Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2777: Formation Method (Part 1)

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The light of the formation continued to radiate, as if it were a flame burning, it suddenly permeated the ring.

The huge ring was divided into a part of the space, this part of the space is exactly where Xiao Naihe and Wu Kongshan meet.

"It is worthy of being one of the five great talents, the first person of the younger generation in the field."

A master of Xuanwu Academy sitting on the high platform could not help but praise two sentences.

Wu Kongshan is well-known in the battlefield world. He has become a leader at a young age, and he is a leader in the battlefield field of the younger generation.

Compared with the palace pillar of the Jiugong family, Wu Kongshan is more prestigious.

Some people even regard Wu Kongshan as the next generation's last hope candidate to become the ancestor of the ancestor. Wu Kongshan's talents for the formation of the battlefield are of a first-class level no matter now or in the previous era.

There is a formation in the field, and the formation is instantaneous, and the entire situation is controlled at once.

And Xiao Nai seemed to be like a lamb to be slaughtered in this endless flame.

The array continued to glow with flames, and the strength of the array was even more constant, just like biting every inch of flesh and blood on Xiao Naihe's body.

However, Xiao Naihe just stood still in peace, unmoved even after this flame-shaped formation.

"Is this person scared and stupid?"

"I thought how powerful he was."

"After all, he is the first person of the younger generation in the field, even if he loses, it is expected."

There was a lot of discussion, and I only saw Xiao Nai and He stood still and motionless, and felt a little funny and disdainful in my heart.

"To be honest, your array talent is really good. Even if you don't borrow that half-sacred array treasure, there should be few opponents in the face of masters of the same level. As long as you can hone for a hundred years, you can cultivate a **** Not bad. "

Xiao Naihe suddenly smiled and talked about the money.

Others don't understand the meaning of Xiao Naihe. Under this formation, he may die at any time. Why does Xiao Naihe still show such a natural look.

Is he completely ignorant of the situation now?

"Xiao Naihe, are you capable of this? Dare to preach to me, wait for my formation to kill you, and then extract your memory fragments, it is necessary to take away the half-sacred formation from your body."

At this time, Wu Kongshan finally revealed his true purpose.

From the beginning, he also worried that Xiao Nai He Ning would like to withdraw the shadow seeds in his heart, so that he could not openly deal with him.

As long as Xiao Nai does not withdraw, Wu Kongshan has a way to directly kill Xiao Naihe, refining the memory fragments, and seizing the half-sacred array treasure on the other side.

At that time, Xiao Nai was in the house of the Nine Palaces, the mysterious half-sacred array treasure, the power is not inferior to his own Rubik's cube.

The cube in Wu Kongshan's hands was not his own, but was borrowed from Wujiabao. After using it, it must be returned to him.

Wu Kongshan, who has tried the power of the half-sacred array, will be willing to lose such treasures.

He knew that Xiao Naihe also had a half-sacred array treasure in his hand, and he didn't want to capture this array treasure all the time, and he just lacked an opportunity.

Now, it is Wu Kongshan's best opportunity.

"Jie Longshi? I have long thought that your goal is Jade Dragon Stone. OK, if you can touch any part of me with the formation method at one finger, I will give Jade Dragon Stone to you."


Wu Kongshan's face changed, and what Xiao Naihe said just now swears entirely on his own heart, that is, he cannot violate his own heart.

How could this kid have such great confidence, not being afraid of his appearance at all.

Wu Kongshan for a time, could not help but secretly alert.

Although a little cautious in his heart, there was a sneering expression on the surface: "Pretend."

As soon as the words fell, the flame runes in the middle of the formation were gathered up, and like the fire of hell, there was a horrible heat.


The flames of the formation were pervasive, and even the airflow on the ring was twisted, becoming extremely intrepid.

The fingertips, the huge flame directly enveloped Xiao Naihe's body, it seemed to burn Xiao Naihe's entire person.

In the Suzaku Academy camp, several cultivators were very nervous, and Chen Wuji was pale: "How can he be so arrogant, that is Wu Kongshan, the presence of the rank of immortals."

Wu Tongtian sighed softly, and was also very sorry in his tone.

Xiao Nai He Tuoda, burned to death by the formation of flames, Wu Tongtian also had no way, can only say that Xiao Nai He is not self-confident, let Wu Tongtian had the only glimmer of hope, let go.

"Keep reading, Xiao Xiaozi's ability cannot be so."

At this time, Xian'er still keeps the original smile.

It seems that he does not worry about Xiao Naihe's appearance at all.

Not only her, but Shangguan Jiajia and Lingxiang are also very calm.

Gong Yueling was okay. She was worried a little, but thought that in the house of Jiugong, Xiao Naihe did not fall into the disadvantage of facing the attack of Jiugong family and Wu Kongshan.

She believes that Xiao Naihe must have his own way.

On the high platform, Jin Lun Tianzun, the mentor of Wu Kongshan, couldn't help but sneer: "Wu Kongshan is a rare wizard who has met Dao Realm for thousands of years. Even if a fairy of the same level meets him, there is no chance of winning."

"That Xiao Naihe can't die so easily."

At this time, a cold and fluttering voice came like an ice arrow.

Jinlun Tianzun frowned, thinking that Shangguan was refuting, and was about to say a few words.

But when he looked back to God, he saw that the person who spoke was actually the top champion of their royal academy, the Kirin Emperor.

"Oh? The champion of the Royal Academy? Do you have any insights?"

Shangguan shallowly reveals a mysterious smile, and at the same time he also has some doubts, why listening to this Qilin Emperor's tone seems to have a strange smell.

Emperor Qilin didn't speak, his eyes were only tightly locked in every action in the ring.

Shangguan talked about it boringly, and stopped talking.


At this moment, the flame in the middle of the entire ring was instantly gathered, gathered to the center at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

The space is distorted, and a flash of lightning flashes constantly.

At this moment, the entire ring was filled with the power of thunder, just like the three swords of the years, one knife and one sword.

The thunder released by the first knife directly gathered all the flames.

The second knife crossed, like a golden bridge built, connected to both ends of the world.

And at the moment when the third knife was glimmering, Xiao Naihe's body appeared from the thunder.

At the next moment, his hand moved, five fingers opened, like a huge electric python, forming a continuous stream of light. ,

"Zhen Dao Dao, Man Da Tian Dao Dao, Tian Dao Dao Tian. You don't know real Dao Dao Dao Dao Dao, you will never know, what a force formed by natural forces is the real fairy array.

Xiao Nai revealed from the thunder, his five fingers shrank, and said slowly: "For example, like this."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Naihe suddenly filled with a thick flame, and it instantly twisted.

Instead of disappearing at this moment, the original Thunder disappeared. Xiao Naihe chopped down with one hand, a formation was transformed into gossip, and a long fire dragon was suddenly formed, flying out from the golden bridge.

"What kind of formation is this?"

"Soul Soul Fire Array!"

Xiao Nai said slowly.

Point your finger a bit, as if pointing to a space thousands of miles away, smashing the world.

That feeling suddenly gave Wu Kongshan the same illusion that Xiao Naihe's life was in control.

"Is this also the way of the Immortals? Isn't your kid the Immortals?"

Wu Kongshan trembles in his heart. He thought that Xiao Naiho had let himself suffer before, but he thought he could borrow the ability of the half saint.

In Wu Kongshan's heart, there is no one in the world who can match his talent.

He believes that one day he will cultivate into the ranks of ancestors, and his peers are invincible, even Xiao Nai is no exception.

But at this moment, Xiao Naihe showed his strength for a while, and at once showed the other party's marvelous attainments.

How can this make Wu Kongshan happy.

He became more jealous in his heart, and his face became grim: "Even if it is a fairy, at the same level, I am the first, even if it is a fairy, it is just a stone under my feet."

Wu Kongshan shot it out with a palm, and an unknown circle immediately came and smashed towards Xiao Naihe as if to die.

"Heavenly Divine Array."

"The Ten Arrays of Wasteland."

"Time is fairy."

Jinlun Tianzun sitting in Gaotai couldn't help but frown. These are all first-class fairy array avenues. Even a figure like Wu Kongshan will exhibit great loss in one go.

At this time, Wu Kongshan's mentality was somewhat exploded, and he released a large array of madness, which made Jinlun Tianzun suddenly feel something wrong.

"No matter how many formations, it is better to specialize."

Xiao Naihe shook his head. Between his speeches, it seemed that he was walking in a leisurely court. He randomly created a picture formed by the formation of force in the void.

At a breathing time, these pictures suddenly became lifelike, as if they had become another world.

Enveloped by the power of the formation, these picture cultures became entities, turning into golden oceans and pervading the ring.

"You're a genius. It's enough to be able to see the power of the causal reincarnation."

Xiao Naihe's voice was understated. The golden light flashed in his eyes, and his finger flicked instantly, as if a sharp noise came out.

In this golden ocean, a burst of force flashed over, directly covering Wu Kongshan.

The three phalanx just came out, and disappeared suddenly. The entire platform became calm in an instant, and Xiao Naihe and Wu Kongshan were still standing.

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