Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2848: Jing Fei

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Qiuyue nodded silently, and carefully felt the non-confidential confidence in Xiao Naihe, even she felt that she had a solid confidence.

When he thought of Xiao Naihe's ability, Qiuyuexin had no doubt about Xiao Naihe's statement.

When Xiao Nai was in the first place, what he did was still fresh in Qiuyue's heart.

At that time, Xiao Naihe had never succumbed to such masters as Bai inorganic and Huang Lin.

Although later, Huang Lin ’s wife personally pursued Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe was to save her life, but to leave the first plane.

Later, Mrs. Huang Lin chased him up personally, still unable to trap Xiao Naihe.

In the mind of Qiu Yuexin, Xiao Naihe is the invincible representative, and no one can help him.

Now in the longevity world, it seems to be the same.

What is the state of passive peak?

Qiuyuexin can think that Xiao Naihe is not just in the human race, even in any place in the longevity world, I am afraid that it is the kind of person who stands on the top of this face.

The first ancestors are so powerful because there are three sages among them.

Qiuyuexin has also heard that although the human race has faded, but because there is a holy presence, the human race is still standing for many years and will not be completely swallowed up by the various races.

It can be seen that a saint is enough to represent the power of a race.

No matter how powerful the war demon is, it is not the Lord. Qiuyuexin believes that Xiao Nai had a perfect strategy long ago.

She is willing to believe Xiao Naihe.

"The guy Zulong is still at the banquet. The banquet of this war demon should be held very late. We will be fine for a while."

Xiao Naihe turned his eyes and turned far away.

The colorful light flashed there, revealing an atmosphere of singing and dancing, which was very lively.

After taking back his gaze, Xiao Naihe also took Qiuyuexin and they walked under the moonlight.

Compared with the lively scene on the other side, Xiao Naihe and Qiuyue Xin walked quietly.

Qiu Yuexin's mind is very complicated, but Xiao Naihe's expression is very calm.

"Well, there are people there."

Xiao Nai walked halfway, his eyes rolled, and not far away, a figure stood in the mouth of a pavilion.

It was a woman in a green shirt with a gold hairpin on her head and a pair of mysterious runes at the cuffs. Only the nobles of the War Devil could wear such graphic clothes.

Under the moonlight, the woman showed her profile.

The eyes are like snow, the skin can be blown, and the perfect face lines show the woman's closed moon.

Only her eyes seemed to be shining with brilliance, that is, cultivation has reached a very high level, and at least it will not change until the passive middle and late stages.


At this moment, Jing Fei also noticed something, and she focused on herself.

Usually in this mountain temple, the guards in the clan did not dare to set their eyes on themselves, fearing that they would provoke themselves.

But now Jing Fei is aware of this sight, and this sight is not malicious, but with a thought to look at.

Those who dare to have such thoughts are definitely not guards.

Xiao Naihe did not intentionally hide his sight, so it was inevitable to be found.

Jing Fei looked over and saw a man and a woman not far away.

What makes Jing Fei somewhat curious is that the breath of these two people is definitely not their war demon clan.

Among them, the woman's breath is the breath of the human race, which can be easily distinguished.

It was another man, whose breath converged, as if it had merged into the void, completely indistinguishable.

"Who are you?"

Jing Fei's voice is very nice, and there is a sense of nature, like a yellow bird crowing.

"This elder sister, we are here with the emissary."

Qiuyue said quickly.

She felt that the woman in front of her was definitely not a simple existence.

People of the first tribe?

Jing Fei glanced at the two of them and said, "Now is the climax of the banquet. You are not at the banquet. Instead, you walk outside the mountain hall. Would it be a bit inappropriate."

"The girl is the noble of the War Devil, and it would be more inappropriate not to attend the banquet." Xiao Nai He laughed.

At this moment, Jing Fei was closer and glanced at Xiao Naihe and Qiu Yuexin.

Qiuyue's mind is nothing. After all, Qiuyue's mind has just returned to the passive state, and it is easy to separate.

It was the man in front of him, who had no special breath on his body, but a gas field revealed invisibly made Jing Fei feel unfathomable.

For the man who can't even see through himself, the man's cultivation behavior in front of him is afraid to be far above himself.

"I got the news that the lineup among the first tribe of Zhe, the only clan that came was the two princesses of Zushi and the champion Wang. That's how great Master Chu is. The man in front of him is definitely not Mr. Chu. Is he the champion? king?"

Jing Fei had never seen the champion, and at this time she could not help but tentatively asked: "The son should also be the person to attend the banquet. Isn't the son like me, trying to be quiet and slipping out intentionally?"

"You can say that."

Jing Fei's expression changed, Xiao Naihe's words were hazy, but Jing Fei had other thoughts.

This man is qualified to attend the banquet, and judging from this unfathomable cultivation practice, if it is not for Master Tai, then there is only one possibility. He is the champion.

"Son ... Is His Highness the Champion?"


Xiao Naihe was also slightly surprised, this woman actually misunderstood herself as the champion.

At this time, Xiao Nai did not break it, but smiled and said: "How do girls advise?"

"Sure enough, I'm Jing Fei, I believe that Big Brother has already told you my identity. I thought you would slip out at the banquet ... well, since I can't hide, it seems that it is destined."

After this, the woman named Jing Fei no longer spoke to Xiao Naihe, but turned her head and left.

Only the paragraph just now.

Qiuyue's heart was baffled, and she had no idea what the woman was talking about.

"What does that mean? Why didn't I understand it?"

"Of course you don't understand that this person named Jing Fei, her identity is not simple, she is also one of the protagonists at this banquet, but she didn't expect that she would slip out of her own, it seems somewhat unexpected."

Xiao Nai couldn't help but smile, looking at the woman's disappearing back, suddenly thought of the champion king kid.

"What is your identity?"

"This woman should be the marriage partner of the champion king."

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