Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2839: Verbal contest

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"You can't help me!"

This sentence sounded very fast, especially for a holy deity, it was apparently insulted by a junior who said something like this in front of him.

But for some reason, Chu Taishi was surprisingly calm at this time.

Even after hearing Xiao Naihe's words, he remained calm.

The temptation at the moment just now, just like passing the clouds, all are clouds and dreams.

This is the real master. At this moment, even Master Tai Chu vaguely guessed some of Xiao Naihe's strength.

"Teacher Tai, please sit down. The unfavorable emotions of the monks are agitated, which is not in line with the status of Master Tai."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, and it was no longer known when the tea was ready on the table, and the scent of the agar pulp filled it, as if it was in the heart of a person.

The contest at that moment was actually not a contest. This is what Master Tai Chu deliberately tried to do with Xiao Nai.

The Dragon Girl and Champion King both knew it well.

These two people are apprentices of Master Chu, and they can guess some ideas about Master Tai.

Master Chu is definitely not such an impulsive person. Those who spoke with Xiao Naiho before, I am afraid that Master Tai was deliberately inspiring Xiao Nai.

"The Master Tai heard that there was a strong man among the human races recently. The original human race declined and was promoted to a saint named Bing Yugan. However, recently the spirit Buddha from Gaozang Buddhism appeared, and he was low-keyed as a saint. Temple. Is your lord Buddha a Taoist friend? "

At this time, Master Tai Chu was amazing, and suddenly the three people Xiao Naihe unexpectedly calmed down.

Fortunately, Zulong, after all, he has not heard of the spirit Buddha.

But the champion king and dragon girl are naturally very clear about the human race.

The human race has been able to stand for so long for so many years, because there is a soldier in the human race, a saint who is strong.

But there is only one holy person, so for so many years, the human race will still be in a state of decline.

Now, Master Tai has actually said that among the human races, there is actually another holy sage, who is a high Buddhist monk named Lingfozi.

The name of Lingfozi, Champion King and Dragon Girl have also heard.

"Spirit Buddha, is the previous generation of sacred Buddha at Gaozang Buddhism? I heard that he seemed to be dead, how could he suddenly appear?"

The look of the Dragon Lady suddenly looked at Xiao Naihe. Is this person in front of him really a spiritual Buddha?

"Spirit Buddha? You said that the monk. I didn't expect that between this world and the world, some people misunderstood me as that monk. If I listened to that monk, I'm afraid I might laugh."

Xiao Na couldn't help but laugh.

Whatever he thought, he did not expect that Master Chu would actually misunderstand himself as that monk.

It doesn't look like you're a high Tibetan Buddhist.

"The Gaozang Buddha, the spiritual Buddha, and the human clan's holy soldier Yugan, there are only these two people. They are the only two holy sages among the human races. Otherwise, where is the third holy sage among the human races? . "

When Mrs. Chu said this word by word, the dragon girl standing next to her couldn't help but change her face, looking at Xiao Naihe's expression became shocked.

The person she had been talking to was actually a saint.

If someone said it, the dragon girl would n’t believe it.

But the person who said this was not someone else, but her master, who was also one of the three great sages of the first tribe of Chu.

His words are impossible to fake.

"You ... The son is the Holy Master?"

Subsequently, the expression of the dragon girl was the same as that of the champion king, and the look of the champion king did not change much. At this time, the dragon girl knew it, and the champion king was afraid to know it early in the morning.

Unexpectedly, the person who talked about the conditions before was actually a holy person.

What level of existence is the Lord?

A holy lord is enough to support a race.

Looking at the human race, a soldier can be able to stand for so long under the strength of the various races.

If there are three holy lords among the human races, I am afraid that this situation will soon be reversed. The heritage of the human races will definitely not be much worse than that of the first race.

Especially now that there is a very sensitive relationship between the ethnic groups, there is constant suspicion among the major races, and open battles. Once the human race rises, the various races cannot be united with each other.

"I'm not a spiritual Buddha, but I didn't expect the news of the spiritual Buddha to spread out so quickly, even the Master of the First Clan knew it. I thought it was five rounds of heaven."

"Are you talking about the mysterious organization Wuluntian in the longevity world? Our first tribe has no connection with Wuluntian. As for how I know the appearance of the spirit Buddha, of course, I have my own means. It seems that the Taoist is not a spirit Buddha. It ’s really weird. Since it ’s not the soldiers of the soldiers, not the spirit Buddha, when will there be an extra sage among the human race? "

"In this longevity world, the human race has a long history. From this era, the human race is the first race to be born. After so many years, the human race has long scattered its seedlings in any corner of the longevity world. . And the ten continents now controlled by the human race are just a drop in the ocean. "

How big is the longevity world, even Xiao Naihe, can't do it in a year and a half if he wants to finish the entire longevity world.

At present, the ten continents controlled by the human race are at most the same position as a tribe.

In the longevity world, in addition to the tribes and human races, in fact many of them are not developed, or are too far away, there are shadows of human races.

"Yeah, there are the most human races in the longevity world. It can be said that even the total number of the tribes cannot compare with the number of all races in the entire longevity world."

Master Tai seemed to think of something.

"Is there so many people in the Terran?" Even the Dragon Girl at this time couldn't help but whispered.

Master Tai Chu nodded, looking a little cautious between expressions: "Of course, the history of the development of the human race can be said to be the longest in this era. Like the previous various eras, what ancient holy clan and ancient clan , The age of the Buddha and the Devil, etc., what happened to each race that was born in each era? It has n’t disappeared yet. Even the history of the existence of our first tribe is far less than that of the human race. The human race can be It is said that in this longevity world, it has existed for the longest time now. "

"And, even if the clans control the territory of the eternal life, it is only a part of the eternal life. It is only one third of the eternal life. The other one third of the territory is too large, even if it is the clan. And cannot be fully occupied. "

Thousands of races united by major races occupy only one third of the longevity world, which makes the Dragon Girl and Champion King feel incredible.

Xiao Naihe naturally knows that the longevity world is among Taiyu and belongs to the largest plane world.

It's huge, there is no doubt about it.

Only by fulfilling the holy lord can we really see through the essence of this longevity world.

In this longevity world, there are many places that cannot be visited without the Lord.

"The human race has existed for so long, and the longevity world is so big, no one knows whether the human race will live on other continents. Perhaps on the other side of the longevity world, there are the same forces of the various races. I do n’t know how big this longevity world is. Even the list of longevity ca n’t record all the masters in the whole longevity world. "

Master Tai Chu sighed softly.

At this moment, the dragon girl, champion king and ancestral dragon are all aroused by Chu Taishi's words, and even have an impulse to yearn for the true face of the longevity world.

They felt that for so long, they had not been exposed to the essence of the longevity world. Today, under the words of Master Tai, they only knew the tip of the iceberg in the longevity world.

Slightly sighed in the Dragon Girl's heart, she finally knew that even as a half-holy she, in the immortal world, it was just a drop in the ocean.

Only the Lord can stand on the orthodoxy of the longevity world.

"Originally, I didn't want to tell you these things. After all, your cultivation base hasn't reached the Lord. Knowing these things, you will shake your heart, which may not be good for you."

Master Tai Chu gave a slight pause, looking at Xiao Naihe and Long Nu, and suddenly asked, "But Master Tai doesn't understand, Feng'er, since you have a close relationship with this Daoist, why don't you know him yet 'S true cultivation base. "

At this moment, Dragon Girl's attention was pulled back by Master Chu's words in an instant.

Oops, if this Master Chu knows the truth, I'm afraid all the previous efforts will be ruined.

Just when the dragon girl was thinking about how to lie, Xiao Naihe ’s voice came slowly: "People who know what I really cultivate are counted with both hands. Others-knowing my cultivation is not necessarily a good thing, Even the most intimate person, does Master Chu tell all the secrets to the other party? "

"will not."

Master Tai Chu denied at once that he only mentioned it at will.

The Dragon Girl didn't know Xiao Naihe's cultivation behavior. As long as Xiao Naihe really wanted to hide it, the Dragon Girl would definitely not be able to see it. This is what Mrs. Chu knows.

"Now, Master, do you think I have that capital, can it be compared with the demon of the War Demon Race?"

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Master Tai Chu sighed slightly.

Before Xiao Naihe's words, it sounded as mad as crazy as possible, and even Master Tai Chu felt a little uncomfortable.

But now it seems that Xiao Naihe just said such things because of such capital.

"The demon of the War Demon Race, although he has the qualification to become a holy deity, but now it is naturally inferior to Daoyou. Since Daoyou is also a holy deity, I will not say anything. But Feng'er is my apprentice I naturally have to pay attention to the major events. Before long, our first tribe will make a preliminary meeting with the two tribes. At that time, it will depend on whether Daoyou can conclude this marriage. "

Master Chu's expression flashed, and he said slowly.

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