Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2827: Evolve

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It is no doubt that Xiao Nai is a human race.

There is no difference between the first-faced human race and the human race of the longevity world.

But now, Xiao Naihe has changed, revealing an aura that only the first tribe of the frogs will have.

If Xiao Nai is changing and becoming a dragon, I am afraid that even Zulong will misunderstand that Xiao Nai is a man of the first tribe, not a human.

"Did the master ... refine the essence of our first tribe before?"

The champion Wang next to this could not help but ask.

Although he had been transformed by Xiao Naihe, and his spirit was completely controlled by Xiao Naihe, he became the starting point of Xiao Naihe.

However, the champion king is indeed a member of the first tribe of Chi, his bloodline cannot be disappeared.

Thinking of how Xiao Nai might have refined the fine element of their first tribe, that is, Dragon Element, the champion Wang was a little uncomfortable.

None of them are resentful to Xiao Naihe. His current state is impossible to produce that kind of expression, but a sad, helpless and sighing emotion.

Dragon Yuan is the life source of the first tribe of Chi, and even all dragons.

Just like a person's own personality, once a person loses his personality, any human cultivator will die, and the passive peak powerhouse is no exception.

And the first tribe of dragons lost the dragon yuan, it would also die.

Both Dragon Yuan and Shenge can be refined into Taoism, magic weapons, and immortals. Especially the Dragon Yuan of the first ancestors of the Chi, is more precious than too many natural materials and treasures.

After refining the dragon element, it is equivalent to absorbing the dragon breath of the first tribe, and this kind of aura will appear.

"Long Yuan of the first tribe of Refining Chia? No, I just got the blood of the dragon clan before. After a long time of fusion, it can evolve various auras of the dragon clan." Xiao Nai laughed.

"Fusing the essence and blood of the Dragon tribe can evolve the aura of our first tribe?"

This method, even the champion, was a little bit unconvinced, "Is this possible? When Master gave me the 'Blood Lotus Line', I had evolved the breath of other races, but his breath was still able to Some flaws were caught. "

"Huh? Blood Lotus Line? Was it the red line when I played against me before?"

"Yes, that blood connection was obtained by the master who didn't know where he was from the blood clan forging technique at that time, and it was finally refined."

Xiao Nai frowned, and he also doubted, 'Blood Forge' is the most excellent refining magical skill, at least it must be refined by a strong person of the level of the holy.

Among the nine heavenly palaces, there is a master who is a strong player at the level of Qisheng. Xiao Naihe got the experience of the other party and knew a lot of things.

Although the champion king is powerful, he is not yet at the level of the holy sage. How can he forge a magic weapon like "blood lotus thread".

"So are the masters who forged the" Blood Lotus Line "to kill?"

"Yes, during the battle between the human race and the first race of my tribe, the master once used six million human races to extract their flesh and blood."

Six million people, what a horrible figure.

If you want to kill so many people, even if you are a saint, you have to put a lot of effort into it.

In a breath, so many people are turned into magic weapons. First, the blood forging technique is indeed evil. Second, the master of the champion king is definitely a cruel master.

Before, Xiao Nai thought that the champion king had killed people and refined it. It seems that the champion king did not have this ability.

"My master had evolved the breath of blood, but it was not as perfect as the master."

"You don't come to my level. Naturally, you don't know that the derivation ability of the holy deity is in a state of ever-changing. Your deity just hasn't mastered some know-how. It's not only the chief tribe, but I can also evolve the breath of other races.

After talking, Xiao Naihe's gas field suddenly converged, and the original gas field of the first tribe of the dragon disappeared and became another kind of dragon's gas field.

"This is the Tianlong tribe."

"Jiaolong tribe."


"Demon Race."

"Even the elven aura has evolved?"

Champion Wang is well-informed, and one by one distinguishes the aura that Xiao Nai He Yan transformed.

It is actually a variety of different races. If you do n’t know how Xiao Nai is a human race, the champion king even doubts that Xiao Naihe has the blood of various races in his body, but this approach is simply not established.

"Holy Son, the dragon blood of your body is the blood of my ancient real dragon?"

At this time, Zulong seemed to recognize the essential blood of Xiao Naihe.

When he was in the first plane, he also saw how Xiao Nai used the magical power of the ancient dragon's essence and blood.


"But simply using the blood of the Archaic True Dragon, how can it evolve into a racial aura that is not a dragon race?"

"This kind of interpretation is more troublesome, and this is not an opportunity to explain, and you will naturally know when you become the Lord in the future."

Xiao Nai did not want to waste time here.

In fact, even if the two of them really made the Lord, they might not know how Xiao Nai did.

Because other lords simulate the breath of other races, it is flawed. Although their own breath is very shallow, it cannot be disappeared, it will be perceived by people.

Xiao Nai is different, he is completely evolved, that is to say, his ever-changing means, as long as the breath of other races is exposed, the appearance, flesh and gas field will completely become that kind of existence.

For example, as long as Xiao Naihe now wants to become the first tribe, except for his own personality, Xiao Naihe can completely become the first tribe.

However, it is impossible for many saints to see gods of the same level, that is to say, Xiao Naihe has now become the first tribe of Chi, I am afraid that in the entire palace, no one will find himself a human race.

Why Xiao Nai has such a method, because Xiao Nai He already has some ability to control the origin of Qi.

You can do this kind of thing by changing the origin of your bloodline and using the true qi of origin to evolve.

"Okay, stop talking. I'm going first."

Xiao Naihe no longer spoke. He turned his head and entered the seventh tower.

The aura he is now showing is entirely of the first tribe of Chi, simulated by the breath of the champion king.

If you don't see people, you might think that you are the champion.

Even the three saints in the palace, it is difficult to see through Xiao Naihe's true identity.

The seventh floor of the sky tower is in a very wonderful space.

The space is empty, and once you enter, there is only a white door.

The gate is a hundred feet high, and there are a lot of mysterious characters around it.

These characters reveal the power of various restraints.

With the power of Xiao Nai and Sheng Zhen, it is natural to see that these prohibitions are the saints and the strongest among the first tribes of Chi, and they are specifically planted.

As long as people who are not the first tribe, as soon as they approach this gate, they will immediately cause a rebound in the ban, and then these fluctuations will be fed back to the creator's knowledge.

"If I hadn't controlled some of the true meaning of the origin of Qi, otherwise I can't really pass this level today."

Xiao Nai said slowly.

In the blink of an eye, I saw Xiao Naiho took a step towards the front door.

If his ability cannot completely deceive these prohibitions, it will immediately cause a rebound of the prohibitions. When the three sacred lords in the palace come out, Xiao Naihe can only run out of his legs without hitting.

"The origin of the gas is ever-changing."

Xiao Nai said aloud.

At this moment, there was a burst of true energy around his body, which was a form of originating true energy.

This source of true energy wrapped up his body and simulated every place on Xiao Naihe's whole body, revealing the breath of the first tribe.

Even more than the champion aura of the champion king.

At the next moment, the light of prohibition flashing on the gate flashed over Xiao Naihe and pushed Xiao Naihe into the gate.

Seeing here, Xiao Nai knew he was successful.

Behind the white gate is a huge Tianchi.

It is not so much a Tianchi as a huge lake or even the sea.

"This is Burial Tianchi."

Xiao Nai said slowly.

He guessed right, this huge lake is buried in Tianchi.

"Burial Tianchi", which is an ancient miracle in the world of longevity, is similar to Xiao Naihe's time river and all kinds of rice fields.

At this moment, Xiao Naihe, in front of ‘Fun Tianchi’, can even feel the depth of his pupils, with a burst of aura.

This jump is exactly what Xiao Naihe's astronomical astrology is about.

"Sure enough, the sky machine star map can indeed evolve again, using future prediction capabilities, I don't know how far it can evolve."

Xiao Naihe's previous guess was indeed true.

Although the sky chart can calculate various things, the past, present and future.

But they cannot calculate their own future, that is, predict their own future.

This is the most deadly place of the sky machine star chart.

Several other heavenly masters have such restrictions.

But if there is a funeral pond now, you can use this funeral pond to evolve.


At this moment, Xiao Nai suddenly felt a flash of aurora flashing on both sides of the funeral pool.

To the east and west, an aurora burst out.

"Championship King said that his second brother is here to perceive. Obviously, one of these two aurora is his, but who is the other one? Is there anyone who can't come in?"

Xiao Nai thought about it, and no longer thought about it.

No matter who they are, they certainly do n’t want to be disturbed. After all, the burial of Tianchi is about their own avenue.

Not to mention the half holy, even the holy sacred person will plant all kinds of prohibitions and enchantments directly around him to prevent others from disturbing and peeping with the consciousness.

Xiao Naihe is certainly not so boring to peep at others, but instead will be surprised.

"I will first find a place to bury Tianchi's ability in Tianji's star map, let's talk about evolution."

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe flew in a different direction and flew in the other direction.

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