Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2815: Heavenly dignity

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I have to say that the longevity goddess does have a temperament that is hard to refuse.

No matter in appearance, body temperament, etc., it is the most special one among the women Xiao Nai has seen.

Even if you don't have the identity of a long-lived goddess, the other aspects of this woman alone are the same.

If it were not Xiao Naihe ’s heart that was already difficult to shake, otherwise he would have to be reminded by the words of the long-lived heavenly daughter.

In the realm of Xiao Naihe, no matter how beautiful a woman is, it is nothing but a skin.

"What does Xiao Gongzi say? The slave wants to hear about Xiao Gongzi's condition, is it really fancy to the slave's failure?"

"Conditions? The Sky Girl is indeed very attractive. I believe that not many men in the world will refuse the Sky Girl, but ..."

"But Master Xiao is not among these people, is he?"

The longevity daughter said slowly.

Although she can't look down on the kind of man who is only addicted to female sex, her charm can't even enter Xiao Naihe's eyes, which will also make the longevity goddess feel uncomfortable.

Any woman has absolute confidence in her charm.

Especially for a woman like a long-lived goddess, her dignity is even more tolerant of others.

Who is the longevity goddess?

In the era of the three tribes, countless masters rushed to snatch. Even the ancient tribes were annihilated because they lived forever.

Up to now, no one has ever been favored by Changsheng Tiannv. Not only has Changsheng Tiannv a high vision, but Changsheng Tiannv has never felt that women must rely on men.

But the charm of a woman absolutely cannot tolerate the neglect of men.

"Don't you want me to pursue you?"

Xiao Nai suddenly turned his eyes and said in an ambiguous tone.

Hearing Xiao Naihe ’s words, the long-lived heavenly daughter froze slightly, her eyes blinked, and she smiled softly: "If Master Xiao had that confidence, the slave family would have no opinion, maybe Xiao Gongzi would work hard to make the slave family committed. What about the young man. "

When a woman speaks in such a tone, I am afraid that there is no man in the world who would not want to be indifferent.

It sounds as if the long-lived heavenly daughter is encouraging Xiao Naihe and let Xiao Naihe boldly pursue his own appearance.

In particular, it is still a woman like Changsheng Tiannv. I'm afraid she said this. There are at least 70% of men in the longevity world, and they will definitely do so.

However, Xiao Nai shook her head and said with a smile: "The Heavenly Girl laughed. If it was such a good pursuit, then it would not take so many years. No one has been favored by the Heavenly Girl. Even the King of the World did not get the Heavenly Girl. Admits that Gu Mingzi is also. I am a little saint, and I can't even get into the girl's eye. "

"It may not be so, maybe the son will work hard, the slave family may agree, how does the son know, I have no affection for the son?"

Speaking of which, the beautiful eyes of the longevity goddess flashed slightly.

Her tone seemed to have a soft, tender, determined, provocative and other emotions.

Xiao Naihe estimated that this woman only said such bold hints because of the previous words that hurt the dignity of the other party.

"The girl said that she laughed. It wasn't that the girl had no charm, but that she already had an escort."

"That's nothing. In the practice world, it is normal for the strong to have three wives and four concubines. There are even some holy sages and three thousand beautiful harems."

"Oh?" Xiao Naihe touched his nose, his eyes turned, and he smiled: "How do I sound as if the girl of Heaven is suggesting that a woman like Girl of Heaven would agree to commit to a married woman?" husband."

"Because Master Xiao said just now, it seems that the slave family is not as good as your fellow mate."

No woman will think that another woman is better than going down. Although Xiao Naihe doesn't mean that, the speaker has no intention of listening.

Xiao Naihe glanced at the long-lived Heavenly Daughter, and slowly said: "The Heavenly Girl is too sensitive. In my heart, Wei Xue is my only companion. It is too difficult, too difficult to accommodate other women. The other women are, Even the Sky Girl, it ’s the same. "

The tone is decisive.

Longevity Heavenly Girl no longer spoke, but took a deep breath. She could hear Xiao Naihe said it was true, and that kind of tone could not be forged.

Afterwards, the longevity Tiannv breathed a sigh of relief: "The problem is far away. We still return to the original condition. Young Master Xiao doesn't know what to do with the slave family? Since Xiao Gongzi is really angry with the slave family ... and the slave family doesn't Interest, why help slaves? After all, there is no saint in this world. "

"Yes, there are no saints in this world. I help Tiannian girl, of course, have her own purpose. If Tiannian girl can go further, it will only have more benefits for the next."

"Oh? How do you say this? The slave family has been a sage for many years. Is that all? "

It stands to reason that there is a passive late period and a passive mid-early period. Xiao Nai He is certainly far from being the opponent of the eternal life.

However, Xiao Nai had too many cards, and his cards combined, even a master like Changsheng Tiannv, would not be willing to resist.

With the current Xiao Naihe, as long as it is not the highest level of the Holy Lord, no one has killed Xiao Naihe between heaven and earth.

Even if he can't fight, he can run even if he wants to run.

"Yes, I really can achieve the passive mid-term with only one line. Unfortunately, there was that opportunity, but the opportunity was ruined by a short-sighted formation."

"Has this happened?"

"It's nothing, although the opportunity is important. But for me, sooner or later I will go through this step again. I helped Tianneng girl avoid the sense of will in the eternal life, in fact, for her own good."

Xiao Naihe did not fully tell Tiannian what she thought.

When Xiao Nai fell into the world of longevity before, it must have been felt by that will.

However, at that time Xiao Nai and He Xiu were sharply reduced, but they were only three or four levels above the bounds. They certainly did not get the attention of the longevity world.

But as Xiao Naihe's cultivation became more powerful, he now cultivated to the holy sage, and got a huge opportunity, and one day he would stand on the side of the will of the eternal life.

It is estimated that the will of the longevity world has already felt itself.

But if the longevity goddess can attract the attention of that will, Xiao Naihe can share some of the burden.

This gives Xiao Naihe enough room for growth.

Although there are many cards in his hand, he has not reached the stage of invincibility in the longevity world.

"If the girl of the eternal life is completely in control of eternal life in the future, then standing on the opposite side of the will of the eternal life will help me share some burdens."

"You believe me that way, and will stand in opposition to the will of the longevity world in the future? Don't forget, the slave family is the longevity goddess, the person who has the will of the longevity world comes, maybe we will be the opponent in the future.

"If the Sky Girl is my opponent, then you will not be in the Qilian Mountains, blocking the induction of the will of the eternal life world. If I am not wrong, you have cultivated so many sages in Qilian Mountain, not only to disturb the eternal life world. Fortune, and you cultivate disciples, you should create the illusion that you have inherited the true qi of the longevity. "

Speaking of which, Xiao Naihe gave a slight meal and replied in a subtle tone: "The girl's disciple, Xiaohong, she got the mantle of the sky girl, and got a small part of the longevity, just to create The illusion of the new longevity goddess? Use this to confuse the will of the longevity world. "

The long-lived heavenly lady gave Xiao Nai a deep look, and did not speak for a long time.

In the end, a deep smile appeared on her face: "You are worthy of Master Xiao, and you are worthy of being able to peep into heaven. You know so much, Master Xiao knows nothing else between this world and the world. You've got a son. "

The long-lived goddess now knows vaguely how terrible a person who can really see the sky is.

Even the Seven Seas Overlord is far worse than Xiao Naihe.

"Even if the slave family will stand in opposition to the will of the eternal life, it will be difficult for the slave family to believe that the son and the slave family will be on the same front."

If the will of the longevity world is so easy to resist, there have been countless sages to resist.

Otherwise, it will not be so many years, and no one has left the longevity world and jumped out of this framework.

"The girl of heaven is a wise man. When you come to our realm, you and I know that if you want to go further, you will have to leave this longevity world someday. And when you go to the secret realm of origin, where is our next stop!"

Suddenly, the body of Longevity Heavenly Maiden had a meal, her pupils shrank, and the vitality in her body was extremely surging. The entire void was filled with this true turmoil, and it seemed that she wanted to cover this space.

"Does the origin of the secret realm? Xiao Gongzi even knows the origin of the secret realm, and the Tianji Pan is really good, but it is the holy treasure of the Tianji in Taiyu."

"We are going to leave the longevity world in the future, it is necessary to stand against that will. With our ability, as long as in the longevity world, a single person is not good at fighting against the will of the longevity world. But the two are different. By the way, Heavenly Girl is a smart person and naturally knows what I mean. "

Speaking of which, Xiao Nai He sat down and tasted the agar slurry in front of him carefully.

Only the look on the face of the longevity goddess changed, it seemed to be thinking about something.

After a while, the girl named Tian nodded: "The condition of Master Xiao is good for the slave family. There is no reason why the slave family does not agree. Just do not know, how does Master Xiao help the slave family?"

"Help Heavenly Girl, the sooner the better."


"Right now."

Xiao Nai said in a tone, the star burst in his eyes, and the space turned into a starry sky.

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