Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2791: Love around

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Although Long Qing Cang is gone, his fist is still shrouded in this Royal Academy.

And in this boxing, it seems that it is blessed with several different holy consciousness.

"It seems that this action is not just Long Qing Cang's thoughts, but also the other five rounds of the Four Great Lords, but it should also be the blessing of the will and it was handed over to Long Qing Cang, hoping to bring in Bing Yugan in the future. "

There are five great saints in the five rounds of heaven, which was learned before there was no amnesia.

In this fist of Long Qing Cang, he blessed the will of the other four sages.

If Long Qingcang's fist will suppress it, it is estimated that Bing Yugan still has a way.

But all the five wills will be blessed, and it ’s impossible to unravel it alone

Even now, Xiao Nai is not easy to unravel, unless he borrows the power of the causal tree, or the ability to borrow Chaos Tianshi.

But Xiao Naihe did not expose these two cards in front of everyone.

Xiao Naihe is not yet in the realm of invincibility, and I do n’t know if anyone in the longevity world can understand the preciousness of these two things. If it is seen through, it will be too troublesome.

"But if I don't borrow this causal tree and Chaos Heavenly Stone, it seems unlikely that I can break through here with my own ability."

Xiao Nai wrinkled his thoughts, but for the first time felt embarrassed.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe seemed to think of a slight movement.

"I was almost in crisis. There is a" Void Gate "in the Royal Academy. This thing was created by the realm king at the time, and it can force a breakthrough regardless of any space."

I didn't expect that I would have to take the Void Gate of the Royal Academy in the end, but it seemed that there was a way to hold the Void Gate.

As Xiao Nai's thoughts fluttered, the enchantment in the center of the infield had dissipated and turned into nothingness.

However, outside the Royal Academy, the entire Qilin Holy Land was shrouded by Long Qingcang ’s fist, and the five-strength Lord had been blessed, and no one could go out.

"Did that exist?"

"Cause and effect are, I vaguely saw that the strong man who claimed to be the Dragon God disappeared."

"It finally survived, and I thought I was almost going to die."

Many masters who originally held the mortal psychology, at this time found that they survived at last, could not help but tremble in their hearts, and was relieved.

This time it was really thrilling. If it were n’t for the adult of the human race to stop the other party, I ’m afraid everyone would die here.

"I finally know why the tribes are so strong, but there has always been no way to fight our human race, that is because there are adults in our race.

"With that adult, my human race can be guaranteed for ten thousand years."

Masters of several colleges could not help but say.

It ’s just that Shangguan shook his head shallowly, and his tone seemed dignified: “Not necessarily, although our human race has that adult, but it ’s hard to beat four fists. For the first time, there is the second time. Unless our human race can appear another one. Lord, there is a chance to break the deadlock. "

Speaking of which, Shangguan's face paled, and there seemed to be something thought between his expressions. He raised his head, not knowing what he was looking for, and finally sighed lightly.

"Senior, then we can leave here now. Although this time the five colleges are over, but this kind of thing happened, we all want to go back as soon as possible to arrange some affairs."

Many masters came to Jiang Xuanya. Although Jiang Xuanya lost to Long Qingcang, he was a person who blocked Long Qingcang's punch and survived under the punch of the Lord.

Jiang Xuanya sighed softly, "It's not that the old age doesn't want you to leave, but now we can't live without it. This Qilin holy land was planted with a punch, and just now Long Qing Cang shrouded it. Even the old age can't be Undo. "

"What? Was it boxed?"

When the old men heard it, their faces changed slightly, and they couldn't help but say that they were moving as if they flew out like lightning.


These old men had just flown over the Royal Academy, and a powerful and terrifying will suddenly suppressed it.


Several old men's bodies, like broken kites, were forcibly flicked, flesh and blood cracked, and even the original source showed signs of breaking.


Jiang Xuanya's complexion changed, and she scratched in the void, her whole body was filled with blood, and the old men in the sky were captured.

A closer look shows that these people have been seriously injured, and the source, soul and body have been severely damaged.

"Take the five pill medicines."

Fortunately, these five people are not masters of the half-holy level, but only in the middle of the passive period.

Jiang Xuanya still has the ability to save these five people.

After taking the Five Divine Pills, the breath of death of the five people slowly disappeared, but the injury was still very heavy, but there was no worry about life.

An old man said strenuously: "Then ... there are five strands ... will ... will not fly at all."

Jiang Xuanya also noticed that when these old men forced to fly out of the enchantment just now, they had just touched the interface of the knot, and five strange breaths were revealed, and they crashed out the five of them.

"It seems that we can't walk away. Unless Master Rensheng can come back, he may have a way to unlock this boxing space."

Jiang Xuanya's tone was bitter.

What can Bing Yugan do?

Upon hearing this, Xiao Nai shook his head, fearing that Bing Yugan would not be able to solve it alone, unless there was a sage equivalent to Bing Yugan, and his hands were broken.

For example, Xiao Naihe and Bing Yugan joined forces.

But Xiao Naihe certainly won't wait here.

"Brother Xiao, are we really inseparable from here? Long Qingcang also said before, if Lord Rensheng did not rush back within a day, this boxing will suppress and bring us inside. Has everyone killed? "

At this time, Shangguan Jiajia's face was slightly pale, and his tone seemed a bit bleak.

As soon as the others heard it, a desperate emotion filled the crowd.

They also heard the sound of Long Qingcang's thunder, and it was indeed said later that if they could not leave here within a day, the fist will be suppressed and the Royal Academy would be razed to the ground.

"Can we forcibly tear the space, even if we cannot leave the Royal Academy, can we hide in another space?"

Chen Wuji suddenly thought of an idea.

Jiang Xuanya shook his head: "Impossible, how can a saint's boxing intention easily escape. Any space world, under the saint's boxing intention, must be razed to the ground."

"Then we really have no choice?"

Chu Tian frowned, he felt so powerless for the first time.

Even if you are called a holy genius, then how can you meet the holy lord, and you can only resist a little like ants, but it is useless.

How many people here are among the human races are the existence of wind and rain, but compared with the Lord, that is the ants, it is too small.

Jiang Xuanya shook his head, he really had no choice.

Now only hope can be pinned on the saint.

But Jiang Xuanya estimates that even if it is a sacred person, it is difficult to rush back from Gaozang Buddhism.

Xian'er closed her eyes and suddenly showed a helpless smile: "Young Master Xiao, did not expect that we would die together. Xian'er has practiced for so many years and has never admired a person, but Xian'er admired Xiao Xiao very much. In this case, Young Master Xiao is still calm, and Xian'er is not as good as Young Master. "


"Princess Xiao, Xian'er can die together with your son, and it's quite satisfying."

The voice fell slightly, and there was a soft smile on Xian'er's face.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's finger moved, and he found that there was an invisible passion in his fingertips.

Since he cultivated to the holy deity, he has a very high understanding of the word "love", and he can clearly feel the existence of love.

The relationship between men and women is the most complicated in the world, even the Lord cannot control it.

There is a lot of love between Xiao Naihe.

Half of them are Yun Weixue's love, and the other half are Shangguan Jiajia, Beiqiong, and even Gong Yueling.

But Xiao Nai and He Wanwan didn't expect that even Xian'er had pinned his love on it, and it even surpassed Gong Yueling.

No matter how Xiao Nai would have thought, Xian'er, a woman who had been struggling with herself for a lifetime, would have become emotional to herself.

Do n’t look at Xiao Nai and He He seem to be dull at ordinary times, they do n’t know their feelings.

In fact, Xiao Naihe is very clear, and he is very clear about the love they place on him.

He intangibly dealt with Shangguan Jiajia's feelings to avoid them from having too many other ideas.

It is impossible for Xiao Nai to break their love, after all, he is not that kind of ruthless person.

But he never thought of accepting all of Shangguan Jiajia and others.

He doesn't cultivate the passionate avenue, and Yun Weixue is enough.

If he divides his heart now and accepts Shangguan Jiajia and Beiqiong, then it is bound to have some spiritual influence on Xiao Naihe. This is for Xiao Naihe who pursues the supreme avenue, even for Shangguan Jiajia It ’s not a good thing.

"Hey, this girl, why do you want to send love to me? What is the point of attracting them to me?"

Xiao Nai sighed inwardly, and could only slowly wrap Xian'er's passion around her fingertips and seal it off, so as not to disturb it and affect herself.

"Sister Xian'er, you are ..."

Shangguan Jiajia was slightly surprised, as if hearing some meaning in Xian'er's tone.

She couldn't understand this more clearly, and it also showed a sudden look.

Looking at the expressions of these two women, Xiao Nai couldn't help but say: "Whoever says we can't live without this, this boxing space can't completely block people, don't think too much."

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