have a glimpse of the Dao Dao, who have extremely high research and knowledge on the Dao Dao, know what the dialogue between these two people really means.

Those who knew the meaning of it were shocked and horrified when they looked at Xian'er. They dared not look at the young girl in front of them as a junior.

Obviously, there is more admiration and respect!

Xian'er worked with one person to complete the examination questions for two people and earned two points.

Soon, the points of this assessment have already appeared.

Xian'er's score alone is far ahead of other assessors in the field.

From the point of view of Dan Dao alone, Xian'er won two points for one person, completely surpassing the second place by less than half.

On the other side, Shangguan Jiajia, who had previously studied Dandao techniques, could not help but reveal a question. Lingxiang behind her also asked: "Is the fairy medicine of Xian'er girl very high?"

"Of course it is high. That was jointly identified by the Dan masters of our five colleges. And Shan Zuochan of the Royal Academy is still a half-step Dan Shen. He gave such a score, and that means the fairy medicine for the fairy girl is really excellent. "

A smile appeared on Chen Wuji's face, but the scores of the assessment this time were far beyond their previous expectations.

"What exactly is the" Thirty-Six Tactics of God "? Why did those people seem to change their faces after listening to the fairy girl?"

Shangguan Jiajia also noticed the expressions of those people and could not help asking.

Chen Wuji was shocked, shook his head, and looked at several colleagues at Suzaku College.

Several other people are also embarrassed, and they do n’t seem to know what this “thirty-sixth method of refining the gods” is.

Wutong Tiangan laughed: "It may be some kind of magical power in Dandao Realm, it is better to wait for Xian'er Girl to come and ask again."

"Brother Xiao, do you know what magical power this is?"

Shangguan Jiajia turned around and asked Xiao Naihe.

Several other people didn't care. After all, Xiao Naihe wasn't a Dan Taoist, and he shouldn't know these things.

But I only saw Xiao Nai He smiled slightly: "'Thirty-six heavy gods practice method'? That is a technique that Dandao Realm must learn when Danshen is promoted and evaluated. Only the thirty-sixth layer is completed, It is the real pill god. The fairy girl just used the "folding plum technique" in the thirtieth layer. The general princess can't do it. Only the pill master who understands the psalm of the psalm can perform it. "

"What do you mean?" Lingxiang asked subconsciously.

"It's very simple. Didn't the pill master on the high platform just say that the fairy girl's pill path is extraordinary? It can make a half-step princess so praised, no princess can do it, even a splendid pill This qualification. There is only one possibility, the fairy girl is already in the realm of half-stepping god. "


Suddenly, everyone took a breath.

In particular, Shangguan Jiajia was even more surprised and said: "Sister Xian'er is already a half-step Danshen? I heard that the ancestor Ren Ren was promoted to Danshen, but it took four hundred years. And Sister Xian'er entered the world of Dandao The time of cultivation is less than forty years. "

"That's why she is gifted."

Even Xiao Naihe couldn't help but admit that Xian'er's talent on Dan Dao was indeed amazing.

In terms of talent alone, Xiao Naihe is even slightly inferior to Xian'er.

However, Xiao Naihe obtained the knowledge of Dandao among the masters of Tiangong, a master of Danzu, which Xian'er can never match.

Unless one day Xian'er can also achieve the existence of Danzu level.

"Young Master Xiao has a reputation, and Xian'er is very talented, and compared with Young Master Xiao, it is not worth mentioning."

At this moment, Xian'er's soft voice came slowly.

As soon as the figure appeared, the ethereal breath of Xian'er also spread into the room.

"The fairy girl has worked hard."

Chen Wuji and others quickly saluted.

Not to mention that Xian'er is now a student of Suzaku College, and they are teachers of Suzaku College.

But with Xian'er's ability, I'm afraid that his current status in the Suzaku College far exceeds their teachers.

Even Wu Tongtian could not help nodding. But Wu Tongtian's eyes flickered, and Xiao Nai looked at him with some doubt.

He didn't know that they had a Xiao Naihe student at Suzaku College. Xian'er and Shangguan Jiajia seemed to treat Xiao Naihe very special, and were more friendly than him.

Instead, Wu Tongtian couldn't see the depth of this mysterious student.

"You're welcome."

Xian'er smiled like a spring breeze.

This time, the scores of the Dan Dao examination immediately pushed the overall position of the Suzaku Academy from the fourth place to the third place.

"The next assessment is the battlefield assessment, and it should be Yueling's turn."

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