Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2834: condition

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Xiao Nai raised a brow, Qiu Yuexin seemed unwilling to admit himself, and did not want to go with himself.

Even Xiao Nai could not understand this.

If Qiuyue was not willing to leave, Xiao Nai could do nothing.

If in the human race, Qiuyue's heart will not go, Xiao Nai will not be forced.

But this is the first tribe of Chi, which is not a safe place in itself.

In addition, Qiuyuexin was only reduced to this longevity world for his own sake. Xiao Nai could not just ignore it.

"What did Princess Dragon say?"

"If you are willing to promise me a condition, I can persuade Xiao Yue to leave with you, how?"

Speaking of which, Qiuyue's heart suddenly flashed a hint of fineness.

Xiao Naihe caught Qiuyuexin's eyes, and it seemed that Qiuyuexin didn't want to leave this place, it should be because of the dragon girl.

Probably because the Dragon Girl saved her, Qiuyue refused to leave.

It may also be due to other reasons.

But the reason Qiu Yuexin refused to leave was definitely related to the Dragon Girl.

Thinking about this, Xiao Nai nodded: "Please tell me Princess Dragon."

"Fast words, I'm not talking nonsense. I can't believe anyone else. Although I was the first time I saw Mr. Xiao, I believed in Mr. Xiao.

Between the words, the dragon girl moved, and suddenly there was a mirror.

The light flashed on the bronze mirror, which immediately revealed a layer of white mist.

Soon, the white mist condensed into a figure in the air.

It was a man in a black robe, wearing a purple crown, and a deep color was revealed between the heavy pupils.

The whole body was vaguely vaguely showing the unfathomable cultivation of the other party.

"This person is called War No One, is the War Devil Demon, inherits the War Devil's inheritance forever, and is also the Patriarch of the War Demon Race after ten thousand years."

"War Demon Clan? There seems to be some conflicts with your first clan."

Xiao Nai didn't know anything.

Among the fragments of the memory of the longevity goddess, there are also records about the war demons.

The War Demon Clan, like the Chizu Clan, is a member of the clan, and is one of the large clan belonging to the clan.

However, not all races work together among the races, and there are many races fighting each other in open battles.

Among them, War Demon Clan and Chizu Clan are such a relationship.

These two races have been a feud since more than 10,000 years ago.

There have been no fewer than a thousand wars between them.

The tribes who died in the hands of both sides are not rare.

If it wasn't because of the need to jointly deal with the human race, I was afraid that these two races would have fought again.

However, after the human race fell, these two races once again reverted to the previous contradiction, and began to fight privately with each other.

Until later, because of the shots of other large clans, the tribes demanded that both the war demons and the first tribe must reconcile.

The relationship between these two races slowly eased.

In order to reconcile the contradictions between these two races, the other races even held meetings to discuss some details.

Later, in order to reconcile, they decided to marry the two races.

The two sides arranged for a man and a woman to make peace.

"The father and emperor arranged for a man and a woman, the man is the second emperor, and the woman is me."

"Oh? If I didn't guess wrong, the war that you showed me is the same, should it be the man who is dating you?"

"Yes, it's convenient to talk to such a smart person as Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Na couldn't help but smile: "Even if you are married to Princess Long, what's the matter? I'm not a member of your first tribe."

"Honestly, I don't like this warless one. This person has a tyrannical character that won't please me. I don't want to be married to him, but the emperor's life is there, I couldn't resist."

"As a royal, death is a royal ghost. The emperor's destiny is destiny, if he can't jump out of the imperial power, he can only surrender to the emperor's destiny."

At this time, Xiao Nai He sighed slightly.

He thought of when he was still a wild prince.

To block the wild dynasty, he once arranged a family matter for himself. However, when this family matter had not yet been decided, the royal family had undergone major changes.

Overnight, their royal line was all cleared.

Xiao Naihe was even thrown into the endless sea of ​​demon.

He was not Xiao Naihe at the time, but Bei Nanyi.

Although time has passed for a long time, Xiao Naihe still remembers what happened when he was a prince.

What the dragon girl said instantly reminded him of the original things.

"Young Master Xiao really knows my heart. My father was in his life, and he could not resist. But I have thought of a good way to confess this marriage at the same time, and also to preserve the reputation of our first tribe."


Hearing this, Xiao Naiho seemed to understand something. A strange expression appeared on his face. He glanced deeply at the woman and suddenly said, "Princess Dragon wouldn't want me to be the head of wrongs. Think of me as a shield? "

"The shield is so unpleasant to say, this is just a deal. I just want to let Master Xiao act as my buddy, and break that mind without war."

Speaking of which, Qiuyue's body beside him shook and his face paled slightly.

"Be your partner?"

"Of course it is only temporary."

"Does Princess Dragon feel so suitable? I believe that among your first-generation tribes, those high-level leaders will definitely not agree that the princess of the first-generation tribe will actually form an **** with a humanist."

"No, for the first tribe of Chi, the more senior people are, they do not put the relationship between races in the eyes, not to mention the strength of Young Master Xiao, I believe that they can win the recognition of the father and emperor. Strength, at most, is the level of Master Xiao. "

The dragon girl estimated that this Xiao Nai's strength should have reached the edge of the holy lord, almost to be promoted to the holy lord.

The news that no war came out was also on the verge of the Lord.

The strength between these two people, Xiao Naihe is not weak.

Moreover, the dragon girl has a feeling, her eyes can see, Xiao Naihe must have hidden many of his means.

The other party dared to enter the palace of the first tribe, there must be a way to leave.

For those who dare to enter Tianchi, the Dragon Girl will not despise Xiao Nai.

"Pretend to be your friend?"

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, his expression didn't move.

A glance at Qiuyue Xin.

At this time Qiu Yuexin's face was also complicated, and I didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly said: "Okay, I promise you. But after the event is completed, I must take the girl of Yuexin."

"Of course, this is a transaction, and I will not rebuke it."

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