Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2821: Chishou

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It was a man in a yellow robe with a long forehead.

There is a kind of palm-holding in all manners of behavior, turning the stars, the sun, and the moon, and reversing the momentum like Qiankun Avenue.

In every move, it brings out a 'potential' that makes people feel unbearable.

With only one look, Zulong can shake his body, and there is a fear in his heart.

"Huh? Half-holy?"

How did Xiao Nai discover that this man in yellow robe actually only had half-saint-level cultivation behavior, but, although only half-sage-level cultivation practice brought out an aura beyond the half-sacred state.

It was as if the man in front of him was not a half-holy but a holy deity.

"Strange, Zulong is also a half-holy, and both are half-holy, Zulong is actually scared like this?"

Zulong, who once broke the wrist with Tian Dao in the first plane, is now afraid of a half-holy, which is too unexpected for Xiao Nai.

"No, there is something strange about this man ..." Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, showing a smile that was clear to his chest. "No wonder, is it the first tribe of Chi? No wonder Zulong will behave like this."

The first tribe of Chi is also a kind of dragon in the longevity world, which is regarded as a senior race in the dragon.

In contrast, the blood of the true dragon clan of the ancestral dragon is definitely not as good as that of the first clan.

This is bloodline suppression, which is equivalent to instinctive restraint and simply cannot be avoided.

However, even if the blood is suppressed, it is impossible to be so embarrassed. There must be other reasons.

"Human race cultivator? Boy, this is not your business. If you know you, hurry and leave me."

"Interestingly, when the tribe of the first tribe comes to the tribe, your courage is not small."

"What is it, what is the human race, Ben Wang wants to come and walk, if you want to go, even if you are the saint, you can't help Ben Wang."

The first-person tribe raised their heads and said arrogantly, the tone seemed very chattering.

Xiao Nai seemed to be a non-smiler: "The first tribe of tribes is indeed better than the human tribes. According to my knowledge, there are three sages among the first tribes of tribes, and it is also a first-class tribe among the tribes. No wonder you dare to say so, and Listening to your tone, you should be a royal among the first tribe. "

"Boy, you are insightful, this king is the first three princes, the champion ..."

The voice of this man named Champion King had just fallen, and Xiao Nai greeted him instantly. Between his fingers, he called a sword spirit, and the shuttle space seemed to be the master of this piece of void.


Sword Qi broke into the air and penetrated the entire void space.

"Tai Chi sword intention."

This swordsmanship merged with Tai Dao Dao, as if it contained all kinds of endless emotions, carrying Xiao Naihe's thinking.

In the blink of an eye, it penetrated the champion.

That kind of speed, let alone the naked eye, cannot be captured even by the cultivator's consciousness.

Even this champion is no exception.

"You actually attacked ..."

The champion Wang had a good body, withdrew and retreated. When he stepped back, Xiao Naihe's body was already greeted, his fingers spread out, and he slapped with a palm.

"The Seals of the Heavens."

The five-finger mark is like a large net, spreading in the sky and suppressing it to the ground fiercely.

The champion's body seemed to be locked in Xiao Naihe's momentum at this time, unable to move.

Subsequently, a Fu Zhuan fell from the champion king's hand, with various forms of dragons dancing on it.

"Blood dragon life and death sign, it's really insidious. If I didn't notice the subtle changes between your expressions just now, I'm afraid I've already calculated them."

Xiao Nai said with a smile.

He just noticed that the appearance of the champion king changed a little, and he carefully paid attention to the champion king's movements. Sure enough, although the champion king's actions were hidden very finely, his actions did not hide Xiao Naihe.

After aware of the champion's move, Xiao Nai could not guess what the opponent thought.

Based on Xiao Naihe's current fighting experience, any opponent's actions and actions can't hide Xiao Naihe for any purpose.

"How did you find out? Do you know the blood dragon sign of life and death?"

The champion's original domineering expression disappeared instantly and transformed into a deep look.

It turned out that the present look was nothing more than a champion king costume to confuse Xiao Nai.

How can such a royal family be so simple, within the royal family of any race, there is constant struggle, fighting with the stripe.

Where can a prince who is able to grow up in that environment be a simple character.

"I don't know anything less about your first tribe."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

His memory of the first tribe of Chi is not actually Wang Yi and Xing Zu. After all, these two people were long ago people. The longevity world has changed too fast. Many things have gone through various variables in these years.

Before he got the memory of the war ancestor, but it can ease the embarrassment that he does not understand the longevity world.

However, Zhanzu is only a half-holy, after all, it is clear about the human race, but for things outside the human race, Zhanzu is not so good.

On the contrary, Xiao Nai knew many things from the memory fragments she had felt in the sea of ​​longevity and the maiden's knowledge.

Although the long-lived celestial girl has been hiding in Qilian Mountain for so many years, her intelligence ability is too powerful.

She knows everything about the operation of the entire longevity world.

Xiao Naihe felt the fragments of her memory and naturally read through all her information.

The information of this first tribe was found in the memory fragments of the long-lived heavenly daughter.

"There are such people among the human races. You are a human race half holy. This king has never seen you before. Most of the human race's half holy kings know that there is no impression on you alone."

"Human tribal sages don't say much, they say a lot, and you dare to say that everyone knows. Since you know why you think it is, then do you know that he is also a dragon."

Between the words, Xiao Nai pointed at Zulong.

Champion Wang Moran said: "Of course, this king knows that he is a dragon clan, but this king has never seen a dragon clan like him. As long as this king catches him, he can naturally hear from his mouth that this king wants to know. s things."

Speaking of which, the champion king waved his hands coldly and said: "Boy, this matter has nothing to do with you. As long as you don't intervene, when this king finishes the matter, he will naturally leave here quickly."

"Really? It's a pity that I don't want to let you go. I know that your first tribe has a thing called funeral pond. If you can take me inside, I can consider not taking your life."

"This King's life? Hahaha!"

Hearing this, the champion king couldn't help laughing, and the laughter was extremely crazy, as if he had heard the most funny joke in the world, and his tears fell.

The laughter came to an abrupt halt, and the champion king sneered coldly: "In the eyes of this king, apart from Bingyugan, none of the other kings are in your eyes. This king has given you a chance, you If you refuse to grasp it, then do n’t blame Ben Wangyi and clean you up. "

"Hey, I knew you wouldn't be honest, even if you don't promise me now, you will promise me in a moment, I am scheduled to bury Tianchi."

"Less nonsense, watch tricks."

As soon as the voice fell, the champion king's wrist moved, shaking at a high speed, and a red line flew out of his palm instantly.

"Holy Son, be careful, his red thread is weird. I was caught by the red thread, the blood in my body instantly solidified, and the source was imprisoned."

When Zulong saw the red line in his opponent's hand, his face suddenly changed, thinking that he had been counted by this guy not long ago.

He was calculated by the champion king with this strange red line, causing him to immediately lose his resistance.

Otherwise, even if it is bloodline suppression, it is impossible to suppress yourself so embarrassed.

"I know that his red line uses blood forging, which requires at least six million people to forge it. If it is bound by the blood above, everyone except the Holy Lord will be forcibly blocked.

Xiao Naihe flashed, evading the red line.

Upon hearing Xiao Nai actually broke the origin of the red line, the champion Wang's face changed suddenly.

This kid not only knows the blood dragon's life and death signs, but also knows that his blood line is made by blood clan forging.

"Who are you? Why do you know so many things?"

The bloodline in the champion's hands moved around Xiao Naihe's body, and he became more cautious in his expression.

"Who am I? This is not important. What is important is that you have what I want to get. You can only grieve you, the first prince. Stay here."

Afterwards, Xiao Naiho stepped on a foot, and a huge magic wheel emerged from behind.

"Tai Chi Divinity Theory!"

Between the speeches, the Great God Wheel rolled up, as if to crush this void space, crushing it with an unstoppable coercion.

The bloodline had just touched this great chakra, and a burst of sound suddenly sounded. It could be seen that the bloodline was torn around and turned into a layer of floating smoke.


The champion Wang's face changed. He did not expect that Xiao Nai was so powerful that he could not stop even the bloodline he carefully created.

At this time, he also knew that Xiao Naihe's strength must be above himself. Without any hesitation, the champion king flicked and pulled back.

Just back to the back, Xiao Naihe's figure flickered and shot with a palm, as if to cover this world of nothingness.

The champion king only felt that the spirits had to be drawn away and could not move.

"Bring me down."

Xiao Naihe's voice carried an understatement, but he seemed extremely confident.

As soon as the **** wheel was crushed, the red line cracked, and the champion king's entire body was crushed to the ground, and fell into the bottom of the huge pit under the vast!

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