Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2864: go back

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After Xiao Naihe left, Zhan Tutian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I have to say that the pressure from the two holy lords summoned by Xiao Naihe in the later period was too great.

Especially the great monk, whose strength is unfathomable, even the ancestors dare not face up head-on, and must avoid what kind of spells to Xiao Nai.

But this dangerous method did not succeed, but instead let Xiao Nai go.

At this moment, the token on his body slowly lost its light. After the power in the token disappeared, it immediately turned into a fly ash.

"What a pity."

Zhan Tu Tian flesh was terribly painful. This token is the only holy weapon on his body and the life-saving holy weapon given by his ancestors.

As Xiao Naihe said, this token has only a one-time effect.

In the absence of absolute danger, War Tu Tian is afraid to use it.

Even when the monk just started, Zhan Tutian didn't use it.

And when the young man of the human race finally did it, he really threatened his life.

Zhan Tutian can't help but use tokens to protect himself and his ancestors.

Once any one of them and the ancestors died, then their war demons were really abolished, and they would immediately become second- and third-rate races among the clans.

The death of a great elder is already a great injury to their war demons, and they cannot be recovered for thousands of years.

If another one died, how could the War Demon Clan stand in the center of the clan?

"Why, that human race teenager can break the curse, his Dao heart is really unshakable? Instead, the ancestor did not wake up, what is going on?"

At this moment, Zhan Tutian did not dare to stir up Feifeng.

Zhan Feifeng is definitely going through the desperate scene of the human race boy, and he doesn't know what happened.

Suddenly, the spirit of Zhan Feifeng broke out, and a disappointed breath was released from Zhan Feifeng's body.

It was a desperate, fearful thought and emotion.

Zhan Tutian never imagined that he would feel the emotional thoughts of his ancestors.

"It's terrible, it's terrible. What is the origin of that human race, and why is it going through this terrible desperation?"

When Zhan Feifeng spoke again, his tone was shaking.

Listening to the tone of the ancestor, Zhan Feifeng felt a deep fear from it, which was the fear that came out of his bones.

In the end, what scene did the ancestor see?

"Ancestor, are you okay?"

"Tu Tian, ​​we may immediately integrate the three territories of the War Demon Clan. From now on, our War Demon Clan will be closed first. We will also call back all the children who walk across.

"Old ancestor, what do you see in the memory of that human race kid?"

"The old body doesn't know, the old body just saw a battle, a battle that even the old body doesn't know what level it is, that battle, every breathing old body must die thousands of times, and even the resistance can't resist . "


Every breath is going to die thousands of times, and can't resist it?

What a desperate situation this is, how could the human family have experienced such a desperate situation.

But Zhan Feifeng didn't seem to be able to see clearly. Even if she saw some scattered scenes, she was so tight-lipped that she didn't dare to speak.

For the first time, Zhan Tutian felt this emotion on his ancestors.

He knew that their war demons, no longer seemed to be the war demons that stood up.

There is such a young man among the human races, and the human race is no longer the unbearable human race.


"Mr. Xiao, just now you formed a spell with that Venerable. I don't know how many desperate scenes you showed her, otherwise how could she not wake up when we left?"

After leaving the War Demon Territory, Bingchi Shen immediately asked Xiao Naihe.

He is very familiar with Zhan Feifeng. The woman's death and desperation in her life are afraid of innumerable. He can maintain his morality under those scenes, and he may not even be able to do it himself.

It is really incredible that Xiao Nai could actually recover in a flash.

Especially Xiao Naihe how many desperate scenes there are, when they leave, even Venerable can't wake up.

"Nothing, I just casually revealed a sporadic fragment of a battle scene."

"How is it possible? One game only? And it's just sporadic fragments. Is this really possible?"

"Although the woman's Tao heart is strong, it is not invincible. In terms of cultivation and strength, I definitely can't compare with her at this stage. But if she compares Tao Tao with me, don't talk about him, even if It ’s a monk who ca n’t shake me. ”

Xiao Nai said slowly.

His Dao heart has long reached an indestructible state.

In this longevity world, there must be no one who can shake Xiao Naihe's Dao Xin, causing Xiao Naihe to have a trace of Dao's heart fluctuations.

Zhan Feifeng will not work.

"What kind of scene is it that will make His Holiness fall into it."

"Why, do you really want to see it?"

When Bingchi God heard it and looked at Xiao Naihe, he felt like a demon was standing in front of him.

Suddenly, the Bingchi God shook his head in a hurry, and quickly said: "I can't do it anymore, I still practice on my own, and step by step is in line with the cultivation underneath."

"Go back to Jiuyuan first, and I will call you again when I stand among the human races."

After finishing talking, it is to directly collect the Bingchi God into a void space.

Now Jiuyuan, the Buddha and the Devil, is not a dangerous place.

On the contrary, there is a power bonus of the Buddha, the Devil, and the Chaoyang, and the God of Bingchi is practicing underneath, just like the cultivation in the secret realm. It also has certain benefits, so he does not resist Xiao Naihe's practice.

"Dr. Xiao, the poor monk also left. What else do I need to tell the poor monk in the future, the poor monk will help himself."

This time, the monk was not what Xiao Nai summoned to go back. Since ancient times, the Buddha has been merging with the Buddha and the Demon for many years, and he can freely enter and leave the Buddha.

Xiao Naihe did not stop him.

The War Demon Race has come to an end.

Next, he was going to the first tribe of Chi, after getting his hands and tails well, he took away Qiuyue directly, and then returned to the human race.

After finding a good time and waiting for the completion of the "Fun Tianchi", he can safely go to the robbery and enter the middle and late stages of that holy lord.

"Now the funeral pond should be at the critical time, just waiting for the causal tree and the world tree to use this funeral pond."

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