Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2803: JAC area

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Qilian Mountain has always been the most mysterious legend among the human race.

Among the ethnic groups, many people know the three words Qilian Mountain, but no one knows where Qilian Mountain is.

Qilian Mountain is a force that does not belong to any race. It exists in the territory of the human race, but it is not the human race. Even in the event of a terrible human race, Qilian Mountain may not be able to shoot.

However, in fact, why did the tribes not dare to deal with the human race?

Before the emergence of the Spirit Buddha, the human race had only one soldier and jade soldier, which could not stop the clans.

Among all the ethnic groups, the Lord is not a minority.

And how can a soldier be able to withstand so many saints.

There are many reasons.

The first reason is that all the tribes are suspicious of each other, because everyone knows that even if the tribe is exterminated, let us not talk about the distribution problem. The weakest of the tribes will definitely become the second tribe. It is this kind of psychology that it is impossible for some relatively weak races to deal with the human race.

The second reason is that Bing Yuqian is a reason. After all, no one wants to die with the Lord.

In the war between the clan and the human race, although the human clan sages died, they also killed a few of the clan sages.

It ’s too difficult to kill a saint, but if you change your life, it ’s not impossible. No one wants to be the first bird to be killed.

The third reason is this Qilian Mountain.

As everyone knows, although Qilian Mountain does not belong to the power of the human race, but among the human race, Qilian Mountain is very mysterious. The saint who came out of Qilian Mountain has not only traveled to the longevity world for three or four.

There must be a saint in Qilian Mountain, not even one.

Once attacking the human race, it is likely to cause Qilian Mountain to rebound.

There are three reasons, even if the human race is weak, it still maintains certain safety.

It is very good to be in control of ten continents and races under the control of one holy master.

But compared to the major races among the ethnic groups, it is much worse.

There are tens of thousands of continents in the longevity world, and some are completely undeveloped.

The longevity world is in Taiyu, and it is also one of the top plane worlds.

Xiao Nai thought that if he wanted to permanently station Yantian Pavilion here, he must be recognized by the human race.

Similarly, he must also establish his majesty, and his fist is a good practice.

He conquered the God of Bingchi and cultivated his holy sage strongman, which was nothing more than leaving a trail for Yantian Pavilion.

With the Yantian Pavilion controlled by the Holy Lord, Xiao Nai can feel at ease to the origin of the secret realm.

"But I really don't know the location of Qilian Mountain. The teacher who taught me that I haven't seen it in many years, and he has never come to me."

Bing Yugan's tone seemed rather pitiful.

"Dr. Xiao wants to find Qilian Mountain?"

"Exactly, I have something to talk with the Qilian Mountain." Xiao Nai did not deny it, and asked about this level, and it was useless to cover up.

When he heard that Xiao Nai really wanted to find Qilian Mountain, Bing Yugan made another move in his heart: "Don't Xiao Dao know the people in Qilian Mountain?"

"Not long ago, disciples in the lower bounds of Qilian Mountain met me. I saw the personification of someone in Qilian Mountain at that time."

"I remember that every time Qilian Mountain has disciples in the lower realm. Those disciples in the lower realm, in fact, like me were trained by the sage of Qilian Mountain, and then they went out to practice. They challenged the masters within the requirements and returned to Qilian Mountain after completing their goals. . This is also a elimination system in the Qilian Mountains. "

Bing Yugan seemed to think of something, and sighed gently.

He was also a disciple of the lower boundary of Qilian Mountain. At that time, each disciple of the lower boundary had different goals, but in general, he wanted to challenge certain specific masters of the human race and the clan.

Anyone who can win all of them will have a chance to get more training in Qilian Mountain.

Bing Yuqian was in that kind of challenge and got a chance.

Finally stand out, achieve the holy venerable, out of Qilian, become a holy man.

"The poor monk did not understand one thing. Since the diligently cultivated sage of Qilian Mountain, why would they let go and let them leave Qilian Mountain?"

Speaking of which, Bing Yugan shook his head.

"I do n’t know. Although I am part of Qilian Mountain on the surface, I feel that I am not the core disciple of Qilian Mountain, because although I was taught by the teacher of Qilian Mountain, I do n’t even know where Qilian Mountain is. Our place is on a continent among the human race, but it is definitely not the location of Qilian Mountain. "

Bing Yugan belonged to the people on the surface of Qilian Mountain. Xiao Nai didn't even think about this, but after listening to Bing Yugan's words, he had vaguely guessed something.

Although there are some discrepancies with what he had previously thought, there are still not many differences in general.

Xiao Nai said with a smile: "Thank you Bing Daoyou for your generous answer, but this time I came out from the Royal Academy and was also asked by the Dean of the Royal Academy, hoping to take you back to crack Long Qicang's fist. You ca n’t do it alone, so I ’ll send the spirit Buddha together. "

"The Royal Academy is in such a difficult situation. I naturally can't see death, I don't know if the master can help me?"

"Amitabha!" The spirit Buddha's palms were united, and he said slowly: "Naturally. In fact, if the donor Xiao Xiao shot, even without the poor monk's hands, Xiao Shizhu can untie it. Why do you need to bring the poor monk?"

"Because I am going to a place now, there is no time to go to the Royal Academy. Before triggering, send the two of you over."

"It shouldn't be too late, and troubled Xiao Daoyou to help."

Although Bing Yuqian can catch up in a day, he still has to waste a lot of effort.

Xiao Naihe has a Void Gate in his hand, and knows how to use the Void Gate, borrowing the Void Gate to shuttle space past faster.

Subsequently, a light spot appeared on Xiao Naihe's palm, slowly enlarged, and finally turned into a 'Void Gate'.

Various mysterious characters floated up, and after opening the void door, a white light appeared.

This white light shrouded the body of Bing Yugan and the Spiritual Buddha. Soon, two people escaped from the scene into the void tunnel.

The two of them traveled innumerable spaces from the void tunnel, and they were in parallel.

"Master, what Long Qingcang said before is to get from Xiao Daoyou? It seems to say what is true."

Suddenly, after a long period of endurance, Bing Yugan asked the Spirit Buddha.

"Amitabha, the poor monk promised Lord Xiao, this matter should not be known to outsiders. The soldier should not be a poor monk."

"Yes, everyone has their own secrets, and I know this. But the origin of Xiao Daoyou is mysterious. I have never heard of his name before. It seems to be rising suddenly. I even doubt that he may be an ancient race Offspring. "

"Ancient clan? One of the legendary ancient tribes? How to say?"

Bing Yuqin smiled and said: "The void door in his hand is actually the same treasure that was used by ancient people in the world. "

"It's actually a treasure of the ancient world clan. No wonder, no wonder he is very good at space enchantment and the prohibition of formation methods."

The spirit Buddha's expression seemed to misunderstand.

At this time, the two of them thought Xiao Naihe was a descendant of the ancient world clan.

However, Xiao Nai didn't know these things. After leaving Buddhism, he went to another place alone, which was the Jianghuai area mentioned earlier.

The Jianghuai area is an ordinary continent among the human race.

The ancestral family on this continent is not strong.

Similarly, the Jianghuai area is also the smallest of the ten continents.

However, many people do not know the area around the Jianghuai River. Its predecessor used to belong to the ancient kingdom of the Ling Kingdom.

The ancient kingdom of spirits was one of the most powerful nations before the blood race and the era of nations.

This country is good at all kinds of avenues of formation, and there have been a lot of battles.

After the rise of the blood clan, the masters of the ancient kingdoms of the Ling Kingdom died a lot in order to resist the war.

Over time, without the support of masters of various positions, the country gradually declined, and finally lost its original position.

By the time the blood race flourished, the ancient kingdom of spirits no longer existed.

When Xingzu entered the world of longevity, some things had been investigated. In the area of ​​Jianghuai, that is, the ancient kingdom of spirits, it was once a station of Qilian Mountain.

Qilian Mountain has no specific location and no permanent station.

The territory of Qilian Mountain seems to be changing forever.

Xingzu accidentally entered the base camp of Qilian Mountain, saw the style in Qilian Mountain, and met the masters among them.

It has to be said that Xingzu really has extraordinary ability.

Even Xiao Naihe had to admire Xingzu's ability. If Xiao Naihe spent so much time investigating the longevity world, Xiao Naihe would definitely not be willing.

And Xingzu has already reached the peak of passiveness, and if he wants to go further, then no clues can be let go. Qilian Mountain is the opportunity he once thought.

The last time Xiao Naihe knew that there were long-lived celestial daughters in Qilian Mountain was also because of Xingzu's investigation.

"Xingzu entered the base camp of Qilian Mountain at that time, which was the ancient kingdom of Ling. But after so many years of taking it, there should be no Qilian Mountain in this area."

The location of Qilian Mountain is changing at any time. After so many years, Xiao Naihe did not believe that Qilian Mountain was still there.

He borrowed the power of the Void Gate to find the specific location in the Jianghuai area, and quickly forwarded it.

The ability of this Void Gate is indeed convenient. Although Xiao Naihe can also shuttle space, but no magic weapon like the Void Gate comes quickly.

Otherwise, the realm king would not directly give it to the longevity goddess, let her use the void door to escape from the ancient realm.

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