Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2807: The strength of the ancestors

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In this longevity world, Xiao Naihe knows many people, but it is clear that there is only one person named Zhenzu.

That is the ancestor of the Jiugong family.

The sacred strong, with the sacred as the sacred person, is also the first person in the squad among the human race.

But many years ago, the Patriarch disappeared among the human race.

Some people say that the ancestor Zhan died, and some people say that the ancestor Zui was tired of all kinds of disputes and withdrew from the spiritual world.

Others said that Zhenzu left the world of longevity.

However, Xiao Naihe knew that there was a very different relationship between the ancestors and the eternal daughter.

At that time, the longevity goddess once saved the life of the ancestor.

Especially Gong Yueling, there seems to be a vague relationship between the vague and the eternal life, but I do n’t know.

On the contrary, it is the people of Wuluntian who seem to know the secret behind Gong Yueling.

And why Gongyong Ling and Longevity Heavenly Girl seem to be people of two worlds, but they are actually connected.

There was only one explanation during this period, that is, it had something to do with the ancestors.

Of course, these things are what Xiao Nai guessed.

If he did not have such treasures as the heavenly star map, he would not dare to make such a bold guess.

"Jian Zu, is the Jiu Gong family's Jin Zu? I've heard of this Jin Zu only."

Xiao Nai said lightly, the power of the formations on his body gathered slightly in his body.

At this time, Xiao Nai He did not have the strong momentum that broke out at any time, but with a terrifying coercion.

"In the name of Patriarch, there is only one in the world of longevity."

Zhenzu said slowly, raising his hand.

At the next moment, an endless aura suddenly appeared in the void.

These auras converged to form a strong flow of light waves, and countless runes were instantly derived.

These runes seem to be with a force of heaven, earth, and earth magnetism, and each attracts and repels each other.

Vigorously mixed together, countless runes formed a meta-magnetic formation, which shrouded down.

Around Xiao Naihe stood a huge mountain of empty form, which seemed to form a small secret realm.

"Everything has spirits and formations? Is it true that it is the ancestor of the sacred formation, and a sacred formation. With this hand, you can rank second in the repair formation I know.

Xiao Nai could not help but admire the ancestors.

Even Xiao Naihe didn't think that the ancestors of this ancestor would be inferior to themselves.

Although Xiao Naihe gained a lot of frontal experience, he practiced Hakata.

Compared with Jin Zu, who specializes in training positions, and cultivates to the near limit, there are still some differences.

"Old is second?"

When Zhenzu heard it, he raised his brow slightly.

Although he doesn't care about other people's opinions, he has to look at who he is.

Xiao Nai is a holy venerable person, and he can't help but care about his ancestors.

"Yes, although you are good at the battle, but you can't be the first in repairing the battle."

"It's interesting, although Laozheng has no interest in ranking. But you are really curious about this statement. A young saint who said this kind of words can't help but be concerned about it. Laozheng wants to know that in your impression Who is the first person in the battle? "

"Is it the first person?" Xiao Naihe smiled gently when he heard the words of Zhenzu: "There is only one person who can be the first person in the line of life in the line of eternal life. There is only one. Dao Sheng! "

Suddenly, Zhenzu's face changed.

Although Xiao Naihe didn't mention the name, he said that he came here, and he didn't know where.

As any person who repairs the battlefield, even if it is not the battlefield world, I have heard the name of that person.

The founder of Yidao, Wang Yi!

If it is said that Wang Yi is the first person in the lineup, no matter whether it is ancient or modern, no one will not deny it.

Although Jinzu has a high degree of confidence in his position, if he is allowed to replace Wang Yi as the first person, he will not have the courage.

"It turned out to be Yi Sheng. If he was the first person in the battlefield world, then the old man would be convinced."

Although he has never seen Wang Yi's person himself, Zhen Zu believes that if he wants to surpass Wang Yi, he is afraid that it may not take hundreds of thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years.

Legend has it that Wang Yi was the first person in the human race to leave the eternal world.

Jumping out of the framework of the longevity world, without being bound by the will of the longevity world, the battlefield should be used as a breakthrough.

Zhenzu doesn't think he has the ability to jump out of the framework of eternal life.

"Xiaoyou seems to be a person who repairs the formation, but he has never heard that among the human races, there are young saints who are strong lineups. My Jiugong family is now in bad luck. Although Wu Jiabao is in the limelight, he does not have that ability. "

"It doesn't matter where I come from. It's enough that you are an ancestor. It saves me the effort of finding someone."

"Huh? Xiaoyou wants to find me?"

"Many people say that you are dead, and some people say you retired from the practice world. Some people even said that you left the longevity world, but I know that you did not leave the practice world, but entered another place-- Qilian Mountain! "

When it comes to this, Zu Zu suddenly changed his momentum.

Originally, let Xiao Naihe say anything and do anything, Jinzu couldn't help but have any excessive emotional changes.

Even if Xiao Nai destroyed the formation, Zhen Zu simply taught Xiao Nai, without any negative emotions such as anger.

But now it's different. When Xiao Naihe said the word "Qilian Mountain", what Zhan Zuli immediately knew.

"Who are you? How much do you know?"

The ancestor's tone changed abruptly, completely without the calm attitude before, but with a sharp spirit.

"My name is Xiao Naihe. As for how much I know, when I see the long-lived goddess who saved you then, you will know ..."

Suddenly, a magnificent breath like a star-like moon exploded in the center of the array of ancestors.

The formations formed by the Fu culture around them were shot in the form of empty mountains, and Xiao Naihe was strangled in the formations.

"Flywheel, heaven and earth. God is easy to walk, and Tao is famous."

Xiao Naiho's voice seemed to come from the ancient times, with a power in every word.

Every word turns from nothingness to substantive existence, into the outlines of the heavens, constantly turning.

It is a kind of power wave that can stretch everything, with a mysterious and extreme power, and seems to exceed the constraints of any formation.

"What form of Shinto is this?"

Zhenzu raised a brow, showing a surprised look.

He has been immersed in the battle for a long time, and he has already achieved sacred since the longevity of the heavenly daughter.

So many times have passed, and his attainments have reached an extremely powerful state.

But he really didn't recognize what Xiao Naihe was doing.

It was a feeling that seemed to seduce one's body and mind, and gave Zhen Zu a feeling of worship.

After forcibly breaking off his feelings, Zhenzu snorted coldly, crushing his five fingers.

Numerous runes descended from the sky, it seemed that the weight of the entire world was superimposed on Xiao Naihe.

The weight of a continent can bear on any cultivator, even the general sage, cannot bear it.

However, Xiao Naihe didn't change his face. He had Chaotian Tianshi on his body, which could change the weight of the world.

This was something that Zuzu didn't expect at all.


As soon as Xiao Naiho's voice came out, Suddenly, Zhenzu felt that the light in front of him flashed, and countless runes burst into pieces, turning into fragments.

And the formation he planted also disappeared at this time.

"Jian Sheng?"

At this time, the ancestor of the ancestors could not see Xiao Naihe as the sage.

In terms of attainments, even if you are inferior to yourself, it will not be too much.

"Since the line can't deal with you, then I will use the most primitive means of the cultivator."

Jinzu knew that even if the two of them were fighting, they were afraid that they would not be able to tell the difference between victory and defeat.

His ancestors are not only sacred, but also a strong sage level.

Where can a holy lord who has lived for countless times be far worse in the supernatural powers?

I saw that Jinzu extended his hand, as if taking a palm in the void.

Suddenly, this palm seemed to break countless time and space, the skill of the finger, came to Xiao Naihe in the blink of an eye, to open Xiao Naihe.

The entire JAC area was suddenly dim and dark.

Although the two of them are fighting on the extremely high sky.

However, the far lower realm can see two groups of fires constantly colliding. This is the climax of the battle between Xiao Naihe and the two ancestors.

Now, Zhenzu has shown his powerful power of the level of the holy.

"Heavenly Divine Art."

Fluctuation of palm power, like the sea spreading, swept up and rolled Xiao Naihe up.

"Is that the ancestor's hard power?"

Xiao Nai looked.

He did not forget that this ancestor was not only the existence of the ranks of the sage, but also the true sage.

The magical avenue that is displayed is even more powerful.

Compared to such masters as Undead Sage and Long Qingcang, they seem to be a lot more sophisticated.

Xiao Naihe knew that if he didn't borrow any magic weapon or something at this stage, he would definitely not be the opponent of the ancestor of the ancestor by relying on the magic power and the ancestor of the ancestor alone.

The current strength of the ancestors should be in the middle and late stages of the sage.

Xiao Naihe is only in the early to mid-stage, at most close to the mid-term.

If his previous comprehension was not interrupted, and after he was forged, he settled for a period of time, he can also be promoted to the middle and late stages. But not now.

"There is no way, boundary dragon stone, boundary between two instruments."

Between Xiao Naihe's speeches, his eyebrows suddenly appeared.

After this layer of light emerged, a black stone appeared.

It is Jie Longshi.

Jie Longshi rotates to fix the surrounding prestige, and then forcibly expands it. It is to split this piece of void into a space of different worlds.

Xiao Naihe and Zhenzu were separated by a space, and were forcibly separated by Jie Longshi.

The ancestors who stepped back, their expressions were also dignified.

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